Page 7 of Runaway Pride

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Maybe he thought she was too snooty to bother, but his presence was minimal where she was concerned. From what Alex told her, Richard lived by his own rules. He wasn’t a recluse, but certainly elusive. Often, he could be intimidating enough for her to want to avoid getting close. Not that he was giving her the option. He wasn’t around much, anyway.

Africa, South America, Asia—his job took him everywhere but home. She wondered what it would be to live as he did, free from familial and communal obligations. Richard cared for his family, but he didn’t have to deal with the societal demands.

Sitting in his living room, she felt comforted. She didn’t know what to expect, given her lack of knowledge about him, but a shoulder to cry on wasn’t on the list. Not exactly his shoulders, but good enough.

For once in many months, her smile was sincere. “Thanks, Richard.”

“Call me Rick,” he said.

Rick. The name was more powerful when he said it, and she liked how it sounded in her head.

“Rick,” she repeated. It was even better out loud.

He nodded; his expression unintelligible. It didn’t occur to her how uncomfortable he must be feeling about the situation. She’d gotten him involved without considering him. Embarrassment caught up with her.

“Oh, no. I-I’m so sorry about putting you through this!” sheexclaimed. “I wasn’t thinking. I panicked—and then I saw you there, and so I?—”

“It’s alright, Charlotte,” he stopped her. “You’re stressed. I can see that, and I don’t mind.”

She wondered if he was lying, but appreciated his kindness. “Please call me Charlie.”

He nodded, then offered, “Do you want something to drink?” Strands of hair fell to his forehead, pulling her attention to his deep brown eyes.

“Water is fine, thank you,” she answered, and stood up. “I think I’ll wash up.”

“Okay, I’ll have the glass ready when you’re out. The bathroom is the first door down the hallway to the right.” He stood too, and Charlie almost jerked when his full height overshadowed her. She’d forgotten how tall he was, and she was tall herself. The top of her head reached his chin, and her face almost hit his chest with how close they were.

He had gotten bigger over the years; she remembered him leaner, but now he was well-muscled. She noticed he enjoyed wearing his hair longer, the back slightly curling around his nape and the front fringes wispy and flowing on his forehead.

His facial hair was so different from the clean-shaven men she was so used to. Thick, downturn brows shaped over intense hooded eyes that looked nothing like Alex’s rounder pair. A straight nose pointed to lips that bordered feminine, and his jawline lacked sharpness, but was still powerfully masculine. Like Prince Eric fromThe Little Mermaidif the prince had a five o’clock shadow.

She stopped her inappropriate ogling before he noticed, thanked him, and padded out of the living room to find the toilet. She turned on the faucet and felt the cold water run through her fingers as she stared into space.

The bathroom was small; the walls were painted a slate grayand smelled of rosewood. Frames decorated the walls with gray-scale photographs.

One displayed a woman smiling with her children standing next to an elephant adorned in headgear. Another by the mirror showed a cliff by the sea, the sun setting in the background. This must be Rick’s work. They were beautiful.

She wondered how much fun he had when he was out in the field. How many people he had met, the things he got to experience. It never occurred to her to get up close to an elephant. Did he get to ride a camel, too?

Her mother would flip if she ever considered.It’s too dirty. Charlie could already hear the complaints.The air quality over there would be awful.

Sighing, she started washing herself, splashing water haphazardly over her face. Not caring how her makeup was melting, she carefully scrubbed it off. The artificial mink lashes clinging to her eyes were a monumental nuisance since the morning of her makeover. They irritated her skin. Next that came off was the veil still hanging loosely behind her broken chignon, and she ripped it out in hefty satisfaction.

Her damp hair stuck to her forehead, and she was a mess, but she felt a weight lifted.

A knock on the door came as she wiped the lipstick from her mouth. “Yes? Come in.”

Rick appeared behind the threshold wearing a tentative expression and holding a phone in his hand. “Bad news.”

“Oh, no,” she whispered. “What is it?”

“Alex called and said the resort released the surveillance video of you running into my car, which he recognized. He and Sarah haven’t told anyone yet, but he said your mother is going to call the police if she doesn’t hear from you soon.”

“Oh, my goodness,” Charlie gasped, then pointed to the phone. “Is that Alex?”

Rick nodded and handed the device over to her.

“Alex,” she breathed.
