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I raised my hand and brought it down on her bare ass, leaving a stinging red mark. She cried out, her body jumping in surprise.

"Again," she whispered.

I spanked her again, harder this time. She cried out again, but this time there was a hint of pleasure in her voice.

I continued to spank her, the sound of her cries filling the room. I could see her body getting more and more aroused, and I knew that she was close to coming again.

Just as I was about to spank her again, she suddenly grabbed my hand. "Wait," she said, her voice catching.

I looked at her in surprise. "What is it?"

There was a shift in Lina's demeanor. It was sudden and stark, her eyes welling up with tears that threatened to spill over. Reacting instinctively, I uncuffed her, my actions gentle, a stark contrast to the discipline we had been exploring. Wrapping her in my arms, I offered kisses and whispered assurances, a balm to the storm of emotions raging within her.

As she calmed, Lina opened up about her past, her voice a trembling whisper that spoke of a time marked by fear and helplessness. "Finn... he would spank me for things I couldn't control, like being late from work or not answering the door quickly enough," she confessed, each memory a shard of glass puncturing the tranquility of the moment.

Her desire to get spanked now, she explained, was an attempt to reclaim control over the shadows of her past, to overwrite the memories of Finn's cruelty with a narrative of her own choosing. Yet, the spanks that were meant to empower her had instead evoked the very traumas she sought to escape.

I held her closer, my heart aching at her revelations. "We don't have to continue with spanks as a form of discipline if it brings back such painful memories," I assured her, ready to cast aside any aspect of our dynamic that could cause her harm.

But Lina, with a strength that never ceased to amaze me, voiced her need to redefine the experience. "No, I want them... with you, it's different. It comes from a place of love, I can feel that. It's... it's healing, in a way," she reasoned, her voice steadying with each word. "I want to replace the bad memories with ones filled with your care and love."

The resolve in her words was both heartbreaking and inspiring. It spoke of a depth of resilience, of her desire to reclaim her narrative, to transform pain into empowerment through the lens of our love and trust.

As the night wore on, I prepared warm milk for her, holding the bottle to her lips as she drifted between wakefulness and sleep. Her face, still flushed from crying, eased into a semblance of peace as she sipped from the bottle. Each time she began to feed in her sleep, a delicate dance between seeking comfort and succumbing to exhaustion, I felt a surge of protective love.

Finally, as the bottle emptied, I gently replaced it with her pink binky, a silent symbol of comfort and security. Holding her close in bed, I lay beside her, enveloped in the quiet of the night. My thoughts drifted to Finn, to the shadow he cast over Lina's past, and the unspoken vow I made to shield her from any further harm.

As she nestled closer, her breathing deep and even in the embrace of sleep, I marveled at the love that had blossomed between us. She was my sweet angel, her resilience, her capacity for love despite the scars of her past, a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Lying there, watching over her, I was overwhelmed with a profound sense of gratitude. In that quiet moment, with Lina safe in my arms, I knew just how lucky I was to have her in my life.

Chapter 6: Lina

CRADLED IN DADDY'S STRONG ARMS, the comfort of my pink binky between my lips, I was carried into the back office of the club, a place that felt worlds away from the lively atmosphere outside. The sight of Mike, nestled just as securely in Uncle Joe's embrace, sucking on his blue binky but smiling widely at me, immediately eased some of the tension in my heart. I waved back, the silent camaraderie between us a small beacon of encouragement.

Uncle Nick, the club's owner, sat behind the desk, an imposing figure with his reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. As Daddy leaned forward to hand over the thumb drive containing my final ad copy for the club, a surge of nervous anticipation gripped me. What if Nick disliked it? The thought of my hard work, my vision, not meeting his expectations sent a flutter of unease through me.

Nick, sensing the moment's gravity, removed his glasses and met my anxious gaze. "I've been looking forward to this for weeks now," he said, his voice a mix of seriousness and anticipation.

Mike, ever the source of light-heartedness, removed his binky, letting it dangle from its clip on his blue shirt. In an attempt to cut through the tension, he exaggeratedly announced, "This is going to be the best ad for a club you've ever seen. It's tremendous, really terrific," his imitation of Trump's distinctive, exaggerated mannerisms eliciting a round of much-needed laughter. "I haven't actually seen the ad myself, but I trust Lina's vision," he added, his confidence in me shining through his playful facade.

With the room now slightly more at ease, Nick inserted the pen drive and played the video ad. The screen came to life, revealing a magical forest scene, awash with the ethereal glow of twinkling lights. Animated creatures, adorable in their whimsy, frolicked among the trees, each movement fluid and enchanting, beckoning the viewer deeper into the fantastical woodland. The scene was inviting, a promise of an adventure, of a world apart from the mundane.

As the video transitioned from the forest to the interior of the club, the contrast was striking yet seamless. The club's atmosphere, suffused with a soft, mysterious light, showcased people adorned in beautiful, intricate masks, dancing, conversing, existing in a space where fantasy and reality blurred. The masks added an aura of mystery and elegance, transforming the club into a haven for those seeking to escape, to be someone else, if only for a night.

The culmination of the ad presented the tagline in elegant, flowing script: "Unmask Your Night, Reveal Your Dreams." It was an invitation for all Daddies and Littles, a call to adventure, to discover one's true self amidst the enchantment of the night.

As the ad concluded, the room fell into a momentary hush, the impact of the visual journey lingering in the air. Nick's reaction was the final piece of the puzzle, his approval critical to the ad's success. The nervous anticipation returned, heavier this time, as we awaited his verdict.

Then suddenly, the room erupted in applause, with Mike leading the charge, his claps echoing enthusiastically through the office. Uncle Nick joined in, his smile wide and genuine.

Nick turned to me. "Thank you, Lina, for all the hard work. It's truly been an honor working with someone of your talent."

Daddy, standing beside me with a warmth in his eyes that made my heart swell, leaned in to whisper, "I'm so proud of you, princess," before planting a soft peck on my cheek. The gesture, so full of love and pride, enveloped me in a sense of accomplishment and belonging.

Mike, never one to be left out, chimed in with his bravado. "I worked on it too, you know, even though I wasn’t officially hired. So, I think I deserve a thank-you as well," he said, a playful glint in his eye.

Nick's laughter filled the room. "Of course, thank you, Mike, for your... invaluable input," he said, the amusement clear in his voice.
