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Mike crossed his arms and tilted his head, looking at me. "Lina, didn't we spend hours trying to get your office just right?"

I nodded, matching his playful grin. "Yes, we did, and I stand by every decorative decision we made."

Mike chuckled and shrugged at Hank. "I’m gonna be honest with you here. Does Lina’s office look like a toddler decorated it? Yes. Has it made it very difficult to focus on work? More times than I care to admit."

"Get to the point or get off the stage, Mike," I interjected with a gasp. "Whose side are you on here?"

Mike threw his hands up in surrender. "All I'm saying is, her office might look like a circus threw up in it, but it's a damn fun circus that sparks creativity."

Hank's response was swift, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, really? And what sort of creativity does a neon-pink lamp inspire? Planning the next unicorn-themed birthday party?"

Mike turned to Hank, a twinkle in his eyes. "Well, that's the thing about creativity. It's unpredictable, just like your pairing with our lovely Lina here. I wonder what sort of fireworks this collaboration will spark."

Joe intervened. "Mike, behave. Don't tease them about their fighting," he said, a stern note in his voice.

Hank sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Exactly. Thanks, Joe. This is a professional environment and we are adults. There isn't going to be any fighting."

Joe chuckled at Hank's assertion, shaking his head. "Oh, there's definitely going to be a lot of fighting. I was just asking Mike not to be mean by joking about it."

Mike's laughter echoed in the room as he slapped Joe on the back. "Oh, Daddy. Your honesty is going to land you in hot water one of these days."

Their banter ended with a wave as they exited, leaving us with an air of anticipation and Mike's parting words, "Just try not to kill each other by morning, alright?"

As the door closed behind them, leaving me alone with Hank, I couldn't help but wonder if Mike's teasing prediction might not be far from the truth. How were we going to navigate this collaboration without our usual sparring turning into an all-out war?

A soft hush fell over Hank's office, the only sound breaking the silence was the subtle rustle of paper as we got down to business. I found myself immersed in the intricacies of the car designs, my eyes skimming over the crisp lines and detailed specifications. We both individually dissected the blueprint.

Slowly, the minutes ticked away, the vibrant sunlight that streamed through the office window beginning to wane. Soon, we were the sole occupants of the office floor.

Hank eventually broke the quietude. His deep voice rippled through the silence, a note of concern lacing his words. "You're awfully quiet."

I glanced up from the blueprints, meeting his curious gaze. My mind was teeming with the vivid images of my dream from the night before, each one causing a fluster of emotions to bubble within me.

"Oh, it's nothing," I said, attempting to mask the internal turmoil with a faint smile.

But Hank was not easily fooled. He eyed me with his usual cynicism, his lips curling into a teasing grin. "Really? Could it be that the pressures of the job are finally getting to our lively Lina?"

Caught off guard by Hank's probing, I found myself admitting, "I had a... weird dream last night."

Hank perked up at my confession, a smirk stretching across his face. "Oh, really?" he drawled, that familiar mischievous glint sparkling in his eyes. "You had a sex dream, didn’t you?"

My cheeks flamed at his insinuation, my immediate response a firm, "No!" But Hank, with his uncanny ability to fan the flames of any situation, was undeterred.

"Aw, don't tell me I wasn't the star of your dream," he feigned disappointment.

A laugh bubbled up from my throat, surprising even me. "Dreaming about you? I think that's a fantasy you'd best keep to yourself."

Hank's interest was only further piqued. "But seriously," he nudged, "what was this dream about?"

My heart pounded as I chose my next words carefully. "There was... an erotic undertone, I guess."

Hank's brows arched in surprise, a chuckle escaping his lips. "I was just joking earlier, but I didn't think my joke would actually hit the mark. Well, well, well..."

His laughter morphed into a teasing smirk as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes gleaming with mirth. "Come on," he prodded, "you can't stop there. You've got me hooked now."

"The man in the dream... it was someone from here. From the office."

At this, Hank's eyes widened, his interest reaching a new high.
