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And just when my power threatened to cave, I felther.

I am with you, she said, her ethereal voice echoing around me.

I trembled. It felt as if I were standing upon holy ground.

I felt her power fill my empty reservoirs. I felt her work through me. And when those shackles slipped from existence, when I heard the cries of victory, I fell to my knees, my mortal flesh humbled. Overcome.

My shoulders shook and I wept.

The king’s soldiers closed in, but I had no fight in me left.

And so I took Kaleb’s hand in mine and waited for my fate to come.

The light from the moon clouded over and the world was cloaked in darkness. A star fell from the sky, landing in front of me, the ground cracking beneath his feet. A blast of unsurmountable wind slammed into the soldiers, sending the front row crashing into the others. Yet when it touched me, it caressed my skin—softly, affectionately. Lovingly.

The scent of amber and leather tinged the air, and that was when I realized the creature of the night was Von.

“I am sorry, Sage. It never should have come to this,” he said, his voice thick with an emotion I could not place. I stared up at him, his back facing me. His long black hair whipped angrily in the wind. I wondered if the wrath I felt had passed on to him.

The soldiers scrambled back on their feet, a battle cry emitting from their lips as they charged at us. A tidal wave of wind pulsed from Von, and it didn’t just knock them back this time—it scattered them like they were leaves. Before they had a chance to crawl to their swords, to stand on their feet, another wave hurtled at them, this one was stronger than the last. And when it hit them, it crumpled their armor, and I thought—no, I knew—I heard the sickening crunch as it broke their bones, saw the spray of blood as it misted the air.

Now I understood why he had been given the name Blood King.

The power he emitted was extraordinary. Ancient and brutal and unparalleled. And not of this world. This was no mere Curse. This was the power of the gods. I knew because I had just felt it. The only difference was that Von didn’t need a god to grant him such immense power—it belonged to him.

“We have to get out of here.” A voice said, but I couldn’t look away from him—this dark creature of the night.

Hands fell on my shoulders, gently shaking me.

The soldiers scrambled away, a few of them helping their broken brethren up, but most of them just ran.

Harper’s face fell in front of mine. I blinked and suddenly, I was released from my spellbound state.

“Kaleb,” I choked, glancing down at him, my hands still holding his. Gods, they were cold.

Harper cupped my cheeks tenderly, her face solemn, her sadness for me ringing in my ears. “I know. I know. I am so sorry, Sage.” She paused. “We have to get out of here.” Her hands drifted to my arms. Gently, she rubbed them. “Ryker is going to take Kaleb’s body now. Okay?”

Kaleb’s body.

Those words repeated in my mind.

Harper said something as she looked at me, but all I heard was static. I focused, trying to understand, reading her lips as she repeated the words again. Slowly, I pieced them together.

Could I walk?

I looked down at my legs, but they no longer felt attached to me. It was the strangest feeling, like I was a bird without wings. Unable to fly.

And then, Von was in front of me, his voice cutting through the static. “I will carry you.”

His arms, strong and steady, lifted me from the blood-soaked ground. He cradled me against his chest, his dark orbs drifting over my face, studying me. His hold on me lightened, as if he thought I were made of glass.

Von carried me.

Away from the training barracks.

Away from the place that had taken my brother’s life.

Lightning carried Kaleb’s body, Von’s black cloak draped over top. Ryker held Lightning’s reins, leading her behind him, leading all of us back to the mansion, back to Belamour. I slumped against Von, his hard torso and strong arms keeping me from falling off his stallion. I had little strength. And as much as I craved to close my eyes, to escape, I couldn’t do that either.
