Page 57 of Runaway Pride

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The partners were using their lunchtime to work. Charlie could run on no sustenance when determined to get her daily goals done.

“How’s Ryan doing as our front desk?” Aera asked, bringing a fork of Caesar salad mix to her mouth. “I have gotten no complaints so far.”

At the mention of one of Charlie’s biggest sore spots, she rolled her eyes. “Ryan is a charmer. Even if he is screwing up, he gets away with it. But so far he hasn’t screwed up any appointments… I think.”

“Word has it he’s been having his coworkers do most of thework,” Aera nibbled her lunch while clicking through the mouse on Charlie’s desk. “The charm, I’m assuming.”

Groaning, Charlie stopped her writing and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know how much more straightforward it can get to do his job.”

“Give him some credit. He’s smart enough to get someone else to do his work.”

“He’ll get his comeuppance. I just don’t know when,” Charlie fumed.

“Why don’t you put a rein on him? You complain that your mother never does.”

“Because he’s anadult!” Fed up with the ineptness surrounding her brother, she threw the washable marker down the floor indignantly. “He’s agrown man. I don’t have time to be his life coach! Why can’t men just grow the hell up?”

“Yikes.” Aera remarked. “Why don’t we take a break? You’ve been at this for hours. We’ve already scheduled our rotations two weeks in advance.”

“I think there’s more to cover.” Picking the pen back up, Charlie returned to the board. The red and green markings over the dry-erase surface glared back at her. A headache formed staring at the hand drawn table cells of numbers and letters.

She was making too much of it. Finding things to pick on, only to give herself more work to keep busy. Work was only a temporary stand in for blocking off her beaten emotions, but did well in tempering her negative thoughts. It got addicting, and she didn’t want to stop.

“As your business partner?—”

“No,” Charlie rejected. “You don’t get to use that on me every time!”

“I can and I will,” Aera continued. “I order you to stop and use our facial services to pamper yourself. The Aromatic Aphrodite and Leah are available.”

Aromatic Aphrodite was the room used for premium facial treatments. Clients could nap for an hour after getting their facials and massage. Leah was their best masseuse.

As Charlie stood hesitating, Aera brought out the big guns.

“Your dark circles need it.”

Gasping, Charlie brought up her hands to feel under her eyes. “You’re mean!”

“You’ve made me resort to this,” her partner said wryly. “At least come and eat something. You had nothing all morning, and it’s making me angry.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.” Charlie put the pen on the tray next to the whiteboard and walked to her desk. Aera stood and pointed to the computer screen.

“Look, we’ve got some good traction on social media, and sales have been steady. So relax and eat some bread.”

“I thought carbs were evil,” Charlie reminded her.

“You can take it,” Aera quipped before lightly tapping Charlie on the shoulder. “Now,get.”

Charlie sat on her chair and slid the cold chicken sandwich closer to her. It had been sitting on her desk since Aera showed up when they opened, and all Charlie had was coffee. She felt the shakes before noon, but didn’t stop to fill her stomach.

Poor appetite caused her to lose a few pounds, but not enough to be concerned. Stress and depression were also culprits. Yoga and Pilates helped a little, but she needed to take it easy.

As Aera cleaned up the clutter on the desk, a knock came at the door.

“Come in,” Charlie automatically said, looking at her lunch with contempt.

The door clicked open. Charlie heard Aera’s soft gasp before looking up to see their visitor. Her own silent gasp followed, jaw pulled down.

