Page 96 of Runaway Pride

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She had a period with her eyes shut before opening back up, not knowing how much time had passed. He was still awake, looking at the ceiling. Charlie went to put a throw blanket over them and kissed his neck. The moment was all about unspoken understanding, but she wanted to break the ice somehow.

“I’m sorry your mom sucks,” she said, trying to lighten the mood.

It worked, earning her a chuckle.

After several heartbeats, he said, “I’m sorry your mom sucks, too.”

Her laughter was hearty, nestling him close to her heart. She was going to protect him, even if it killed her, even if she had to killsomeone.


“Icannotbelieve it,”Sarah said, her face colored in incredulity. “But then again, it’syourmom.”

“What I can’t believe is that Rick actually went along with it.” Alex’s shock leaned toward a different reason.

After finally finding time to meet, the trio settled on their usual sandwich for a quick bite. Between lawyer and doctor stuff, Charlie had gotten little time with her closest friends. Everyone was busy, but Charlie needed to vent now more than ever.

“Poor Rick.” Sarah’s expression turned sympathetic. “How is he doing now?”

Charlie pouted. “He says he’s fine. He looks like he’s fine. But if I were him, I wouldn’t be fine. In fact, I’d be livid. Which I am! This is the worst thing my mother has ever done!”

“Careful,” Alex warned. “That might turn into a challenge for her.” He took out his phone after putting down the club sandwich on his plate. “Why didn’t he tell me about this? It’s been days and I’m only hearing about it now.”

“Does he sound like the type who’d go to you about it?” Sarah pointed out. “Rick’s always been independent. He’s the problem solver. People go to him for help, not the other way around.”

“I’ve tried comforting him since,” Charlie said. “But he insists he doesn’t need it. I don’t know, guys. What should I do?”

“Rein in your mother,” Sarah said. “She’s gone too far. That was completely disrespectful of her to do that to Rick. You did a great job defending him, but now you need to put your foot down. He is your man, right?”

There wasn’t a drop of doubt that he was her man. Her feelings for him pierced deep, that she couldn’t imagine herself without him.

Charlie looked at her two friends before shooting out a helpless breath. “I love him.”

Sarah gasped, and Alex stared at her with beetled eyes.

“Oh, shit.” The husband and wife said at the same time.

“I do. I know it’s fast, and I’ve got so much going on between work and my mother, and he’s going away for so long in two months… but I love him.” Charlie sighed dreamily. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”

Her friends gaped at her, most notably Alex, who wasn’t blinking. He cleared his throat, and Charlie couldn’t tell whether he was happy about the news.

“That’s so romantic,” Sarah beamed. “You and Rick. Have you told him?”

She shook her head. “I didn’t want to overwhelm him. Especially with how things are going. I’m not sure if he even feels the same way.”

“I’m sure he does.” Sarah nudged her husband. “What do you think? Any read on your brother?”

Alex frowned. “I’m not a mind reader. Rick’s not one to wear his heart on his sleeve. But he feels something. That I know.”

His tone worried her, and her feelings of uncertainty resurfaced when he stayed quiet. “Are you upset, Alex?”

“Huh? No.” He shook his head. “I just don’t want things between you two to go awry, like last time. I’ve told him this before, but I would like it if I didn’t have to choose sides. Thisthing with your family… It’s exactly what Rick’s been so guarded about. With how our mother left us…”

“I know.” Unfortunately, she knew all too well. “I won’t let anything like that happen. You know me, Alex. I won’t let Rick go through that.”

“Well, you kind of already did,” Alex argued. “You didn’t intend it to, but it happened. What’s stopping this from happening again? I love you, Charlie, but I don’t want my brother in that environment. It had to have been degrading for him. I’ve put up with your mom in the past because her behavior was none of my business, but now that Rick is involved, I won’t just be laughing about it like before.”

Alex sounded irritated, a rarity in their friendship. Anytime that happened, he was serious, and Charlie even found him a little frightening.

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