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I nodded softly, but didn’t respond.

Even though my body was thoroughly ravished and my heart was content, I couldn’t help but feel the sting of betrayal for what I had just done.

But it wasn’t nearly as visceral as the sting between my legs.

And that was something I could hold on to.


When I regained the use of my body, his cock would be the first thing to go.

But first?

I would have words withmymate.


Iwoke up alone.

Alone and somewhat sore, and if I was being honest with myself, full of regret.

I didn’t regret sleeping with Aurelius. I regretted the reason I did it—because I was angry and hurt by Von’s actions, by his betrayal.Thatshould not have been the fuel I used to take things to the next level with Aurelius, and yet, in my brashness, that was exactly what I had done.

. . . It’s exactly what the old Sage would have done.

I turned over, frustrated with myself. I was supposed to be growing into my new self, not taking a step back and reverting into old habits. At this rate, the Endless Mist would never believe I knew who I was—

Realization hit me.

Did I still want to unlock the Endless Mist? The whole reason I was going to was for Von, so that I could make a new deal with Arkyn—his passage in exchange for him ending the deal.

But now? I didn’t know.

I wished Ezra were here—she’d know what to do.

My eyes turned blurry with tears. I brushed them away and slipped into the heavy winter robe that Aurelius had had made for me. I cinched the sash around my waist, shoved my feet into my slippers, and walked—a tad gingerly—out onto the balcony.

There, before me, frozen on the snow-packed stone floor, was a hint of gold and a tinge of red.

I shoved my robes open, finding a smear of the same colors painted on my inner thighs—no wonder it felt like I had been losing my virginity all over again. The blood was obviously mine, which meant . . . the gold was his seed.


I hadn’t taken the herbs to prevent pregnancy since before I showed up here. In my past life, Von had stolen my ability to have children. Had that curse transferred over into this life? Did I still need to take the herbs?

My hand slipped over the flat of my stomach. What would it feel like to carry Aurelius’s child within me?


I dropped my hand and shoved off from that hot potato thought as fast as possible. A child was the last thing I needed to worry about bringing into the equation right now. Cursed by Von or not, I wasn’t about to take any chances. I would visit a healer and ask for some herbs. As the old adage went—better safe than sorry.

My slipper-covered feet carried me over to the balcony’s edge. I propped my forearms on the railing, leaning against itas I surveyed the horizon, ignoring the cool bite that transferred through the fabric.

The sprawling, deep-blue sea stretched before me, sparkling under the orange-red gaze of the sun. White caps formed on the waters, the powerful wind skimming the surface, pushing it around. Down below, it crashed against the rocks—a rhythmic sound of water smashing stone and the spray that came afterward. Birds chimed in, most singing their morning song, but every so often, a crow would caw, adding in its say.

From here, I couldn’t see the Endless Mist, but I knew if I were to sail into the horizon, I would eventually find it.

A gentle breeze tugged on the tips of my hair, pulling them towards the sea.
