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The game had come to an end, and we sat around basking in the afterglow of our shared laughter. Kristen's porcelain dolls, arrayed before us, sat in a neat row, their glassy eyes and painted-on smiles a stark contrast to the warm, animated faces around them.

"Kristen," I began, curiosity lighting up my eyes, "how many of these do you have at home?"

Kristen looked at me, her eyes brightening with unmasked enthusiasm. "Oh, about a dozen or so," she admitted, her voice carrying a tinge of pride.

"A dozen, you say?" Mike asked, feigning shock. "Sounds like you've got a secret porcelain doll army at home, ready to take over the club at a moment’s notice. Do they keep watch over you while you sleep?"

Our corner erupted into laughter at Mike's silly jest, the delight echoing off the walls. Everyone seemed to be basking in the aftermath of Mike's joke, except one - Kristen.

Gradually, the laughter began to die down, replaced by an unexpected hush. A moment of suspenseful silence hung in the air as all eyes turned towards Kristen. Her face was void of the amusement that had lit up the others, instead adopting a stern expression.

Could Kristen have misunderstood Mike's playful banter as a mockery of her treasured dolls?

She finally spoke up, her voice as firm as her expression. "Good joke," she said, offering a tight-lipped smile before excusing herself to find her Daddy.

Mike, oblivious to Kristen's reaction, leaned over to me, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I can't wait to visit Kristen's place and pose for a picture where I'm spanking all dozen dolls at once!" He declared as he giggled, amused by his own imagination.

I bit my lip, trying to divert the topic. "Mike, would you like to play on the slides?" I asked, attempting to diffuse the slightly tense atmosphere.

His face lit up in response.

Over the next hour, as Mike and I busied ourselves around the club, an odd shift in the atmosphere began to seep into our evening. Words began to echo from corner to corner, from group to group, each carrying a tale more absurd than the last.

"Hey, have you heard?" a small voice asked from behind a pile of stuffed animals. A hushed response was barely audible, but the words that followed were clear. "They say Mike is a real jester. Not just any kind...but a cruel one. They say he roars with laughter while others crumble under his jests!"

I shared a look with Mike, eyebrows raised. "Me? Cruel? I'm as harmless as a kitten," he replied, rolling his eyes in disbelief.

Another story tumbled forth, this one so outlandish it would have been laughable under different circumstances. "And did you hear about Lina?" A voice murmured near the dollhouse. "They say she's got a unique taste for her own boogers."

My eyes widened in incredulity. "Now that's a new one," I chuckled nervously, wiping my nose for good measure, even though I felt absurd doing so.

But the whispers didn't stop there. As we ventured further, the rumors grew wilder. "She's a sly one, that Lina," a hushed voice echoed from the corner, "hears she likes manipulating Daddies left and right. Got them wrapped around her little finger, she does."

And as if things weren't ridiculous enough, the cherry on top came from a small group huddled near the sandbox. "You won't believe this, but someone swore that Mike isn't really a Little at all. Apparently, he's an alien, studying our behavior for his overlords."

Mike paused, an impish grin spread across his face. "Well, they got me there," he said, holding his hands up. "Busted!"

We shared a laugh, albeit a nervous one, as we navigated the club's play areas. Everywhere we went, we were met with curious glances and hushed whispers. It was as if our reputations were subtly smeared with every ludicrous claim, each one leaving a stain that seemed to grow darker with the passing time.

As the whispers followed us, the club, once a haven of camaraderie and acceptance, began to feel increasingly like an arena, and we were the unwilling entertainers.

Riding the tumultuous wave of rumors, Mike turned to me, his eyes shimmering with an unquenchable spirit. "Hey, Lina," he began, his voice low but steady, "how about we just keep being us and let the whispers whisper?"

With a newfound determination, we ventured into the refreshments area. Mike, with his comic genius, leaped into action. "Did you all hear?" he began, gathering the Littles around him. "I've got a secret identity. Yes, yes, I'm not just any alien. I'm a space cowboy!"

Laughter rippled through the room, Littles giggling at Mike's blatant absurdity. "Space cowboy?" a tiny voice chimed in, eyes sparkling with mirth. "That's a new one."

Joining the fun, I chimed in, "Don't let him fool you. He's not just any space cowboy. He's the sheriff of the Milky Way!"

It prompted an outburst of laughter, the room vibrating with amusement. Even as the chuckles died down, Mike kept the momentum going with more of his over-the-top tales. Every outlandish revelation had us doubled over, the ludicrous rumors about us momentarily forgotten in the wave of hilarity.

Yet, despite our best efforts, the rumors lingered. They clung to the corners, whispered in hushed tones, their echoes still audible amidst the laughter and camaraderie.

Kristen suddenly reappeared, her face a mask of sympathy. "I'm so sorry to hear about all this," she began, her voice drenched in apparent compassion. "It's just awful."

"Thanks, Kristen," Mike replied, forcing a smile. Despite her words, my gaze lingered on the spark in her eyes, my suspicion creeping in. Was she just concerned? Or was she, perhaps, the puppeteer behind the shadowy whispers? But this wasn't the time or the place to confront her, not without proof. And so, I bit my tongue.

As she left us, Joe and Hank entered the playroom, their faces drawn with concern. "What's going on?" Joe asked, worry lines deepening on his forehead as he spotted Mike's troubled expression.

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