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Jenna, not to be outdone, grabbed a pair of toy sunglasses. "Well, if we're going to be a band, we need a cool manager. But I'm a manager who's afraid of the spotlight," she declared, hiding behind a curtain while trying to direct the band.

We erupted in laughter, the playful atmosphere a testament to Mike's ability to bring joy and silliness into any situation. The topic of the rumors inevitably resurfaced, and we shared with Elijah and Jenna that Kristen was identified as the source. Their reactions were of no surprise; they too had felt the sting of Kristen's unexplained meanness, validating Logan's claim and our suspicions.

Later as we headed out together, the parking lot was bathed in the soft glow of the streetlights as we prepared to part ways. Mike and I, never ones to shy away from a bit of drama, made our goodbyes an elaborate affair.

"Oh, woe is me!" Mike exclaimed, throwing a hand dramatically over his forehead as Joe held him. "How shall I ever endure the night without the radiant presence of my dear friend Lina to light up my darkness?"

I, cradled in Daddy's arms, played along with equal fervor. "And I! Left to languish in the gloom, pining for the mirth and merriment only Mike can bring! How shall I bear such sorrow?"

Hank, ever the voice of reason, couldn't help but chuckle at our theatrics. "This again? You do realize you'll see each other at the office tomorrow, right? And every single day after that."

Joe, joining in the fun, added, "Not to mention all the silly things you'll get to do together. Like the 'Great Stapler Race' you two seem so fond of. Seeing who can staple the most papers in a minute without jamming the stapler."

Our laughter filled the parking lot, a bittersweet note to our departure, as we remembered the many moments of shared joy and silliness that colored our daily work lives.

Once home, dinner time transformed into another scene of our never-ending play. Tonight, the dining room was my kingdom, and I, the princess, awaited service from my most 'arrogant' servant.

"Servant!" I declared, my voice dripping with royal disdain, "I demand the finest spaghetti from the lands far and wide. Make haste, lest you incur my royal displeasure!"

Daddy, slipping effortlessly into the role of the insolent servant, replied with a mock bow. "Of course, Your Highness, though I wonder if the finest spaghetti wouldn't rather be served on a silver platter than a commoner's plate."

His subtle sarcasm and whimsical reluctance only served to amplify my attempts to maintain a regal composure. "Insolence! A true princess recognizes the value of her meal, not the opulence of its vessel. Now, bring forth my dinner!"

As he fed me spaghetti while I sat in my highchair, our roles continued to blur the lines between fiction and reality. "Here comes the royal carriage, bearing the feast," Daddy intoned, twirling the spaghetti on the fork before navigating it towards my open mouth.

"Ensure it arrives without delay," I countered, "for a princess mustn't be kept waiting. And be wary, for each strand of spaghetti not perfectly twirled is a mark against you in the royal ledger."

After dinner, with the kingdom of our dining room left to rest, I cleaned up while Daddy excused himself to make the bed. Minutes later I retreated to the bedroom, the laughter and love of the evening's escapades warming me more than any blanket could.

Little did I know of the sight that awaited me. In the dim, amber-lit bedroom, I stood frozen, my heart pounding like a wild drum against my ribcage. Before me, Daddy lay sprawled upon the bed stark naked, his body a symphony of sculpted muscle and smooth curves. Adorned only by a crimson bandana strategically covering his dick and was tied around his thigh, he emanated an aura of raw, untamed sexuality that sent shivers down my spine.

His eyes met mine, smoldering with desire, and a wicked grin spread across his lips. With a graceful fluidity, he began to move, his body undulating to the rhythm of the throbbing music. The same erotic moves he had performed at the club a few days ago, now mere inches away, ignited a fire within me, fanning the flames of my arousal. All I could think was that he remembered his promise to give me a private performance.

His torso twisted and turned, each muscle rippling beneath his tanned skin. His hips swayed in a mesmerizing motion, his butt cheeks quivering with every step. I couldn't help but admire the definition in his thighs, the strength in his calves, and the delicate arch of his feet.

As he twirled and spun, the bandana slipped from its precarious perch, revealing his thick cock in all its glory.It bobbed and swayed, pulsing with life, commanding my attention. I felt a surge of heat flood my body, my pussy throbbing with a primal need.

He approached me, his eyes locking with mine, his movements becoming more deliberate, more seductive. His hands reached out, caressing my face, his touch sending shivers down my spine. He leaned in, his breath warm against my lips, and whispered huskily, "You like what you see, princess?"

I nodded, unable to tear my eyes away from his throbbing dick. He grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Good," he murmured, his hands sliding down my body, igniting a trail of fire.

He pulled me closer, our bodies molding together, the heat of his bare skin searing through my thin nightgown. His lips met mine in a searing kiss, his tongue dancing with mine, igniting an inferno of desire within me.

His hands roamed my body, exploring every curve, every hollow, every sensitive spot. He teased my nipples with his fingertips, sending jolts of electricity through my body. He caressed my thighs, his touch feather-light, yet leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

He unbuttoned my nightgown, revealing the lacy lingerie I wore beneath. His eyes devoured me, his gaze lingering on the swell of my breasts, the curve of my hips, and the juncture of my thighs.

Soon he lowered himself onto the bed, pulling me atop him. Our naked bodies melded together, our skin slick with sweat and desire. He moved against me, his every thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure reverberating through my body.

His hands moved to my breasts, kneading and caressing them, his thumbs flicking across my hardened nipples. He benthis head, his lips grazing the sensitive skin beneath my ear, his breath hot and moist.

He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, his words weaving a spell of seduction that wrapped around me like a silken thread.

“You’re so beautiful, Lina. I can’t wait to be inside you. Sometimes I can l literally feel my body ache to make you mine.”

The climax of our lovemaking was an explosion of sensation, a supernova of pleasure that left me breathless and trembling. As we lay naked, entwined in each other's arms, I felt a sense of profound connection with Daddy, a bond that transcended the physical and delved into the depths of our souls.

Chapter 7: Lina
