Page 106 of Runaway Pride

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Triggered, Charlie rolled her eyes. “That’s becauseshesaid family didn’t need contracts! Now I know it’s just a trap.”

“Alright, so we have hope.” Aera closed her hands together into a fist. “Now, let’s outline our plans. How much we’re going to need to borrow. How we’re going to budget with what we already have, and where we need to cut back.”

In agreement, Charlie flicked her computer screen on with the movement of her mouse. The screen opened up to a window with her email. A long list of unread glared back at her, but one message stood out.

One from her mother’s lawyer.

Subject title:


Charlie thought she knew what betrayal felt like when her mother ripped her heart out. Reading it in digital text made it burn. When relationship terms need stipulations in documents, the heart in it dies. They existed for practical reasons for many, but for Charlie, it was the end of something organic.

A part of her had ended.

“Charlie, is something the matter?”

Grace Kim movedfast.

Looking at her business partner, Charlie could only shake her head. She needed to call her father,fast.

Rick couldn’t take his eyes off the many,manygargantuan homes he passed as he drove. The lineup of mansions once he entered this community was equally mind blowing and nauseating. So muchspace taken up just for these people to live in excessive luxury. No one needed this much.

The map on his GPS said seven more minutes, so Charlie’s mom’s house must be farther down. He’d gotten the address from Alex, who had to dig it from somewhere in his phone to find it. Alex had only visited once to drop off Charlie years ago.

Rick didn’t divulge to Charlie his spontaneous visit. She wouldn’t be too happy about it, thinking he was doing it out of guilt for her. She couldn’t see, however, that this was forhimself.

He wasn’t going to sit around, no matter what she said. If there was a chance he could do something, then he would. It wouldn’t be comfortable, and he had nothing prepared before he even drove out there, but fuck it.

Fuck it, because he loved Charlie, and would do anything for her. Even if it meant throwing down his pride in front of an unreasonable person.

She didn’t deserve to be treated like this. Her relationship with her mother had their underlying issues that were more than just her mother’s dislike of him. But he could try to remediate wherehewas involved.

He wished he’d asked his dad about the full story of his parents’ relationship, to get an idea. Since Rick faced asimilarproblem, maybe there could have been guidance on the best practices. Dealing with difficult people needed real strategies.

Without a strategy, he didn’t have much to stand on. Should he use logic and reason? Should he bargain? Maybe groveling would work.

There was only one goal set today, and he wasn’t going to leave until he got something out of it. It was less likely he could get Charlie’s mom to change her mind, but if he could get her toconsiderwhat he had to say, then he’d claim that victory.

The GPS notified him of the approaching destination, and he slowed his car next to the sidewalk across from the house. Coming to a full stop, he turned off the engine but remained in his seat.

It wasn’t the biggest house in the community, but the exterior was designed just like the owner: sharp and austere. A combination of traditional and modern, the house had a gable roof with dark blue tiles. White paint, faux stone veneer sidings, and two stories. Through the metal gate, he spotted a spacious driveway with maybe a four-car garage.

Was this Charlie’s childhood home? Her parents were divorced, so he wasn’t sure. Rick had only driven past this community a handful of times in his life, and this was his first going inside. Thoughts went into the grandness of his surroundings. The street looked newly paved. The adjacent homes and their lawns were immaculately maintained. With his windows down, he smelled the fresh-cut grass that could be made into a candle.

He tried imagining what it would be like growing up in such an environment. To have the security and peace of mind that money was abundant and available. To have people clean and cook for you. He was sure they didn’t even have to drive.

It was difficult not to feel envy. He understood why people choose wealth, but there was always a sacrifice. Usually, relationships were the first to go.

Stepping out of the car, he stayed put. Hesitance caught him and booted him to the ground.

What was he going to say? What was his game plan?

“Mrs. Kim, no—Ma’am—” Would it be better if he used the official honorifics?

Clearing his throat, Rick tried again. “Mrs. Kim, as you know, Charlie and I have been seeing each other for some time. It is to my knowledge that you don’t approve…”

Jesus, he sounded like he was making a business proposal.

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