Page 114 of Runaway Pride

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“He would’ve loved you,” he said before turning to look at her. “Apparently none of us Min’s could resist your charms.”

Smirking, she said, “Go on, introduce us.”

He gladly obeyed, staring down at the plaque. “Dad, this is Charlie. Full name Charlotte Grace Ha. We met years ago, but I was too much of an idiot to pay her any attention.”

Charlie’s heart thundered at the liveliness of his narration.

“Alex saw her first. He said he only had friendly feelings, but it was hard to believe when she’s this cute…”

Rick kept going, unable to see Charlie blushing. “I didn’t want to like her, because I didn’t want to end up like you.” He paused as his voice transitioned into something more somber. “But life had other plans, and I ended up falling for her instead. Like, so deep in, I might as well be down there with you.”

Her faint gasp poured out over his stirring confession. She gave him space, not wanting to interrupt.

“She’s great. Charlie…” Rick stopped, biting his lower lip. “I don’t think I want to live without her. And it scares me because I watched you act the same way and?—”

Charlie roped an arm around his waist and rubbed his back in comfort with the other.

“You said you didn’t regret choosing He—mom. I didn’t understand why you weren’t as mad as I was,” he said. “But maybeI can see where you’re coming from now. Just a bit.” He cleared his throat. “Sorry, I went off. Here she is, the love of my life, Charlie.”

Love. The way the title practically danced in her stomach, making her float into the air. Gathering herself, she straightened her dress from where she sat and pulled to her best posture. After fluffing her hair as if the man was standing in front of her, she breathed deeply.

“Good day, Mr. Min. I am so happy to finally meet you, regardless of the circumstances. Being friends with Alex for years, I’ve heard stories about you,” Charlie said in a controlled, cheery tone. “Then, after Rick and I grew close, I discovered a deeper side to your story, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the privilege of being accepted into your family.”

To her side, she sensed Rick’s smile, and reached out to take his hands with hers. “Iloveyour sons. Alex is my best friend, and he married the best girl, who I also adore. But most of all, I love Rick more than I could imagine. You’ve raised two men I admire and will kill for.”

Rick looked impressed.

“I’ve never met a man more honorable, self-sacrificing, and gentle,” she said as she marveled at Rick. Their gazes clung; she knew her words reached him where it mattered. “He has his flaws, of course.” She shot him a daring look, and she saw a flush in his cheeks. “But he is smart enough to figure them out and do better. And he makesmewant to do better. So please, watch after us. And don’t worry, I’ll take care of him the way he deserves.”

Her speech completed, they sat in silence, with only the whisper of the passing afternoon breeze. Charlie rested against Rick, rubbing on the soft fabric of his white shirt. He smelled and looked clean. The shave this morning took off his stubble, softening the ruggedness he usually wore. It was very much a visit-your-father, Sunday best look.

“You had a streak of purple hair the day I first met you,” Rick said, breaking the quiet. “It was an act of rebellion, you said, to getback at your stuffy, insufferable parents. It was an attached extension, so I knew you weren’t trying too hard to piss them off.”

She smiled, thinking back. That day Alex brought her to meet his older brother, she wasn’t expecting him to be so cold and stiff. After the introduction, she’d gotten so nervous around him, she began spilling nonsense and blurted out the hair thing. He couldn’t have looked more disinterested, and she felt embarrassed about the whole thing.

“I thought it was cute that you thought ofthatas rebellion.” He shook his head.

“It did anger my mother,” she pointed out. “But it took little to set her off, anyway. So I consider that a win.”

“How could you visit dad without telling me?” a voiced called out from behind.

Charlie and Rick turned, spotting Alex walking towards them, wearing a shirt and gray pants, shouldering a backpack. His hair was mussed, and dark circles smeared below his eyes, but his tired smile was comforting.

“How did you know we’re here?” Rick asked.

Alex looked over at Charlie. “She may be your girlfriend now, but she’s my friend first.”

Charlie shrugged. “I just told him we’d be here and if he could find it in his busy schedule to join, then that would be great.”

“The anniversary isn’t until three more days,” Alex fussed. “Technically, I didn’t have to come. Sarah couldn’t take off, so it’s just me.” He kneeled down next to his brother and plopped to the ground. “God, I’m exhausted. What are you guys doing here today?”

“Rick introduced me to your dad,” Charlie said proudly.

Alex peeked over at Rick. “Really? Like, in a meet the in-law thing? So this is really serious?”

“Stop teasing him,” she scolded. “It was a special moment. Don’t ruin it.”

“I’m not.” Alex held his hands up. “Just an observation.”

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