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Her retort came as she popped up from her seated position, "And miss the opportunity to have my personal dragon chase me? I think not, Sir Hank!" With that, she darted off, her giggles filling the room as I playfully chased after her, a mock sternness in my pursuit.

As I caught up to her, slowing to a halt, I asked, "Why are you being so naughty today? Do I need to call your Uncle Joe and tell him about your behavior?"

She stopped, her laughter subsiding as she sighed, "We finished the big car project yesterday, and I was hoping to relax for a bit. You know, the one we've been working on for months. The one that made us fall in love because we had to stay late at the office working together." Her voice softened with the recollection, bringing a flood of warm memories from those nights spent side by side, immersed in our project.

With a smirk, I couldn't help but reminisce out loud, "Ah, yes. I remember some particularly sexual details from those times," my words tinged with a fondness that mirrored my thoughts.

Her eyes widened as she clasped her hands together, pleading, "Please, Daddy, just this once, can I have a quick playsession before I have to put on my big girl pants and face the day?"

Her request, so earnest and filled with a longing for a brief escape, softened my resolve. "Five minutes," I sighed, granting her this small reprieve from the responsibilities awaiting us.

After brushing my teeth and returning to the playroom, I found her still engaged with her Barbie, lost in a world of imagination. Realizing time was slipping away, I tried to nudge her back to reality with a hint of humor. "You know, the office won't run itself. We're getting late for our very serious business of coloring outside the lines," I commented, trying to bridge her playful world with our responsibilities.

Quick as ever, she shot back with a cheeky grin, "But you're the owner of the company. Can't the boss be late once in a while?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her logic. "And here I thought you didn't want any special treatment because of your ties to the boss."

Seeing Lina so immersed in her world of toys and make-believe, I knew I needed to gently guide her back to reality, but not without acknowledging the whimsy that made her who she was.

"Lina," I began, adopting a tone that was deliberately stern yet underscored by a warmth only she could detect, "if you don't start getting ready now, I'll have to spank you, and then you'll feel it when you’re squirming at the office all day." My words were meant to nudge rather than scare, a balancing act I had learned to master with her.

Her response was a mix of an aroused look and a playful acquiescence. "Okay, Daddy, but five more minutes?" shebargained, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous light that I found irresistibly charming.

Without a word, I walked over to her, scooping her up into my arms in one fluid motion. She let out a small yelp of surprise, reaching out for her Barbie but missing it by inches. As I carried her to the bathroom, I caught her looking up at me with a sweet smile. I couldn't help but lean down and plant a soft peck on her lips, eliciting a giggle from her that resonated with pure joy.

Holding her close with one arm, I reached for the toothbrush with the other, preparing to tackle the task at hand. To make the moment light and engaging, I began to weave a tale, a made-up story designed to mirror our current situation.

"Once upon a time," I started, my voice adopting the cadence of a professional storyteller, "there was a sweet girl who loved to play and sometimes forgot about her responsibilities. Her Daddy, who loved her very much, would remind her, but she would often be too caught up in her adventures. One day, her Daddy decided to tell her a story about a little princess who was very naughty with her..."

As the story unfolded, I gently brushed her teeth, turning a routine task into a moment of connection and learning. After finishing, I dabbed at her mouth with a towel, her eyes still fixed on me, absorbing every word.

Feeling that she needed a moment of relaxation to counter the burnout from the office, I decided to deviate from our usual quick shower. Instead, I prepared the bathtub for her, a decision that seemed to light her up from within. She watched eagerly, moving back and forth on her heels as I filled the tub with warm water.

Lina dashed off to fetch her bath toys—a task I usually took upon myself. It was a small act of independence that I welcomed.

Testing the water one last time to ensure it was just right, I helped her into the bathtub, passing her the toys one by one. As she began to play, orchestrating an elaborate search for lost treasure with her diver toy, I couldn't help but watch in silent admiration. The way she brought her imagination to life, transforming the bathtub into an expansive ocean filled with mystery and adventure, was a reminder of the simplicity and purity of her spirit.

The content smile that played on her lips as she narrated the diver's journey was a sight to behold. All the worries of the adult world seemed to melt away.

Then it was time for me to join her. As I settled in, she extended an arm, her fingers trailing along the surface of the water before making contact with my leg. A chill ran through me as I felt her cool touch against my warm skin. Her fingers moved upwards, caressing my thigh, their gentle strokes sending shivers down my spine.

"Lina," I gasped, my voice a mixture of surprise and desire, "we're going to be late for work at this rate."

She gave me a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Maybe I don't want us to be on time," she said, her words laced with suggestiveness. "Maybe I want us to be we can do other things."

Her words set my heart racing. I stood up, towering over her as I looked down at my cock. With a wink, I said, "Well, it looks like something's come up...pun intended."

She giggled, her laughter lilting and carefree. "Looks like we'll have to be late after all," she replied. "How about wecontinue this in the shower? That way, we can get two things done at once."

I nodded eagerly, unable to resist the temptation any longer. I carried her out of the bathtub and into the shower, turning on the water and adjusting the temperature until it was just right. We stood under the water, our naked bodies intertwined, our skin slick with soap.

I leaned down and kissed her forehead, then her eyes, her nose, and finally her lips. Her mouth opened willingly beneath mine, and our tongues danced together in a passionate tango. I trailed kisses down her neck, her shoulders, and her chest, savoring the taste of her skin.

My hands roamed over her body, exploring every curve and crevice. I cupped her breasts, feeling their softness against my palms. I kneaded them gently, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. My fingers found her nipples, and I rolled them between my thumb and forefinger, watching as they hardened in response to my touch.

I moved lower, my lips tracing a path down her belly until I reached her pussy. I lingered there, savoring the scent of her arousal, before using my tongue to gently tease her. I circled her clitoris with my tongue, feeling it throb beneath my touch. I used my fingers to spread her labia, exposing her most sensitive spot.

I pressed my tongue against her opening, and she cried out in pleasure. I explored her with my tongue and fingers, using gentle strokes and rhythmic patterns to bring her closer to the edge. Her body trembled beneath my touch, and her breathing grew ragged.
