Page 87 of Runaway Pride

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“Thanks,” he mumbled, considering it all. “I guess the good that came out of it was the push to grow up faster.”

Like a balm on his wounds, Charlie’s comforting hands found his face, bringing him to look at her.

“Was it hard?” Warm eyes flickered back at him.

The torpid emotion surfaced without him knowing that he had to shake himself back. Once in a while, he’d relive those memories.

Sighing, he closed his eyes. There was no point in denying the pain. As much as he wanted to put up the indifferent front, he grew tired of pretending.

“Yeah, it was,” he admitted. “Every day I watched my dad suffer from not just his illness, but the hurt she caused.”

Charlie nuzzled his neck, easing the tension on his body. “You did well. I am so proud. Alex always talked about you like you were his hero. I hadn’t understood that enthusiasm then because you were such a grouch with me.” She wrinkled her nose and bit him lightly as a retaliation. He grunted in response, accepting the humor. “But now I see it. You gave up a lot for him and your family. You didn’t get to really live. To enjoy having a childhood.”

“It is what it is,” he said remorsefully. “I can’t change anything. Let’s not dwell on the past.”

Rick reached for the fork by the plate and stabbed a slice of mango before offering it to her. She happily accepted it.

“Speaking of mothers…” she said again.

He chewed on the strawberry he picked for himself and waited for her to continue. The look of caution on her face did not bode well for him.

“Since we’ve been serious for a while,” she said and linked their hands together. “Would you be willing to meetmymother when the occasion calls for it?”

Even she sounded nervous asking. This was supposed to be the natural progression in a relationship, but had he met any of his former girlfriends’ parents?

He blew a loaded breath. “Does shewantto meet with me?”

Having never met the woman, he could only go off with the stories she gave him. And none were encouraging.

Charlie was from a very classist culture, and while he understood the reasons, he couldn’t relate. What he could do was imagine how it would all go down.Notpretty.

She bit her lips, and Rick had his answer.

“My mother is a tricky woman to get along with, but she’s still my family.” Charlie tried easing the tension with a pretty smile. “And you are very important to me, so I would really want the important people in my life to meet. I would say things will work themselves out in time.”

Rick loved her positivity, despite it being too ideal. He would be a jackass to rain on it, but he also didn’t want to set any unrealistic expectation for her.

He’d do a lot to keep that smile on her face, but he couldn’t guarantee how long he’d last when pushed too far. Hopefully, Mrs. Ha, or whatever she was called now, was civil.

“I’ll meet with her,” he told Charlie. “I doubt we’ll be best friends, though.”

She beamed brighter than a nightlight. “Don’t worry, no one could be her best friend, so don’t even try to strive for that energy.” Tugging his head down to her, she whispered into his lips, “Thank you, Rick. This meansso muchto me.”

Her possessive kiss sent him into a spastic shock, scrambling over his head. She could get him to agree to anything when kissing him like that. Wet tongue gliding on his in aggressive strokes, she was practically inhaling him. Her moans ignited the flames.

Reaching inside her shirt, he didn’t have to unbutton to find her skin and eventually got a hold of one heavy breast. His index finger brushed over the nipple, inciting her to arch for him. She rubbed her ass against his crotch under his boxers, but he was already hard the moment her mouth touched his.

“Rick, take off your clothes,” she commandedin between kisses, already pulling off her oversized shirt. Left in her lacy white panties, she was ready and eager.

His shirt and boxers vanished within a flash, and he was on top of and then inside her seconds after. The fruits on the table were forgotten, and the rest of the afternoon was filled with Charlie’s strained moans and the rain clatters on the windows.

Charlie ran out of excuses to avoid her mother for their monthly family dinners. Her father had been easy. All she had to do was tell him she’s too busy and he’d take her word for it. With her mother, she had to get creative. Alas, after four successful runs, she couldn’t ward off the dragon any longer.

Ryan, the favored idiot, was off the hook because he was “sick”. And mother dear wouldn’t have her precious son overexert himself.

Dinner was at Grace’s favorite Indian restaurant tonight. Charlie often preferred to be out when dining with any of her parents. The awkward breaks in between mouthfuls were painful, and having even strangers around helped.

She was also relieved to have her stepfather present. The man was forgettable and easily blended in with the background, but his company was more pleasant to deal with than Grace.
