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Her laughter filled the room as I scooped her up into my arms, causing her to squeal with surprise and joy.

"Well, your red carpet is waiting, princess," I said as I carried her up the stairs to the surprise I had been preparing, a playroom decorated entirely to her liking.

“You didn’t tell me you had a surprise in store!”

"What's a Daddy without some surprises up his sleeves?"

Her excitement was palpable, causing her to wiggle in my arms like a happy puppy, evoking yet another round of laughter from me. As we reached the door to the playroom, I gently placed her back on the floor, ready to witness her reaction to her very own kingdom.

As Lina stepped into the playroom, her eyes widened in awe. I had filled the room with princess-themed toys: a life-sized doll castle nestled in one corner, a sparkling tiara on a plush purple cushion in a glass display, and a treasure chest overflowing with regal dresses, satin gloves, and costume jewelry. There were shelves lined with royal-themed books and an impressive collection of Disney princess dolls. The center of the room held a large rug depicting a grand kingdom, complete with a castle, a dragon, and a knight.

"I have a kingdom!" she whispered, her eyes scanning the room in disbelief. She seemed mesmerized by the wall, decorated with beautiful murals of fairy tales, depicting brave princesses, loving Daddies, and magical kingdoms. As she moved through the room, her steps grew more excited, her speech more childish, until she was crawling on the floor, exploring her new realm with wide-eyed wonder.

Unable to contain my joy at her happiness, I picked her up and gave her a guided tour. Soon, I found us nestled in the reading nook, Lina in my lap as I read 'The Brave Princess and Her Loving Knight', a pink binky securely placed in her mouth. As I adopted a high-pitched, whimsical voice for Princess Lina, she popped the binky out of her mouth and burst into giggles.

"I don't sound like that, Daddy!" she protested between fits of laughter.

As we reached the last page, she sighed contentedly, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Daddy," she whispered, her voice muffled against my chest. "This is the best day ever."

“You know what would make it an even better day? If you stayed the night!”

She gasped and then nodded enthusiastically, bobbing her head up and down like a delighted bobblehead.

Later that night, as we lay in bed, I held her close, whispering assurances into her ear. "You're safe here, Little one," I reassured her. "In this house, in this room, in my arms, you're always safe."

Our whispered promises, tinged with love and respect, led to soft kisses, which gradually turned passionate. Soon we shed our clothes and our naked bodies were entwined, our hearts beating in sync as we surrendered to our growing love for each other. I was deep inside her, and it was the closest I had ever felt to her.

Next morning, sunlight spilled through the curtains as I woke up. The memories of the previous night flooded my mind - the soft touch of Lina's skin against mine, the way her body fit perfectly into my embrace, the sweet sounds she made, whispering my name. It was an intimacy I had craved for so long, a connection I had yearned for since we fooled around in the office.

Turning to my side, I found Lina staring blankly at the ceiling, her eyes filled with a distant sadness. My heart clenched at the sight. I wished I could absorb her pain, take away the fears that still lingered from her past.

I reached out, brushing a loose strand of hair from her face, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Lina," I began, "I've missed having a Little in my life. Ever since Bianca... well, it's been pretty lonely."

"You could... move in with me, Daddy," she suggested, her voice small, almost hesitant.

Her offer touched me deeply. Littles, in all their purity and kindness, were indeed the most beautiful souls. They had so much love to give, even when they had been hurt before.

"How about you move in with me instead?" I offered. "My place is bigger, and there's more room for a growing girl."

"Oh, I'd miss my princess-themed playroom if we moved into my tiny apartment," she admitted, a relieved laugh escaping her lips. We agreed to move her things next week, our work schedules packed with the upcoming tests for Little-themed gadget prototypes at the office.

After breakfast was ready, I led her to the highchair. Her eyes widened in excitement as I strapped her in, her feet kicking in glee.

"Daddy, this is so cool!" she squealed, her hands reaching out to touch the sides of the chair. Her plate, divided into sections for different types of food, was placed in front of her, and her eyes shone with excitement.

Taking a spoonful of scrambled eggs, I held it up in front of her, making an airplane noise as I approached her mouth. "Ready for take-off, Princess Lina?" I asked, matching her excitement.

She giggled, opening her mouth to let the 'airplane' land. I couldn't help but think, how incredibly lucky I was to have her in my life.

After breakfast, I suggested we do something that she loved. I watched as her face lit up at the idea of a tea party with her favorite stuffies. I fetched the tea set and the soft toys, arranging them around the low table in the playroom. All the while, I made sure to let Lina lead, making decisions about where each stuffy would sit, what 'tea' they would drink, and even what imaginary treats they would have.

Throughout the day, I encouraged her to make small decisions – what movie we would watch, what flavor ice cream we would have, even what bedtime story I would read before naptime. Each decision was met with encouragement and praise, her confidence growing with every choice she made.

As the day drew to a close, I dropped her off at her apartment, my heart already yearning for her presence. "Goodnight, princess," I said, kissing her on the lips before turning away.

I was eager to see her reclaim her identity and flourish under the warmth of love and respect. A journey where she could be herself without fear or judgement.
