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Listening to her recount these experiences, my heart ached. It was one thing to adopt a role of guidance and support, but Finn had twisted it into control and manipulation. He had isolated her from those who cared, claiming deceit and betrayal where there was none, convincing her that he was her sole beacon of love and care.

As her Daddy, my thoughts were a whirlwind of anger, sadness, and above all, protectiveness. The very idea that someone could exploit the trust and vulnerability inherent to our dynamic was abhorrent to me. I felt a fierce desire to shield her from further harm, to show her what it truly meant to be cared for and valued, not just as a Little, but as a person.

"Lina, what he did was wrong," I said, my voice laced with conviction. "Being a Daddy means respecting and nurturing, not controlling and isolating. You are worthy of love, of making choices, of being heard. I want you to know that with me, you'll always have the right to decide for yourself. You're safe here, with me."

She looked at me then, her eyes brimming with a mix of relief and newfound hope. It was a moment of raw honesty between us.

As her Daddy, I was determined to rebuild the trust that had been shattered, to show her the strength and beauty of a true Daddy/Little relationship. It would take time, patience, and a lot of love, but I was committed to being there for her, every step of the way.

I took her hand in mine, squeezing it gently. "Lina, I can't imagine how tough this has been for you. But I want you to know, I'm here for you, always."

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with unshed tears as she gave me a small nod. "I finally managed to get rid of Finn by moving out when he was away on a business trip. I left everything behind, even my personal belongings, just to escape the control he had over me."

My heart ached for her, and I felt a surge of protectiveness. "Lina," I began, my voice laden with emotion, "a Daddy's duty is to protect, to cherish, and to guide their Little. It's about creating a safe space where you feel loved and valued. Finn failed you in every way. He wasn't your Daddy; he was a monster wearing a mask, pretending to be something he could never understand."

Lina's voice was soft but filled with gratitude as she thanked me. "Hank, having you in my life, feeling your support and love... it means everything to me."

The conversation then shifted as I opened up about my past relationship with Bianca, who had found me overbearing and overprotective. "I guess I just hadn't found the right one who needs what I have to offer," I mused, the memory still bitter.

"You're nothing like that with me, Daddy," Lina assured me. "You're exactly what I need. You don't have to change who you are for anyone."

I smiled, feeling a sense of belonging I hadn't felt in a long time. "Maybe I've finally found the one who wants exactly what I want to give."

"Well, lucky me. I've found my perfect Daddy who worries enough for the both of us."

As the day unfolded, I found myself keeping a watchful eye on Lina. She seemed more at ease, but I knew the shadows of the past didn't dissipate so quickly. At one point, I caught her staring blankly at her toy blocks, lost in thought.

"Hey, no worrying, remember?" I said, sitting beside her on the floor. "What's my job?"

She looked up, a weak smile playing on her lips before it blossomed into something more genuine. "To worry for me."

"That's right. And who's your Daddy?" I asked, needing to hear the words, to affirm the bond between us.

"You are," she replied, her voice soft but sure, a sigh of contentment escaping her as she leaned into me.

The rest of the day was filled with moments like these, gentle reminders of the new path we were on together. Each time I saw her brow furrow or her gaze drift, I was there, reminding her to leave the worrying to me, reinforcing the safety and love that now surrounded her. It was a promise I intended to keep, today and every day that followed.

A few days later, the morning light crept through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room, marking the start of another day. I had grown to cherish these early hours since Lina moved in, our morning routines becoming a sacred ritual. We'd wake up tangled in each other naked, share sleepy smiles, and then, amidst playful banter, we'd get ready for the office together. She, in her own unique style, would sometimesdon a tie over her pajamas, claiming it was her version of business casual for our breakfast meetings at the kitchen table. I'd pretend to scold her for not dressing appropriately for work, only to pull her into a hug, reveling in the laughter that would fill the room.

This morning, however, was different. My hand patted the empty space beside me on the bed, finding only the cool, untouched sheets. A pang of surprise hit me—Lina was never up before me. Anxiety began to nibble at the edges of my calm as I called out her name, wandering from room to room in search of her. The mansion, usually a place of comfort, now seemed dauntingly large, its silence amplifying my fears. The thought that Finn might have taken her away in the night struck me like a physical blow, sending my heart racing into overdrive. The possibility, though extreme, wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility given her past with him. It was a testament to the kind of relentless worry that had become a staple of my life since becoming a Daddy.

I forced myself to take deep breaths, attempting to quell the panic with rational thought. It was unlikely Finn could have taken her without waking him up. As I calmed down, I couldn't help but reflect on the nature of worry that comes with caring for someone so deeply. You didn’t really know fear until you become someone’s Daddy or Mommy. Each morning I woke up, my first thought wasn’t “I love her so much”, but instead, it was “is she going to be alright?”

Before Lina, I used to wake up with thoughts centered around my day, my needs, my desires. Now, every morning was a pulse-check on her well-being. The love I have for her isn't just about joy and warmth; it's also about fear—the fear of her coming to any harm, the fear of not being able to protect her.

This fear, however, was a double-edged sword. It's terrifying and all-consuming, yet, in a way, it's the very thing that makes the love so profound. It's like being in the eye of a storm, finding peace amidst the chaos. If love is the ship, then fear is the ocean—it rocks and tests you, but also carries you forward. And despite the tumultuous waves, I would brave this storm a thousand times over for the chance to be her anchor, her safe harbor.

Lina, with her innocence and resilience, faces her own storms. I've seen her, caught in moments of vulnerability, holding onto a toy as if it were a lifeline, lost in worries that no one so sweet should bear. It's a stark reminder of the harsh realities of life, of how unfair it can be, and how fragile the moments of happiness are. Yet, in those times, when I can pull her back from the brink, remind her she's not alone, and offer her a semblance of peace—even if just for a moment—I realize the immense value of what we share. It's in these moments, when I can be her Daddy, that I find an indescribable beauty amidst the fear and worry. But it’s also in these moments that I’m always reminded how ridiculous it is to expect any girl to thrive in this world and be free from worry.

Before meeting Lina, I resisted this part of me, the Daddy within. Now, I couldn't imagine being anything else. It was a journey fraught with worry, yes, but also filled with unparalleled joy and fulfillment.

As I pushed open the door to the playroom, my search for Lina finally came to an end. There she was, stark naked and surrounded by a colorful disarray of toys, her presence bringing life into the otherwise still room.

"Did you come here straight from bed? Didn't even bother to get dressed or brush your teeth?" I asked, my tone more stern than I intended, a reflexive response to the situation.

Her reply was immediate and laden with mischief, "Why, yes, Daddy. I thought my dragon breath might add to the ambiance of my kingdom here," she said, gesturing grandly to the scattered toys around her. The cheekiness of her response, though lacking its usual warmth, hinted at a brattiness I found both endearing and challenging.

Trying to steer the morning back on track, I attempted to coax her into our usual routine. "It's time to get ready for the office, little miss," I said, hoping to infuse a sense of urgency into the moment.
