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Steel cuffed my wrist, twirling me towardshim. Even the shadows that often clutched to his side seemed to cower in fear. “That—” Von snarled as he brought his face inches from mine. “—is thelastplaceyouwill be going.”

But unlike the shadows, I would not hide from him. I glared right on back, focused on those unbound, wrathful eyes as dark as a starless night and in return, I showed him the oncoming storm in mine.

“Maybe we should hear her out.” Soren’s voice scissored Von’s gaze from mine.

At the same time, we both turned our heads to look at him, our bodies still facing one another, dangerously close.

“You,of all people,will stay out of this.” Von’s voice hit a predatory low. It was a warning.

“What’s going on?” Ryker cut in, demanding to know.

“Tell them,” Von demanded, his tone resolute, gilded in the unyielding power of a god, his judgement inescapable.

“I . . .” Soren choked on his words. “She was in so much pain. So I . . . I crossed it.”

“What did you cross?” Harper said, taking a step forward.

Soren stepped back. “The unconscious barrier.”

Ryker clenched his fists, expression murderous. Through gritted teeth, he said, “You didwhat?” As if he needed him to say it one more time before he pommeled him.

Harper mirrored her twin’s actions. “You can’t be serious.”

Lyra walked through the doorway, struggling with a sack that rivaled her petite size. Confused, she looked at us, surveying our faces for answers.

“I thought I was helping,” Soren squeaked, the color draining from his face, painting him a ghastly white.

“Helping? Fuck you, Soren!” Ryker clenched his jaw, his broad shoulders rising on an inhale, disgust written all over his face.

When he charged for Soren, it was Von who held him back, to my shock. Before Harper had a chance to do the same, Lyra was there, wrapping her slender arms around Harper’s waist.

“This… will not help,” Von said to Ryker, the two goliaths butting head-to-head, a fearsome duo.

I felt like I was hypnotized, stuck in a cage of white noise, watching the entire scene play out. Unable to do anything. Say anything. I understood Ryker’s rage because of what happened to Fallon. I could also understand why Harper would feel the same way—she’d almost lost her brother because of what had transpired from just the intent of breaking the unconscious barrier.

But this wasn’t about them.

It was between Soren and me. It was a mistake, and I was a masterpiece of mistakes, so who was I to judge? Besides, he had already apologized profusely. And I was working on accepting it.

Mainly because there were more important things at stake—like Kaleb’s life.

“Enough!” I yelled, the command in my voice surprising even me. Heads swiveled my way. I shook mine. “It doesn’t matter.”

“How can you say that?” Ryker and Harper seethed at the exact same time.

“Because. I’m here. Alive and safe. And Kaleb is out there.” I threw my hand to the side, gesturing to the outside world. My heart hammered fiercely, pumping an intoxicating mixture of adrenaline, fear, and determination through my veins.

Kaleb was out there.

I didn’t care to hear anymore from them or waste any more time, so I turned and strode to the door. Before I stepped through, I made a pledge for them all to hear, for the entire world to hear. “I’m going back to that fucking bathhouse.”

I could feel her, my warrior, waking and stretching within.

I would not fail this time.

Iopened the little black box, my fingers drifting over the black diamond anklet Von had given me—it was beautiful. I had never owned something so exquisite, beengiftedsomething so exquisite. After I’d bombed our mission at the bathhouse, Harper had grabbed it, as well as the rest of our stuff, and brought everything back to the mansion. I was thankful she did—we did not need them going through our coats and finding two glass vials.

Closing the lid, I set it back down on the makeup vanity and began the task of brushing my hair. Despite my two-day slumber, it wasn’t that bad. I stared at the cluttered top of my dresser, looking at nothing as I brushed. My thoughts were adrift, flowing with determination and ebbing with doubt.
