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"Dr. Luke," Mike piped up, distracting me momentarily. "One last question. Is it true that some dentists use chainsaws?"

Dr. Luke chuckled, placing his tools on the tray beside him. "No, we don't use chainsaws. Just these little tools here."

"But what about the jackhammer?" Mike persisted, pointing to a tiny electric drill sitting innocently on the tray. "Is that it?"

Mike was trying to be brave, to distract me from my own fear, but it was clear he was just as scared.

"I promise," Dr. Luke replied, maintaining his composure despite the absurdity of the questions. "We only use that for very specific procedures. Lina won't need it today."

That was somewhat reassuring, but as Dr. Luke turned his attention back to me, I couldn't help but squirm.

"Lina," he said gently, "I need you to open your mouth so I can check your teeth."

I shook my head defiantly, pressing my lips together. "I changed my mind," I said, words muffled. "I think I can live with a toothache."

Seeing my fearful state, Uncle Joe leaned towards Dr. Luke, his voice laced with concern. "Go easy on her, Luke. She's terrified."

Dr. Luke nodded, his eyes kind. "Of course. We want this to be a pleasant experience for her."

However, despite the reassurances, my mind was in a state of panic as Dr. Luke came closer. I squirmed in my seat, resisting his attempts to check my teeth. Every time his gloved hand neared my mouth, I would instinctively turn my head away, clamping my mouth shut.

Dr. Luke, showing immense patience, simply chuckled and tried again, his motions gentle. "Now, now, Lina. It's going to be okay. No one's going to hurt you."

The amused tolerance of Dr. Luke, and Uncle Joe's bemused observations served as a counterpoint to my anxiety.

"Enough is enough!" The stern command bounced off the pristine walls of the dental office, drawing everyone's attention towards the doorway. I had been squirming in the chair, creating chaos with my refusal to cooperate with Dr. Luke. Mike was adding to the madness with his continuous nervous chatter, the situation slowly spiraling out of control.

In the doorway stood Hank, his brows knitted together in a frown. The amusement that had been present before was long gone, replaced by the authority that always seemed to wrap around him like a cloak. His unexpected arrival triggered something inside me. My heartbeat quickened, an inexplicable thrill coursing through me.

"What's taking so long?" he demanded, his gaze falling on me. His tone was stern but laced with concern. "Lina, cooperate with Dr. Luke. He's here to help, not hurt you."

There was something about the way Hank spoke, something about the dominance in his tone that sent a shiver down my spine. My heart pounded against my ribcage, his words echoing in my ears. This wasn't the first time Hank's authority had affected me. I was reminded of that night at the club when he'd saved me from choking, how his strong hands had held me and his stern voice had offered me a strange sense of security.

Slowly, I nodded, finding my voice lodged in my throat. "Okay, Hank," I mumbled, my gaze dropping to my lap. As the words left my lips, I realized how naturally they came. I was obeying Hank, following his command almost instinctively.

Dr. Luke, probably taken aback by my sudden compliance, shot Hank a grateful smile. "Thank you, Hank. That was... helpful."

"I expect you to be brave, Lina. Just like we talked about earlier," Hank added, meeting my gaze again. His voice was softer this time, almost tender, and it warmed me from the inside out.

As time wore on, the clink of dental tools against teeth seemed to echo louder and louder in the sterile room. As another jab of discomfort pierced through, a whimper slipped past my lips. Almost instinctively, my fingers reached out, stretching towards the security that was Hank. The room stilled for a heartbeat as my fingers tentatively found his. I waited for him to pull away, to reject my unspoken plea for reassurance, but he didn't. Instead, his hand closed around mine, a silent promise of protection. The corners of my mind, already high on a cocktail of fear and attraction, began weaving a fantasy. I saw us in soft pastels and warm hues, me nestled safely in Hank's protective embrace, him the Daddy I yearned for.

But the reality was that Hank was not my Daddy. He was the man who wore harsh words like a suit of armor, the man who held me at arm's length. As if on cue, my mind began playing the memories of his barbed remarks, his scornful demeanor. But despite the cruel reality check, my fingers clung to Hank's hand.

A soft squeeze from his hand broke my reverie. I turned, catching the ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. That small act sent a fresh wave of warmth washing over me, making me question if there was more to Hank than the facade he wore. My heart thumped hopefully, daring to dream again as I held onto his hand.

The metallic tang of the dental instruments still lingered in my mouth as Dr. Luke announced the end of his examination. I released a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, my grip on Hank's hand easing a fraction. The worst was over, I thought.

"I hope you've been brushing twice a day, young lady," Dr. Luke began, his voice a playful scold that drew a nervous giggle from me.

"Well... um," I confessed, my voice no more than a squeak, "Not at night."

As if on cue, Hank's booming voice filled the room, startling me. "That's irresponsible, Lina!" His reprimand was like a whip, sharp and stinging. I could almost see the disappointment clouding his face as he scolded me. "Routine is important, and brushing your teeth is a part of that."

I could not help but wonder if this was the man who could introduce discipline into my life. As I released his hand, Hank made his way out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. His stern words and the look of disappointment in his eyes lingered with me. Could he be my Daddy? Could this man, who was so stern yet caring, fill the void in my life?

As I shuffled out of Dr. Luke's office on all fours, the cold linoleum against my palms, I couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over me. The ordeal was over. Beside me, Mike was hoisted up into Joe's arms, the strength in his Daddy's grip evident. Both our faces mirrored the same sense of triumphant survival.

"Home, Lina?" Uncle Joe offered, his voice gentle yet authoritative. I nodded, feeling a sense of security in the certainty of his direction.
