Page 62 of Runaway Pride

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“Did something happen?”

Her expression turned angry. “I don’t know where to start. It’s Ryan, that asshole.”

Ah, her freeloading, hopeless brother. It had to be serious when Charlie cursed.

“What did he do this time?”

“He’s screwing up our clients’ reservations. We’ve got complaints and even some negative reviews online.” She sounded tired. “I don’t know what to do with him, Rick. He’s an adult. It’s not like I can take away his toys if he doesn’t behave.”

“Have you smacked him around?” he half-joked.

She sighed. “He just doesn’t care… I told him if he doesn’t turn the corner by tomorrow, I’m going to let him go.”

“Maybe that is for the best,” Rick said, having no other ideas for her.

“He’s my brother. I wanted so much to help him improve, because I couldn’t just give up on him. But I should take it as a sign if even our mother was done. He needs to learn the hard way.”

“Some people need that.”

“They do,” she agreed, then stood back to look at him. “You’re a trooper on your first official day as a model.”

“Anything for you.”

She looked away, pink coloring her cheeks adorably. He tried tokeep things professional and casual, but it was too hard to resist flirting with her.

“Thank you,” she said. “Rest up for tomorrow.”

“I will.”

She smiled at him before walking away. “I have to put out some fire. There are snacks in the break room’s pantry and a lunchbox meal in the fridge if you’re hungry.”

“Thanks, I’ll help myself.”

She disappeared the other way, and Rick made a beeline for the break room when he spotted someone coming out of there and pushed out to an exit door. He glimpsed a gangling half-boy half-man before the door shut.

Deducing that this was Charlie’s brother, Rick followed his direction. Once outside, Rick saw Ryan leaning against the building’s wall, phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He didn’t notice Rick coming.

Rick didn’t like getting involved. Growing up, he’d encountered some of the most spoiled and entitled kids, and Ryan wasn’t the worst. But this nitwit caused Charlie unnecessary stress, and Rick hated seeing Charlie upset more than he hated getting involved.

“Hey. Ryan, right?” Rick asked, before coming closer.

The guy looked up from his screen and glanced at Rick. “You the model?”

Rick nearly rolled his eyes. “Yeah. What are you doing out here?”

Ryan shrugged. “Taking a break.”

Rick smelled tobacco instead of pot coming from Ryan’s cigarette. At least the moron knew not to get high in a professional setting.

Hands in his pockets, Rick stood right next to Charlie’s brother, who grimaced at the sudden proximity.

“Seems like you’ve taken a lot of breaks already,” Rick said. “You should really get back to work. Your sister is counting on you.”

Ryan narrowed his eyes. “What the hell? You have a lot of nerve for a part-time pretty boy-toy my sister hired. Who are you to tell me what to do?”

Pretty boy-toy. That was the first time anyone had ever called him that. Rick didn’t hate it.

“Charlie’s a nice lady. I like her, and I don’t like it when someone’s taking advantage of her kindness.”

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