Page 38 of Runaway Pride

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She pretended to think, narrowing her eyes at him mischievously. “Nothing. It is my instinct to go over the top for people I like.”

People I like.

Yes, she seemed to like him, and there was no denying she grewon him. The root of growth exponentially climbed as time passed, and even more so when he found out how she tasted.

Things were changing too quickly. If he gave into his urges and kissed her like how she wanted him to, it would lead to other things. It made him sweat, imagining her in the bedroom. That next line in their no-crossing zone was getting really close and tempting. If they went over, well, then he’s fucked.

“You’re finally home!” Charlie cried when Sarah opened the door of the apartment. Circling her friend in a tight hug, she bounced them back and forth.

“Your hair looks fantastic!”

Charlie struck a pose and swept her hair. “Thank you. I haven’t seen you in forever!”

“Feels like an eternity!” Sarah commented breathlessly. “Almost a full month away. We will never get that kind of break again.”

“If it was me, and I had a choice of staying in paradise sipping on Mai Tai’s and skinny dipping in crystal clear water, I would never come back,” Charlie said as she walked inside.

It was nearly dinner time, and Rick had just picked up Alex and Sarah from the airport. When Charlie suggested they go out for dinner, the couple said they were too exhausted from their flight to dine out, so Rick and Alex went to pick up takeout.

Sarah wrinkled her nose, already changed into her pajamas. “Lady, youdohave that choice right now if you want. Remember, we were supposed to be in paradise together.”

Pursing her lips, Charlie sighed. “Maybe I should have. I just didn’t want to honeymoon with the groom.”

“Ouch,” Sarah remarked pitifully. “How is Matt doing?”

“Oh, he’s doing great,” Charlie said favorably. “He’s already moved on.”

Sarah’s mouth dropped. “Already?”


“I guess it all worked out,” Sarah said, and took out two glass cups from the cabinet. Pouring water in them, she handed Charlie one. “How are things with your mom?”

The laugh that unceremoniously came out of Charlie was even a surprise to herself. “Let’s not talk about my mother. There’s no room in my mental health to allow her in when she’s not around. Nothing about my family. Please.”

“Understood,” Sarah said with a smile. Looking at the clock, Sarah grumbled. “The guys must have hit some traffic to take this long. I’m starving.”

They talked about the honeymoon while they waited. Charlie forced herself to listen, but her mind was ticking along with the clock. Her subconscious was very aware that Rick was going to arrive soon.

A half-hour after six, nearly two hours after the guys had left to get food, they returned. The door opened as Alex and Rick came in, each holding brown takeout bags as the room filled with the smell of cooked meat.

“Finally,” Sarah said.

From the couch, Charlie didn’t realize how fast she sprung from her seat. In a matter of seconds, she was in front of the brothers before they even set down the bags.

“Hello…” she said, intending to greet them both, except her eyes were glued on Rick.

“Hi,” he said back, a small grin spreading across his ridiculously attractive face. In a basic t-shirt and jeans, he still stood out.

“Well,hello to you, too,” Alex inserted himself next to them, his tone peculiar. Charlie saw the inquisitive cast on her best friend’s face and immediately recollected herself. She hadn’t seen him for weeks, but it was astonishing how much of Rick she noticed in him now.

“Uh, we were wondering what took you so long,” Charlie coughed, then stood back a couple of steps. “We’re starving.”

“Hmm.” Alex raised a brow. “It took a while because our orders were mixed up.”

Rick and Alex set the bags on the kitchen counter while Sarah greedily plowed through each box. Charlie hugged Alex afterward, keeping a suitable space between Rick. Everyone helped distribute the plates and utensils, then gathered around the dining table. Charlie and Rick sat across from each other, taking measures to act normal, whatever that meant.

“Something’s different,” Alex commented, looking at her and then his brother. “Looks like you two are getting along.”

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