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"Ah, but my princess, the stainless-steel cutlery has been carefully selected for its unique ability to withstand the intense flavor of my culinary masterpieces," he said, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Silver, precious as it is, could simply not endure the robust flavors on this plate."

Chuckles escaped my lips as I continued our fanciful game. "And this goblet of water. Is it from the purest spring in the Alps?"

He raised his own glass as if proposing a toast. "Absolutely," he answered with conviction. "This is a unique blend, sourced from the rare and exotic locale of our kitchen tap. It has been on a whirlwind journey through our cutting-edge water purification system, resulting in a refreshment worthy of your royal lips."

Finally, as our playful game came to an end, he asked for my 'royal verdict' on the meal.

"This has been the most memorable dining experience of my life, unruly chef. I thank you for the love and effort you put into it."

In the aftermath of dinner, as Daddy busied himself with the cleanup, I found myself entertained by a set of tower blocks that were scattered on the kitchen floor. With my tongue sticking out in concentration, I began to stack them, creating a precarious tower that threatened to topple over at any second.

“Princess, I'm afraid your architecture skills might need a bit of refinement. That tower is leaning more than the Tower of Pisa.”

I huffed dramatically. “Well, Mr. Chef with spaghetti noodles for arms, at least I'm not flavoring the counter instead of the food.”

He shook his head with a smile. “You’re going to bring that up for the rest of my life, aren’t you?”

Soon, Daddy suggested it was time to wind down. He scooped me up in his strong arms, carrying me to my bedroom. As he tucked me into bed, his voice filled the room, weaving an enchanting tale of 'Princess Lina' and a kind 'Daddy Knight' named Hank. The story was beautiful and personal, his words leading me gently to the brink of sleep.

However, when he began to leave, I found myself holding onto him, insisting that he hadn't finished the story. With a warm chuckle, he promised to continue the tale on our next playdate. Comforted by his promise, I watched as he arranged the blankets around me, his large hands gentle and soothing.

Before leaving, he knelt by the bedside, beginning to hum a tune softly. Gradually, the soft hum transformed into a made-up lullaby. As sleep began to claim me, he reminded me to take care of my grazed knee and drink plenty of water, the tender concern in his voice enveloping me like a warm blanket.

I murmured a sleepy "I love you, Daddy," a content sigh escaping my lips as he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. In my arms, he placed my favorite wolf plushie, its familiar texture soothing my drowsy senses. His quiet "I love you too, princess" was the last thing I heard before sleep claimed me, the echo of his footsteps growing fainter as I drifted off to the world of dreams.

Chapter 26: Hank

The moment I opened the door of my mansion, I couldn't help but throw a roguish grin towards Lina. "Welcome, princess," I said, offering an exaggerated bow. "To your humble servant's not-so-humble abode."

Her laughter filled the air, the sweet sound echoing off the high ceilings and antique wooden furniture.

“You live in a real-life palace, Daddy!” she gasped, her eyes wide with childlike amazement. “I didn’t realize I was dating a prince.”

“Well,” I replied, a teasing smile playing on my lips, “in this palace, you are free. You're not just a princess, you're a queen, with her own mind and will. I am not here to control you, but to support and love you."

I hoped she understood the sincerity of my words, the unspoken promise that I wouldn’t manipulate her as Finn had done.

Eager to show her around, I led the way. Each room we entered was met with gasps and awed whispers from her. We traversed through the dining room with its towering portraits and elaborate chandeliers, then the grand ballroom with its high ceilings and sparkling crystal decorations. Each time, she drew comparisons between the spaces and her beloved fairy tales.

In the ballroom, she twirled around, her laughter echoing through the grand space. "This feels like I've stepped into Cinderella's grand ball," she giggled.

As we stepped into the verdant garden, blooming with vibrant flowers and rustic archways, she exclaimed, "This is like the enchanted forest in Sleeping Beauty!"

I added, “You know, I've been meaning to talk to the fairy godmother about the pumpkins in the garden. They have a nasty habit of turning into carriages at the stroke of midnight."

We finally moved towards the library, her fascination with books drawing her like a moth to a flame.

“Daddy,” she said, her eyes sparkling with determination, “I want to help you organize.”

How could I refuse such a sweet request? As we sifted through the piles of books, we stumbled upon a hilariously outdated one on etiquette and manners. We shared a laugh over the absurd notions mentioned in it. "Ladies must always wear gloves in public," Lina read out with a teasing smirk, holding up her bare hands in mock horror. "Oh no! I've been so rude!"

I chuckled, flipping through the pages to a random section, "And it says here that 'men are required to wear hats outdoors.' Good heavens, I've been a complete outlaw for stepping out hatless!" I theatrically clutched my chest, pretending to be mortified.

I couldn't remember the last time this library, this house, was filled with so much life and laughter. It was refreshing, comforting... it was home.

But then, just moments later, the laughter died out when she stumbled upon a novel, its cover triggering something within her. She froze, dropping the book as if it burned her. Her breathing turned erratic, panic dancing in her eyes. I watched in confusion, my mind racing to understand what had just transpired.

Then, I heard her whisper to herself, her voice shaky, filled with fear and uncertainty. "Daddy couldn't possibly be working with Finn," she muttered, "I’m just being paranoid. Daddy would never hurt me."
