Page 75 of Runaway Pride

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His eyes widened in stunned fascination. “Never.”

Charlie sloped in to lick his Adam’s apple, and she felt goosebumps rising on his taut skin.

“Well, I could be your first andonlymodel,” she suggested. “You can tell me what you want to see.” She threw her head back and touched her neck. “How I should pose.” Her hand trickled down to the space between her breasts before she held onto a plumped mound. Rick groaned when she played with the nipple between her fingers. “I can be a very versatile model.”

“Shit,” he whispered. “Were you always like this?” With a low grunt, he grabbed her other breasts and mimicked her actions on the stiff peak. “I don’t know whether I should fuck you first or take the pictures.”

Charlie arched her hips to him. “Do both.Now.”

Rick growled, brought her in for a forceful kiss before taking her advice and didboth.


“Great job this time,Rick. You’re on your way to becoming a supermodel!” Alec, the photographer, complimented when Rick came out of the restroom.

“Thanks,” Rick said. He took the praise to heart. It was definitely difficult, especially with the weight of a billion layers of makeup, to make it look like hewasn’twearing any makeup.

It was the last of his photoshoot for Charlie’s product line, and he was glad. Modeling was just not in his genes. He could see how Charlie excelled in it, recalling the night she had him take out his camera and made true to her comment of modeling for him.

He didn’t have the right lens but made do with what he had. She was the real showpiece, posing so naturally in front of the camera he thought she was better off modeling full time. The things she could do with her body. He was able to get maybe fifty or so shots before abandoning the device and having his way with her.

With the pictures still in his memory card, he had to remind himself to transfer them into a private storage. They were not suitable for the public eye.

Rinsed bare of the heavy makeup, Rick was thrilled to have finished early. Charlie, unfortunately, still had to stay, but the afternoon was his to enjoy, and he planned to do it by going through Charlie’s photos.

The door of her office opened, and Charlie came out into the hallway. Upon seeing him, her face lit up. Without fail, she had him on his knees with that smile.

“Rick. Are you done?” she asked before walking over to him. Her swaying hips snugged in a tight yellow dress caught his attention.

“Yeah, Alec wrapped it up once he was satisfied,” he answered, drawing her into his arms. Her arm went around his waist as they walked out to the front.

“I can’t wait to see them. Are you going home now?”

“Yes, unless you need me for something else.”

Mischief danced in her eyes. “I always need you for something else.” She pouted. “Also, I don’t think I’ll be able to see you tonight. Aera and I have a meeting with an investor overseas, so the call will be obscenely late at night.”

“Why don’t you take the call at home?”

“They want a tour of the spa, so we’ll have to lug a camera around to show them,” she explained.

That was too bad. Guess he’d have to make do with just her pictures.

They walked out the door before coming to a stop. She didn’t let go of his waist, her eyes rounded into adorable circles with pursed lips.

“This is the first night I won’t be with you. I hate it.”

“How about I pack my bags and come stay with you for the week?” he suggested. “That way, you don’t have to drag your entire bathroom to my house for your billion-step skincare routine.”

Before bed, she’d spend over an hour in the bathroom. After a shower, she was in front of the mirror with a sink load of products,each one having a purpose to improve the skin. He couldn’t deny its effect, considering how fantastic Charlie’s skin looked and felt, but it seemed incredibly tedious. Her overnight bag every time she came over was bigger than his travel luggage.

Her face glowed at his idea. “The entire week?”

Rick understood the awe in her voice. This was big. Shit, he already had a toothbrush at her place, and hers at his. Rick had never met this milestone with anyone. The longest he’d stayed with a girlfriend was a weekend.

With Charlie, every time he left her house or watched her drive off, a pervasive void stuck with him until the next time he saw her. That had to be a sign for something.

It was new, and he was scared to shit about what this all meant, but he wasn’t afraid to discover it with Charlie. As long as she was willing.
