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“I curse you to never be able to forge life.” His lips twisted into a cruel smile. He leaned in, whispering in my ear, “Unless it ismyseed that you sow.”

I screamed in anguish. Not only could I feel the curse taking hold, but I could see it taking hold, see him—Death—taking hold, his coldness seeping into my bones. His shadows plunged beneath my flesh, burrowing in deep. They ribbonedthemselves around my goddesshood and my womanhood, wrapping tightly, squeezing the ability to create life from me.

There was nothing I could do as the God of Death took everything from me.

When the curse was complete, he let go of me. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor, sobbing.

I would never be able to grow trees or bushes or flowers. I would never be able to give Aurelius what he wanted—to create life with me . . . I would never see him hold our children.

That last thought didn’t just shatter me, it destroyed me.

“Why?” I wailed, knowing that I would forever be a barren goddess. Tears brimmed in my eyes, pooling in the corners before they spilled over.

“Because . . .” Death knelt down in front of me, a smile on his lips that did not match the lifelessness in his eyes. “I am a bastard.”

“I hate you!” I screamed.

His ringed fingers swept over my cheek, mapping my river of tears. I pulled away from his touch and he grinned. He brought his finger to his lips, tasting my sorrow. “For now, yes. But I know you creation goddesses. When you lot come into season, you are a wild and feral breed, driven to madness with fever. When that happens, you will tiptoe from his bed and scamper into mine with a plea on your pretty, little lips—to give you what your body needs. What it demands. And like the bastard I am, I’ll be more than happy to comply.”

I lost it.

Roaring, I leapt at him, my hands aiming for his throat. I’d claw the bastard’s jugular out with my nails if that was what it took. He caught my wrists before they could connect, but I still managed to knock him onto his back.

I straddled him, fighting with him, warring for dominance.

Somewhere, amongst the struggle, my rage began to dissipate. Somewhere, I realized how completely naked I was. Judging by the look on the God of Death’s face, he had realized it as well. Our struggle took a pregnant pause.

Closing his eyes, he dropped his head against the ground, a groan coming from his lips as if he had been defeated.

I used the moment to fight his grasp, twisting my hips for leverage.

“You really should not wiggle like that,” he said, his voice a mixture of a groan and a growl.

“Then let me go, you prick,” I hissed, pulling with all my goddess might.

“As you wish, Kitten.” He released his hold.

My equilibrium was lost and I fell backwards—ass over teakettle. I landed with a thud, whacking the back of my head against the ground, half of my body still atop his. I reached up, rubbing the hurt.

“Well, as fun as this was, I’ve grown bored,” he said, a broad hand pressing against my leg as he shoved the rest of my body off of him. He rose to his full towering height, leaving me feeling so incredibly small as I laid there on the ground, looking up at the wild beast looming above.

He parted his lips, as if he were about to say something, but then he closed them. A muscle kicked in his jaw. And then he turned, starting for the door. “You are free to leave.”

“Wait.” I scrambled onto all fours. “How do I get back to Aurelius?”

He stopped, his head turning as he spoke over his shoulder, his mouth twisted in wickedness. “You’re a goddess, are you not? You can find your own way back to your precious husband.”

Warmth permeated my skin, the indulgent scent of saffron gently stirring me awake. Something hard and firm was pressed against my left side, that same hardness supporting my back and scooped under the crook of my legs. My feet ticked with a soft rhythm, swaying from side to side. When I opened my eyes, the God of Life was there—Aurelius was there—carrying me through the castle halls.

When we made it back to my chambers, he tenderly set me down on the plush fur blankets that covered the bed. Gingerly, his hand cupped my cheek. “Are you alright?”

Tears pricked my eyes, and when I opened my mouth to sayno, a guttural sob tore out instead.

Aurelius swept me into his arms, holding me tightly to his chest.

For hours, he held me like that, as my world caved in on itself.

