Page 91 of Runaway Pride

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She was impressed by how unbothered Rick looked. He might be internally coiling, but he had a great poker face if that was the case.

“I’m sure it will be fine,” Rick said with a smoothness she found sexy. “Stop overthinking.”

Restless, she pressed their bodies together and snaked around his neck. Her breasts pushed on his chest, and she brushed off the bad thoughts as he said and instead focused on him.

He looked especially handsome tonight.

They’d gone shopping earlier, and it was a scene out of a movie when she dragged him store after store to find the perfect outfit. He must have tried on fifteen different suits before she finally settled on a casual linen shirt and dark slacks.

His hair was combed back, redefining the look of sleek poise. He’d make a killing with modeling if he wanted to. If Charlie saw him across the room, she would be convinced he was a big shot tycoon, ready to step on anyone who got in his way.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, noticing her gaze on him.

His strong arms were draped around her waist, hands splayed over her lower back. Their intimacy had grown so naturally she couldn’t remember a time they weren’t together in the most personal way.

“Nothing. I just can’t get over how sexy you are,” she said, to which he smiled. “I want everyone to see you like how I see you.”

“How do you see me?” he fished, loving the attention.

She loved indulging him. “Insanely handsome. Charming. Confident. Generous. Sweet. Great in bed.”

“Iamthose things,” he smugly agreed, inciting a laugh from her.

The urge to tell him about her feelings grew stronger, but she needed to give it more time. Tonight was already too high pressure. She wasn’t going to throw high emotions into the mix.

Looking at him only made her want to protect him at all costs. She couldn’t subject him to Grace so early. They had time. Except… if she pushed it any later, her mother would continue the ruthless pursuit of pushing her with men Charlie didn’t care for.

“You look like you’re about to have an aneurysm with all that thinking.” Rick held her tight, his breath tickling her face. “Relax. Your mother is just another person.”

Charlie laughed out loud, but the humor was nowhere to be found. Her mother wasn’t just any other person. And anyone caught within her orbit had plenty to endure.

“I don’t know what to do,” she said, clinging to him in a cry for help. “I want you to get along with her, but she makes it impossible a lot of the time. I just don’t know?—”

“Slow down,” he said. “I can handle it. Have a little faith.” Looking at his watch, his eyebrows raised. “Looks like we should head out if we want to make it on time. It’s a poor impression to be late, right?”

She nodded viciously, still not out of her ball of anxiety. “Right. Let’s go.”

They took her car, but Rick got behind the wheel. Charlie was too preoccupied to concentrate on the road. Plus, Rick loved taking the Aston for a spin. It was his dream car as a teenager, he’d said.

Grace had chosen the bistro at Evergreen Cove Country Club, which had to be a deliberate move. They knew people there and had plenty of eyes watching. Grace even knew the club manager’s wife’s favorite perfume. For her to choose such a place for their meetup screamed suspicious, but Charlie did say Grace got to pick where and when.

Maybe Grace chose her usual spot because she was comfortable with the place. After all, the people there knew her well enough to accommodate her demands. They knew how to serve her so she wouldn't go apeshit over how her meals looked at her.

Rick appeared as relaxed as can be, and she held onto that like an anchor. She was treating him like a rock, solid and stable for her to lean against. Once they arrived at the club and Rick gave the valet her car keys, Charlie took his arm as they went inside.

She’d chosen a simple mauve silk jumpsuit and strappy white heels for tonight. Her short hair left little options for styling, so she kept it down.

Despite her nerves, Charlie felt pride expanding on her chest, being next to Rick. Like being escorted by James Bond. He looked so debonair he garnered attention from those they passed by.

“To the right,” Charlie whispered to Rick, telling him the direction to the restaurant. They entered momentarily once the host confirmed their reservations.

Here goes nothing, Charlie said to herself, feeling the uncontrollable beating of her heart take over.

“Mrs. Kim is seated at the alcove,” the host informed them.

It was her mother’s “spot”. Perhaps this night was special enough for Grace to request the table.

“Thank you, Roy.” Charlie didn’t realize how tightly she was squeezing Rick until he placed a hand over hers in a light tap.Giving him a small smile, she loosened her grip on him and guided him inside.
