Page 83 of Runaway Pride

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He glowered at her. “I hope there’s a positive connotation in that statement.”

She laughed. “Of course. I’ve always thought you were… elusive. Does show signs of grumpiness, but so sexy and irresistible.”

He lowered to kiss her. “You think I’m sexy.”

She nodded lazily before dragging her manicured fingers over his lips. “Insanely so. I’m so happy with you. Are you happy with me?”

“I wouldn’t embarrass myself by asking you to give me a chance if I wasn’t.”

She smirked. “Good answer.”

“By any chance, does this have anything to do with your ex and his new engagement?” he asked, cutting to his suspicion.

At the widening of her eyes, he knew he hit the nail right on the head.

“How did you know?”

Rick rolled his eyes. “Sarah mentioned it when I went to dropoff dry cleaning for Alex. Said you two were texting and talking about it.”

“Oh.” Her eyes lowered. “Don’t misunderstand. It’s not like I’m not over him, so it’s bothering me–”

“I know, Charlie,” he cut her off. “You don’t have to explain.”

Rick had snuck a peek at the guy’s social media and found nothing to feel threatened about. The scrawny, weasel-faced doctor had nothing on Rick, except maybe money and an M.D. license.

She didn’t have to justify her mixed feelings about her ex’s speedy return to the next walk down the aisle. Even if she didn’t have any feelings left for her ex, it still was a blow in the face for him to move on toward such commitment so soon. Was the guy that much in a hurry to get hitched?

“Everyone around me is married, getting married, or having kids. It’s not just from our parents, or specifically, my mother. But I feel like there’s some urging from even my friends.”

“Your friends are urging you to get married?” Rick asked, flabbergasted. Why the hell would they care? Can’t people just mind their own business?

“No, not like that.” She sighed. “Alex, Sarah, and I were inseparable in college. But since they started dating, I became the odd one out. They tried everything to make it seem like nothing’s changed, but I still felt like the third wheel.”

She leaned on him, her back against his chest as they both looked at the view. “I think that’s why I rushed into a relationship with Matt once my mother introduced me to him. He was a right fit, on paper, that is.”

Rick scoffed to himself. Nothing sounded right.

“We got along fine. It seemed like we, as well as our families, were all on the same page. But something just didn’t feel good, and I thought I was just overthinking. I only realized the mistake when it was far past the time I should end it.”

She turned to look at him, her eyes empty of mischief and humor. “I don’t want to make the same mistake again. Not with you.” Charlie swiveled her body around and took his hand. “For the first time, I feel something when I’m with you. I think about you all the time, and I never want to go a day without talking to or seeing you.”

Rick’s chest clamored chaotically as she spoke, his ears burning at her sentimental tone. Was she saying what he thought she was leading to?

“I want to know ifweare on the same page, Rick,” she said, almost hesitatingly. “I’ve fought bringing this up to you because it’s still so early, but I know how I feel. And I want to know how you feel.”

From the look on Charlie’s face, it was apparent that she was in an emotional state of mind. After a canceled wedding, starting and managing a new business, and dealing with him, it had to be overwhelming. He couldn’t fault her for wanting stability, but he didn’t want to make promises he couldn’t keep.

He wished men were trained to talk about their feelings more openly, then they wouldn’t have so much trouble articulating themselves. Which was his predicament now, tongue-tied and wracking his brain for a coherent and satisfactory response. Charlie wasn’t going to accept anything half-assed. Nor should she.

Alright, he could do this. From the heart.

Rick squeezed her hand, relishing the warmth. “I feel… let’s see. I feel…”

She waited patiently.

“You make me question myself, Charlie.”

Her lashes fluttered up, eyes lighting in surprise.
