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But the fervent moment was short-lived. Hank abruptly pulled away from me, his eyes darkening with a shadow that hadn't been there a moment ago. It was like he'd been thrown back into an unwelcome past, a painful memory perhaps, brought on by the intimacy we'd shared.

"I can't do this, Lina... it's a mistake," he stammered, his voice a stark contrast to the confidence he'd exuded just moments ago.

Without another word, he activated the elevator and exited as soon as the doors slid open, leaving me alone in the cold steel box. I was left staring at his retreating back, my heart echoing the rhythm of my confusion, hurt, and disappointment. The elevator doors closed with a silent whisper, the quiet mocking the chaos inside my heart.

Next morning at the office, before I could shake off the shreds of last night, Mike greeted me with a smirk and a knowing look that caught me off guard.

"Good morning, sunshine," he sang, his eyes gleaming with a mirth I found unnerving. I eyed him suspiciously as his smirk widened, his silence amplifying the mystery that seemed to be lurking behind his grin.

"Okay, spill it," I said, dropping my bag onto my desk. "What's going on?"

Mike grinned and leaped up from his chair with a theatrical flourish. "Oh, nothing," he said, pacing around me in a slow circle. "Just noticing...something different about you, Lina. Something new."

He exaggeratedly sniffed the air, then bent over to examine my hair, his actions eliciting an incredulous laugh from me.

"Are you high on your morning coffee or what?" I questioned, brushing his hand away from my hair.

He straightened, an impish smile pulling at his lips. "Nope, just thought you some action, maybe?"

My cheeks flushed instantly, heat crawling up my neck. My heart skipped a beat as I gaped at him. How did he know?

"What? No! I haven't kissed anyone for ages. I'm practically eligible to reapply for my virginity at this point!"

His laugh echoed in my private office as he shook his head. "Lina, Lina," he tsked, "how long have we known each other? Seven long years?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's only been a few weeks."

He shrugged, the grin never leaving his face. "Feels longer. But in this short span, haven't I constantly been open with you partially about my romantic endeavors? Why the secrecy?"

I shook my head, attempting to regain my composure. "I swear, I'm not lying," I insisted, heat creeping up my neck.

Mike wagged a finger at me. "I have a sixth sense for these things," he claimed, his eyes wide and comically serious. Then, his gaze sharpened in realization, and he jabbed a finger at me. "You kissed Hank!"

I gaped at him, momentarily speechless. "Did Joe tell you?" I demanded, my mind reeling. How else could he have known?

"Nuh-uh," Mike denied, waving away my accusation with a dismissive hand. "I told you. Sixth sense. I can detect a horny aura around people who've know."

"A what now?"

"A horny aura," he repeated solemnly. "It's a complex, yet accurate science."

I huffed, shaking my head, although a reluctant smile tugged at the corners of my mouth.

His eyes twinkled mischievously. "And don't you forget it," he said, leaning back in his chair. "Didn't I predict you were destined to date Hank? I can sense these things. I can tell how people feel about each other just by observing the way they interact.”

I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "Fine, you win," I admitted, the weight of the secret suddenly too heavy. I recounted the tale of our heated exchange in the elevator, my heart pounding as I relived the intense passion, the unexpected longing, and the abrupt, confusing end.

Mike listened attentively, his usual demeanor replaced by a sober look. "You know," he began, his voice unusually serious, "Hank has been struggling with opening up for the past few months, which is why he must’ve run away."

"What? Why?" I asked, taken aback.

"I can't say," he shrugged, a cryptic look on his face. "It's against my lifelong policy against gossip."

I snorted. "That's rich, coming from you. Weren't you the one who happily shared the 'Becky and the intern' rumor with me yesterday?"

His eyes widened, feigning innocence. "You must have heard that from someone else. I've always been a good boy. You can ask my Daddy," he said, the glint of his usual sass returning to his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him, but a soft smile played on my lips.
