Page 95 of Runaway Pride

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“Take it, Mick,” Grace chimed in, waving her hand at them. “This is your chance to do something big. You’re likely going to make more money working for Charles than you would taking pictures for picture companies.” She laughed, and Charlie’s hands balled into fists so tight her nails dug into her own skin.

Rick sighed, then threw his napkin on the table. “I think I’ve had enough of my ego getting stepped on for tonight.” His chair pushed backward as he stood up and reached over to shake Charles’s hand. “Charles, it was nice and strange to meet you.” He faced Grace. “Mrs. Kim, pleasure meeting you as well, but I’m sure I can’t say the same for you.” Then to Charlie. “Do you want to come with me, or stay here? I–”

Before he finished, Charlie snatched his arm and dragged him away from the table, not bothering to even wipe her hands clean.Her mother called out to her, but she happily ignored it as she and Rick sped out of the restaurant.

“Charlotte Ha! You come back here this instance! You are being rude!”

No goodbyes, no turning around to even acknowledge them. Charlie wanted their exit to be as insulting as possible, as much as they’d insulted Rick. The night should’ve been stopped before it started, but Charlie knew Rick wanted to prove something.

And he did. He proved he was a bigger person than anyone sitting at the table. She felt nothing but pride for him, but there was also sympathy. He didn’t deserve to be treated like that, and she couldn’t feel anything but responsible for it.

Once they were outside where it was easier to breathe, they stopped at the courtyard.

“I’m sorry,” Charlie whispered, clutching his hands. “I feel awful.”

Rick shook his head. “I said I wanted to stay, remember?”

“But she’s my mother.” In her cloud of guilt, she fought the offending tears. “You would think she would’ve given me some decency and respect. She disrespected me when she disrespected you, Rick. And I think I am more hurt than you are.”

“I expected this. It’s not the first time someone turned their noses up at me. I’m not that beaten up about it.”

“And you still went through with it?” she asked.

He looked at her with eyes so gentle she could melt. “I told you I would, because it meant a lot to you.”

“Oh, Rick,” she murmured, sadness smearing. “Why couldn’t she see you as I do? But even if she did, I doubt it’ll change anything.”

As she was about to lean in to kiss him, she noticed his face changing to distress while looking ahead. His eyes flared and his jaw clenched so tightly she could feel the friction build within him. She looked toward where he stared and saw a group of people whoweren’t familiar to her. Trying again, Charlie finally spotted the woman he was fixed on.

An older woman stood among the group of men. She was elegantly dressed, tall and thin, her face well-preserved. The surrounding men were clearly wealthy. One of them had to be of power somehow, but the woman stood quietly by them, appearing to be listening to the conversation. The more Charlie stared, the more she realized that the woman was definitely someone she knew. She’d probably met her before… an auntie, one of her mother’s peers from another circle. Her name was just at the tip of Charlie’s tongue.

Did Rick know her?

He looked even more tense, frozen still in his spot. Charlie couldn’t figure it out… her head twirled between the two until it finally clicked. There was some resemblance. Her mouth, his mouth. Their eyes.

Everythingcame together.

“Oh,” Charlie whispered. “Helen Nam is your mother?”

Rick’s mouth was on Charlie with a desperateness that nearly turned her inside out. After driving back to her house, in strained silence, she was going over what to say to him once they came inside before he grabbed her for a consuming kiss.

It was heavy, and loaded with emotions that were storming inside him; she could tell by how aggressive his touch was. Almost punishing. Feverish. Like he wanted to draw something out of her. She understood his need to drain out the turmoil, and she was happy to be his outlet.

Their clothes were gone before they reached her couch, having no time to even head upstairs for the bedroom. They’d made love in the living room already, but it felt different this time. Withtonight’s humiliating dinner, the cherry on top of seeing his estranged mother had to have killed whatever control he had left.

Charlie moaned when Rick’s mouth left hers to latch onto her nipple. Stacks of pillows supported her back, and she arched her neck to the side and bit into her fist at the pleasure charging her insides. Not long after collapsing on the couch, he was inside her, cock buried deep as his thrusts started off fast and rough.

His mouth dragged everywhere, kissing her face, tongue sliding down the space between her breasts before sucking on each one at a time. His hand paid close attention to her clit, rubbing as he thrust.

He whispered words to her, driving her out to the wild, ready to explode. The words were dirty enough to make her blush, but not enough for her to feel offended.

She watched him work, noting every detail of his changing expressions. First hot and searing into her skin, to when the pleasure found him, his closed eyes as he flourished in it. She enjoyed hearing her name out of his mouth as he pushed them to the brink. Her legs wrapped around his waist, she met his thrust to chase the destination with him.

When they found their pleasure, she called out his name, and he growled with a ferocity that bounced around the walls. As he fell on top of her, panting, she wrapped him in her arms. Tonight was more about him feeling good than it was about her. She made sure of it. And she’d make sure he got everything he deserved.

Starting with her love.

They lay together while he caught back his breath. They hadn’t said a word to each other since he spotted his mother, sex talk excluded, and left the quiet to sit.
