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His wide eyes roamed the room, taking in the floor-to-ceiling windows that showcased the city's skyline, the abstract artwork adorning the walls, and the well-stocked bar in the corner.

"Gosh, Lina," he mused, a boyish grin stretching across his face, "you've got it good. Must be amazing being a Creative Director."

I chuckled, leaning back and locking my hands behind my head. "It has its perks. But remember, it's not all glamour and luxury. It's also a whole lot of responsibility and pressure."

His face fell slightly as he digested my words. He was a senior copywriter, more than capable in his current role, but his ambition didn't stop there. He aspired for more, a dream I could relate to.

Pushing the heavy conversation aside, I decided to lighten the mood. "So," I began, unable to suppress a grin, "what are you going to do with your half of the million-dollar bonus when we win?"

Mike's eyes lit up at the question, his earlier contemplation quickly replaced by gleeful excitement. "Well, firstly, I'd buy a million toys," he declared.

I rolled my eyes. "A million toys, really? And where would you put them?"

"I hadn't thought of that," he admitted sheepishly. "I suppose I'd also need to buy a huge house to store them all. Oh, and a massive swimming pool filled with chocolate!"

Laughing, I confessed my own extravagant wish. "If I had a million dollars, I'd probably buy a private island. Somewhere sunny, with plenty of beaches to laze around. Oh, and a lifetime supply of chocolates, of course!"

Mike’s cheerful laughter gradually melted into a comforting hum as my thoughts drifted.

"Mike," I started, my voice barely above a whisper. He tilted his head in my direction, his laughter subsiding, replaced by a curious gaze. "Do you think I stand a chance against Hank?"

Mike furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...Hank's brother founded Apex Creations. He grew up surrounded by this world of advertising, rubbing shoulders with industry giants," I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself. "And me? I climbed my way up from the bottom. I didn’t have any connections, no head start. I just had myself and my work.”

I watched Mike, his expression pensive as he digested my words.

"You're right," he finally responded. "Hank does have certain advantages. His brother did lay the foundation for this company. But remember, Patrick was also a strong believer in merit. Hank rose through the ranks, just like you and me. Success isn't handed down. It's earned. And you’ve earned every bit of success you’ve had, just like Hank has."

I blinked back at him, taken aback by his honesty. "But what if my best isn't good enough?"

"That's where you're wrong," he countered, his eyes intense. "Your creativity, your dedication, your passion...those are your strengths. Hank may have the name, but've got the talent. And remember, Patrick always valued talent over names."

I mulled over his words, feeling a glimmer of hope stir within me.

When I turned around, Hank and Joe's silhouettes were in plain sight through the glass wall separating our offices, bent over a sprawling pile of papers, foreheads creased in deep thought.

"Alright, Mike," I said, my eyes glinting with excitement, "we're not just any team, we're 'Team Little'. We've got to use our personal experiences as Littles to ace this campaign."

A grin spread across Mike's face, "I'm all in for that, boss!"

And so began our frenzied brainstorming, a madcap dance of ideas, each more imaginative and laugh-inducing than the last. The space buzzed with an electric charge as we threw ideas back and forth with rapid-fire speed.

"How about a 'Little Locator'?" Mike exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "A GPS-enabled bracelet for Littles!"

"That's brilliant! Practical, yet so amusing. The Daddies could track their Littles, keep them safe. It's perfect! And what about a mood ring that changes colors based on the Little's needs? Hungry, tired, playful?"

Mike threw back his head and laughed. "We'd sell millions!"

The sight of Hank and Joe, engrossed in their diligent strategizing, only fueled our enthusiasm further. Each idea we threw into our brainstorming hat was born out of our shared experiences as Littles. It was an authenticity we knew would translate into our campaign. We wanted to create something that wouldn't just win us the competition but something that truly represented our experiences, our perspective.

After a solid few hours of brainstorming, the room brimming with the remnants of our creative storm, Mike and I finally eased back into our seats.

With a chuckle, he turned to me, his eyes softening. "So, how have your first few days at Apex Creations been?" he asked, sincerity seeping into his tone.

"Honestly? It's been an absolute whirlwind. But with you by my side, it's not just work anymore; it's fun," I confessed.

A proud smile spread across Mike's face at my words. "Well," he said, his tone shifting from playful to sincere. "I want you to know that I'm here for you. Not just in this office, but outside of it too. We're friends, and I've got your back."
