Page 31 of The Decision Maker

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The only question is, why would I leave here now? What does she want from me? I’ve tried to convince her over and over again that Mason had nothing to do with Jonathan’s death. But the people she is with have brainwashed her so much that I can’t get to her. Still, I can’t just let it go. I can’t give up on her like Mason has. She is still our mom, no matter what.

Placing my uninjured hand on the side of the sink for support, I take in my reflection in the mirror. I look terrible. At first glance, I’m well put together; only people who know me well would notice the tiredness in my eyes, the slight puffiness beneath them.

Knock. Knock.

Ugh. “What?”

“Just checking on you.” Dallas’s muffled voice comes through the door. He still sounds as calm and collected as always, and I feel bad for being such a brat to him. He doesn’t deserve this, but pushing people away is my default setting, and I don’t know how to change that. Especially not now.

“I’m fine.” I try to keep the sass out of my voice but fail pretty miserably. I’m just so annoyed with the world right now.

“She sounds like she needs a spanking,” Griffin’s voice meets my ear and excitement fills my veins. I’m both surprised and relieved by his presence.

Quickly, I fold the paper and stick it in my tampon box under the sink. Looking at the packaging and counting out the days in my head makes me realize I should be getting my period any day now, which explains why I’ve been extra salty. Taking a deep, calming breath, I run my palms down my slacks before unlocking the bathroom door and stepping out.

Dallas is leaning against the doorframe while Griffin is standing a few feet away, his hands stuffed in his pockets. I didn’t realize how much I missed his presence until now. Having him here calms me immediately, like some part of me was missing.

“Good to have you back.” I turn to Dallas, feeling the need to apologize. “I’m sorry I’ve been a bitch all day. You just tried to protect me, and I’ve been a huge brat.”

His features soften, and he gives me a tiny smile. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you saying you agree with me?” Griffin presses on. “You need a spanking?”

“I’m already injured.” I hold up my sprained wrist. “I don’t need a sore ass on top of that.”

“So, spanking after your wrist is healed?”

I roll my eyes at him dramatically. “Sure, but only if I get to spank you back,” I joke. I’m not actually into that at all, but the shocked look on his face is worth me mentioning it.

We sit down on the couch and fill Griffin in with everything that happened while he was gone, minus the sex. I’m sure Dallas is burning up to tell him, but after almost getting kidnapped today, the time to talk about riding his cock on the same couch we are sitting on doesn’t seem appropriate.

Apparently, Dallas doesn’t agree. “Just so you know, we fucked while you were gone,” he says bluntly.

“I figured,” Griffin answers unfazed. “I’m surprised you can still get it up at your age.”

“No problem here. Thanks for your concern. Matter of fact, we were going for round two when we got the text. But hey, if that’s something you are concerned about, I heard they make little blue pills to help you perform better.”

I lean back into the couch cushion, smiling, feeling like everything is right in the world again. Even though I know it’s not. Dallas and Griffin being here has me calm and relaxed. Their bickering is like a soothing blanket that makes me feel protected. I don’t feel whole unless both are with me.

“You look happy right now,” Dallas points out.

“I am. I was just thinking how I like having both of you here. Something was missing when you were gone,” I tell Griffin. Kicking off my boots, I prop my feet up on the coffee table and stretch my arms out above my head. My wrist screams at the movement, a sharp pain shoots through my arm, and I hiss at the discomfort.

“Where are your pain meds?”

“They make me loopy,” I explain, knowing from past injuries how they make me feel. “I want to take a shower first.” I’m about to ask the guys if they want to join when Griffin’s phone goes off.

He looks at the screen and sighs. “It’s Mason. He wants me back up in his office.”

“Well, you have fun with that.” I get up from my seat. “I’m taking a shower. Would you like to join?” I ask Dallas. “I might need some help.” I hold up my injured arm and give him a helpless look.

“Actually, I wanted a word with Dallas real quick, if you don’t mind,” Griffin asks.
