Page 12 of Runaway Pride

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“I’m making ramen. Are you hungry?” he asked without turning from his work on the stove.

“I wasn’t until I came in,” she said with a smile in her voice. “I love ramen.”

“Good.” He didn’t have anything else to offer. Minutes later, he poured in the noodles, cracked an egg on each bowl, and dropped in the green onion garnish. Pleased with the presentation, he moved the bowls to the dining table where Charlie sat. She stared at his creation with fascination. Her eager smile reflected her hunger, but Rick was more taken aback by her overall appearance.

He sat across from her, awestruck. With his teenage shirt hanging over her like a tent, and the shorts long enough to cover her knees, he had never seen her in such a state. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail, and her face was completely scrubbed free of makeup. Pink smothered her cheeks, her lashes were a human length, and he even spotted a beauty mark next to the bridge of her nose. She lookedcute.

Clearing his throat, he cut his own train of thought and offered Charlie a pair of chopsticks. She took it with enthusiasm and chowed down her dinner.

“Oh, this issogood,” she said through a full mouth. “It’s not so often I get to indulge in sodium-packed processed noodles.”

Rick dug into his bowl. “Yeah, not when you have better options and an in-house cook.” Alex had mentioned before when he went to have dinner with Charlie and her family, there was a cook preparing fresh meals as they waited.

Shaking her head as she devoured another catch of noodles, Charlie corrected him. “It’s not that. This is forbidden in my diet.Between this and the burger we had earlier, I’d have to work out double as hard to burn the calories.”

He frowned. “Why do you need to do that?”

Charlie shrugged. “My mother put me on a specific diet since I was a teenager. Low-carb, low-sodium, and more fiber.”

“But why?” Rick asked again, clearly not getting the answer. “To stay thin?”

“For health reasons, I suppose. Although it got worse during my modeling phase. It’s much better now.” She saw the look on his face. “I don’t think I’m fat, don’t get me wrong! It’s just something I’m used to, and it keeps me energized while I’m working.”

“What do you do for work?”

She smiled. “I just sold my first beauty boutique. You might have heard of it. Hoku, at Main and 18th street, the outdoor mall.”

“Not really, but I don’t go there often.”

Nodding, she took a sip of the soup. “Anyway, I just bought a medspa, called Springly, with one of my girlfriends, where I will be full time. We’re bringing in a doctor and one nurse to handle the consultation and procedures. I’mexcited!”

He knew nothing about anything she’d just said, but her enthusiasm was commendable.

She had more heart talking about it, a major difference from how she spoke about her wedding. Charlie had more to aspire to than being a regular housewife to a rich chum. It was the path everyone expected of her, even Rick, but she seemed to have other ideas.

He admired it. There was more to Charlotte Ha than Chanel and Michelin star dining. Looking at her as she inhaled her dinner, he wondered what else he might have missed.

“I saw your pictures. They’re lovely,” she commented. “You must love what you do.”

He did and took a lot of pride in it. “It’s fulfilling. I get to see the world and its nuances. I’m lucky to have come across photography.”

“Nuances. That’s what makes things beautiful.” She smiled at him. “Speaking of so, have you ever thought about being in front of the camera?”

“What do you mean?”

“I think you’d make an outstanding model. I have a line for men’s health and skin care, and would love for you to be my representative.”

That made him laugh. “I don’t think so. I’d prefer to be the one taking the shots.”

Charlie did a slow head tilt. “I’m being truthful. You should really consider.”

“Sure.” And that was the only consideration he was going to give. Modeling? Ha. It worked well forher, but no one was going to give him a second look.

“What were your plans today if you hadn’t been ambushed?” she asked him.

“I would have gone to the gym. I go a few times a week and on Saturdays when I’m home.”

“Where at?”

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