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He lifted his hand, gently patting my head as a reward for my courage. I let out a small sigh of contentment, the sensation comforting and familiar. When he pulled away, I playfully rubbed my head against his hand, a silent request for more. With a soft chuckle, he resumed his gentle pats, a comforting rhythm that eased my anxiety.

"Now, with the serious stuff out of the way," he boomed, his voice filled with anticipation, "Let the games begin! Our playdate officially begins now, Princess Lina."

I couldn't help but squeal with joy at his words. Like a Little in a candy store, I rushed to fetch my tiara, placing it on my head with a flourish. I could barely contain my excitement, my body wiggling in anticipation. Hank, my knight in shining armor, took an exaggerated bow, a playful smile on his face. As he straightened, he met my gaze, his eyes twinkling with delight.

"Let the adventures of Princess Lina and her faithful knight, Sir Hank, commence," he declared, his words echoing through our private kingdom under the oak tree.

As we settled into our pretend tea party, Hank, ever the accommodating knight, offered his lap as my throne. Scooting back against him, I felt something stiff poke my ass.

"Lina, are you being naughty on purpose?" Hank asked, a teasing lilt in his voice that had me suppressing a giggle.

"Who, me?" I asked innocently, pressing back again for good measure. His breath hitched, causing me to giggle.

"Your Highness," Hank chuckled, his tone teasing, "I think you're sitting on my cock."

I feigned innocence, a coy smile playing on my lips. "Oh? Is that what it is?" I said, shifting one last time to rub up against his growing dick. "I thought it might be a pea. Like in The Princess and the Pea."

Hank let out a low groan, half amused, half exasperated. "If you keep that up, you'll be the end of me," he warned.

Turning my attention to our pretend tea party, I served Hank imaginary tea and biscuits, getting into character as the hostess. Our laughter echoed around us as I declared that Hank had to eat the 'poisoned' cookie.

Soon, he helped me navigate the towering jungle gym. His protective nature was palpable as he shadowed my every move, ensuring I was safe. But I was a fearless princess, climbing up the rungs, higher and higher, each victorious step punctuated by a giddy giggle.

"Oh, my brave princess, you're going to give your poor knight a heart attack," Hank teased, hovering protectively beneath me. His playful fretting only added to my excitement, and I whooped in delight as I reached the top.

Just as I was about to descend, a mewling sound caught my attention. Turning, I spotted a stray cat wandering nearby. "Oh, Hank! Look! It’s a Kitty!" I squealed, immediately darting over to the small creature.

As Hank chuckled at my excitement, I slowly extended a hand towards the cat.

"Hey there, little one," I cooed, speaking in hushed tones as the animal happily purred under my touch. "You're so soft and pretty. Oh, I wish I could take you home. Would you like that, little kitty? I'd take good care of you, I promise. We could have tea parties together, and you could have your own little tiara. Wouldn't that be fun?"

The cat, bold and fearless, came closer and started eating from my hand. Its small, rough tongue lapped at the offered treats, and I felt a surge of joy.

"Oh my God! Can you believe this?" I babbled, my words coming out in a rush. "I mean, it's like fate, right? This little one just walked up to us, as if it knew I'd been dreaming of a pet for so long. This is like something straight out of a fairy tale! It's fate, Hank. Absolute, undeniable fate. We were meant to meet her today, I know it! And look at her! She's adorable, she's friendly, and she's... gone?" My words trailed off as I turned back to find the stray cat had vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

Disappointment washed over me. Hank, sensing my sadness, pulled me close, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"It's alright. Maybe she wasn't meant to be ours, but she gave us a wonderful moment to cherish. And who knows? Maybe she'll visit us again next time," he said, offering a comforting smile.

As if to distract me, Hank dropped his next clue for the mysterious gift he had hinted at earlier. "Although it can travel far, it never leaves my room," he mused, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

I was baffled. The new clue contradicted the first one, making me all the more curious about the gift. "But that makes no sense! You're such a tease," I groaned, playfully batting his shoulder, "You know I can't stand suspense!"

As we leisurely strolled around the park, I secretly hoped to find the cat again so I could take it home. We fed the ducks, their quacking eliciting giggles from me. Then, in a burst of energy, we started a game of tag. The thrill of being chased by Hank was exhilarating, our laughter echoing around the park as we darted around trees and playground equipment. "You can't catch me, Sir Knight!" I shrieked, my voice filled with glee.

Our game of tag ended with us both breathless and giggling. We settled under the tree for a quiet coloring session. Hank held my hand in his, gently guiding me as I filled in the outlines of the princess in the coloring book.

It was then I noticed a stray duck waddling around, lost and confused. Unable to resist the urge to help, I sprang up, chasing after it to lead it back to the lake.

In my excitement, I didn't see the root sticking out of the ground. I tripped, grazing my knee. The sudden pain, coupled with my past experiences, made my heart race. A panic attack was looming. Images of Finn filled my mind. His disinterest, his neglect whenever I was hurt or in need, flashed in front of my eyes. My breath hitched, my hands trembling as the wave of fear washed over me. I braced myself for the cold, lonely feeling of being neglected.

"Oh no, not now," I muttered to myself, my hands shaking as I tried to steady my breathing. "Hank's here, Lina," I reassured myself. "He's not Finn. He cares for you." But the fear of being neglected still held me in its cold grasp. I braced myself for neglect, the familiar sting of loneliness accompanying physical pain. But before the tears could fully form, Hank was beside me, concern etched on his face. He swiftly pulled out a small first aid kit from his bag, carefully cleaning the wound with an antiseptic wipe.

"Hold on. It's just a small scrape. And hey, do you want to hear a funny joke?" Hank said in an attempt to distract me. I nodded, the humor in his voice already helping to distract me from the pain.

"Why don't scientists trust atoms?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye. Before I could answer, he continued. "Because they make up everything!"

Despite the pain, I couldn't help but let out a giggle at his silly joke. As I calmed down, it was clear that Hank was not like Finn, that he cared and would not neglect me in my time of need. His tender care was a stark contrast to the indifference I had been accustomed to, and I was deeply moved. When he mentioned he must be acting overly protective, I was quick to reassure him.

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