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"You're not overstepping, Hank. I appreciate it. More than I can express. This is what I've always needed."

"I'm glad you think so,” he said with a smile. “I was worried that my nature might have been too much for you."

Chapter 25: Lina

As the afternoon wore on, I started to feel the pressing need to use the restroom. Hank noticed my fidgeting and asked, "Sweetheart, do you need to go to the restroom?"

I blushed, nodding hesitantly.

"Remember," he began, his voice serious but caring, "maintaining hygiene isn't just about keeping ourselves clean, it's also about staying healthy. Washing hands properly, keeping things clean, and proper restroom habits are important aspects of personal hygiene. It might seem small, but these are essential steps that prevent the spread of germs. It's always better to be safe than sorry, especially when we're out in public places like this."

I playfully bobbed my head up and down as he led me to the nearest restroom.

After emerging from the restroom, I noticed Hank carrying a fresh diaper in his hand. "Time for a diaper change," he suggested gently.

My eyebrows furrowed in protest. "But I don't use my diaper."

"I understand. But it's better to change it for hygiene purposes, don't you think? We've been out and about all day," he reasoned.

My discomfort must have been as clear as day on my face, but Hank didn't falter. He gently held my hand, leading me towards a secluded changing room tucked away in a corner of the park.

"It's okay," he reassured me, his voice as calming as a lullaby. "I'm here with you. Let's just take care of this and we can go back to having fun, alright?"

His words were like a balm on my nerves. It felt strange, the intimate nature of the act. But at the same time, it was a testament to the trust that was growing between us.

Once inside the changing room, Hank unfolded a fresh diaper with precision. He gently directed me to lie down on the changing mat, which he'd set up on the comfortable bench.

"It's ticklish," I whined as he wiped me down with baby wipes. My cheeks warmed. The situation was embarrassing but his gentleness helped me feel more at ease.

"Only a little longer. How about we play a quick game of 'I spy'?"

"Alright," I said, trying to engage in the distraction. I scanned the room quickly, "I spy with my little eye something that is green."

Hank, still busy with the diaper change, looked around. "Is it the poster of the park on that wall?" he asked.

"You got it!" I exclaimed, momentarily forgetting the uncomfortable situation as I grinned at him.

Before I knew it, Hank had finished with the diaper change. He stood up and offered me a hand. The entire process had been far less embarrassing than I'd thought it would be.

As our playdate started winding down, Hank handed me a sippy cup filled with water. "Here you go," he said, encouraging me to stay hydrated. "Remember, it's just as important to take care of ourselves after our playdate as during. Aftercare is crucial."

With a grateful smile, I accepted the sippy cup, taking a sip of the refreshing electrolyte water.

"So, have you figured out what your gift is yet?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

I put the sippy cup down and crossed my arms, huffing in frustration. "This is impossible! Your clues are so confusing," I complained.

Hank couldn't help but laugh at my dramatic reaction, deciding to throw me a bone. "Alright. Here's your final clue. I use my hands to build it, and it takes days, sometimes even weeks, to complete."

Realization dawned on me. "Is it a model ship?" I guessed, excitement bubbling within me.

Hank let out a dramatic gasp. "Oh no, you've guessed it, princess!" he admitted, falling onto the picnic blanket in mock defeat.

The sight of Hank dramatically flopping onto the blanket sent me into a fit of giggles. I couldn't contain my excitement, getting up and doing a little victory dance.

"Oh, Hank... It's beautiful!" I gasped, my heart filled with wonder and gratitude. The sails, the deck, the miniature cannons, everything was so meticulously crafted. "This is my favorite model ship now," I announced, my eyes twinkling with joy.

"Yeah? You like it?"
