Page 76 of Runaway Pride

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Rick saw her eyes welling with tears before she sniffed it back in. “The whole week,” he confirmed. “Does that sound good to you?”

“It sounds perfect.” She pulled him in for a hug so tight his chest cramped. Resting her head on his shoulder, she lingered in his arms.

The thought of being around her day in and out should have unnerved him, but he wanted the change this time.

As he held her, someone caught his attention through the glass. He spotted Charlie’s brother behind the front desk. Ryan met Rick’s gaze before he sat down, his body freezing in uncertainty. Rick had a face full of makeup the last time they spoke, but Ryan seemed to recognize him.

He grinned at the stunned expression Ryan sported, likely shocked about Rick hugging his sister so intimately. Deciding to turn it up a notch, Rick raised a brow at Ryan before shooting him a wink.

Ryan squirmed, sat stiffly for a few seconds beforebolting from his chair. Rick held back a laugh. The guy wastooeasy to mess with.

Charlie broke the hug, looking at him with sulky lips. “I wish you didn’t have to go, but the silver lining is spending a whole week together naked.”

He chuckled, then lowered to kiss her. She clung to his lips, and he enjoyed the little public display of affection before they pulled apart.

“I’ll walk you to your car,” she said.

Back inside the building, Charlie was heading to her office when a hand grabbed her forearm. She winced at the harshness of her brother’s grip.

The grimness on Ryan’s face alarmed her.

“Ryan? What’s wrong?”

“That guy you were with. The model.”

She frowned. “You mean Rick?”

“Are you dating him?”

Smiling, she proudly said, “Yes, I am.”

“Why?” he cried, causing her to jump. “Stay away from him. He’s a weirdo.A criminal.”

“What are you talking about?” she demanded, hands on her hips.

“He was in prison! And he’s got that creepy as fuck look in his eyes. Why are you even dating him?” Ryan asked. “Are you that desperate?”

Ignoring the last insult, she wondered what caused him to act like this, but didn’t have the time or interest to get into it with him. Slanting her eyes at Ryan accusingly, she asked, “Are you high?”

“No!” he said exasperatingly. “Listen to me. He’s acreep.”

“Don’t talk about Rick like that,” she ordered. “He’s not acreep. I don’t know where you’re getting all this, but it’s not relevant to what you’re supposed to do right now. Get back to work.”

He’d been doing a good job as of late, showing even just a little care for maintaining a level of professionalism. His job wasn’t hard, but he was trying, and she was grateful. She hoped the change would become lasting, but she won’t hold her breath.

“I’m just looking out for you. He’s bad news. Don’t go for every good-looking dude you meet. Have some standards,” Ryan pleaded. “He’s going to scam you.”

Charlie gritted her teeth. “Thanks for the warning, but I can manage on my own. Plus, worry more about yourself. Have you taken care of the fixes for your apartment?”

According to their mother, it took multiple threats from their lawyers to get insurance to pay up. Charlie didn’t blame them for refusing. Ryan’s negligence caused the accident, and Charlie wouldn’t want to compensate either. The settlement didn’t cover all the costs for the damages, however, which was what Ryan was here for. It was a slow progress, but everyone had to start somewhere.

Ryan shrugged. “It’s coming along, I guess. There’s a new repairman every day. I go to Johnny’s when there’s too much dust, but his place smells like ass. Can I stay with you instead?”

Images of Ryan walking in on her and Rick floated in her head. She shooed it away, cringing.

“No. Why don’t you ask one of your girlfriends?” Charlie proposed casually, proceeding to walk into her office as he followed behind.

“What girlfriend?”
