Page 29 of Runaway Pride

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Rick blinked, having trouble putting things together. It wasn’tthat hard. The guys just said it. Charlie had brought catered meals to his gym to make amends for the baseball game. Who does that?

“I’m sorry, you got food for everyone here?” he asked, astonished.

“I wasn’t sure how many of you were here, but I bought one hundred sandwiches. I hope it’s enough,” she said candidly, as though buying a hundred sandwiches for one lunch was nothing to sweat about.

“Oh, it’smorethan enough,” Jackson assured. “You’re such a nice lady.”

Charlie beamed before lifting the cover of her cooler, revealing neatly wrapped foils stacked on one another. There had to be around fifty inside. “The gold ones are the Peruvian steak—be aware that it’s spicy. The silvers are the salami and chicken, and the greens are the vegetarian farm sub. Don’t be shy, dig in!”

Each member dropped whatever they were doing and began forming a line like compliant school children. Charlie gave Jackson, Steve, and Nick the first sandwiches. Rick didn’t realize he was still struck dumb until Nick nudged him in the ribs.

“Hey, care to thank your girl for us, man? She totally came through,” his friend grunted before unwrapping his lunch. “This is fucking delicious.”

Thankinghisgirl? Shaking himself, he gently tugged Charlie’s arm while the others made themselves busy, not stopping until they were outside of the gym.

“Is something wrong?” she asked. “You look a little tense.”

He blew off a steamed breath, raking a hand through his hair before looking at her. So gorgeous in her getup, she made him question if she was real and standing in front of him. This was … unusual. Incredible.

“I’m fine…” Not really, but he had to act like he was. “I… what—hmm. Charlie, this is… crazy.”

Concern wrote on her face. “Too much? Is it too extravagant?”

“Well,yes.” He saw the look on her face. “Not that I don’tappreciate it. I do. It’s amazing. Insane. But what happened at the game wasn’t your fault. I wasn’t upset about it. You didn’t have to do this.”

“I know, but you took such good care of me I wanted to return your kindness,” she said.

The way she looked told him he screwed up. He had not expected this. In hindsight, he was an idiot to suggest they went out together. Now, he’d dug himself a grave.

She made him feel things he had no business feeling. None of this was supposed to be serious. But here he was, getting showered with such care by a possible angel in designer labels. All he could think of was how much he wanted to kiss her, to find out how luscious those red lips were and if she tasted just as sweet as she was.

He couldn’t cross that line. He wanted to be near her, but this couldn’t turn into anything more. They were too different for that line to make sense if they were to cross it.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“What… do I do with you, Charlie?”


Charlie lookedat her watch and rapped lightly on the table, her newly done manicure clicking back. At her usual spot for high tea, she waited for her girlfriends to arrive.

The restaurant was usually booked, and worse in the summer. Gisele pulled some strings with the owner and got them a time slot. Their lunch set included caviar, smoked salmon, and sea urchin, but their main selling points were their services and decor. Inside was a blend of modern and Edwardian federation.

Just then, among the busyness of the room, she spotted Aera at the entrance, looking like she belonged in a light yellow, high-waisted pantsuit.

Charlie waved at her.

“Hey, where are the others?” Aera asked before settling down.

“I believe they’re on the way,” Charlie said. The server came over to take their orders, just in time for Gisele and Eunice to arrive. Eunice brought her toddler, who looked fast asleep in a stroller, and Gisele followed behind, flaunting a new hair job.

“Uh oh,” Aera whispered. “They brought Gemma.”

Charlie groaned. Gemma and Gisele. The Tattle Twins.

Gemma Mo was an even bigger gossip than Gisele. No doubtGisele brought her today for some schmoozing. No doubt there will be questions for Charlie.

“Ladies, it’s been so long,” Gemma cooed as they all took their seats. Looking at Charlie, she threw a curious expression. “Honey, how are you?”
