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When Little Logan, with the essence of innocence encapsulated in his wide eyes, crawled into the room, a flutter of concern stirred within me. Logan, unbeknownst to the gravity of our interrogation, seemed too pure, too gentle for the likes of Mike's exaggeratedly tough questioning. I found myself silently hoping Logan wouldn't crumble under what was meant to be an attempt to uncover the truth.

Mike, sensing the need to ease Logan into the situation, adopted a tone of jest. "Logan, you've been summoned here not for any misdeed, but because you're just too adorable and innocent," he proclaimed, circling Logan in a mock-serious crawl. "We must preserve that innocence at all costs."

Logan's reaction was a mixture of giggles and awe. "Oh, wow! I hear that a lot, but coming from you, it's... it's like getting a medal of honor!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with the sincerity of the truly innocent. "I always try to be good and nice because that's what my heart tells me to do. And...and I love making friends! Everyone is so interesting, and I just want to be friends with everyone and make them happy. Being genuine, that's what my Daddy always says is most important."

As Logan concluded his heartfelt rant, the purity of his intentions shining through, Mike abruptly shifted gears, transitioning into his role as the 'tough' interrogator. "Now, Logan," he began, his voice dropping to a serious tone, "you're closer to this than anyone. You're the key to unraveling the mystery of who started these baseless rumors about me at the club."

Logan's smile faltered, his brows knitting together in a mix of surprise and confusion. "Rumors? Oh, I—I didn't realize that's what this was about," he stammered, his earlier ease replaced by nervousness. "I don't really like talking about others... It feels mean to snitch."

Undeterred, Mike, still in character, theatrically threatened, "Well, if you don't tell us, I might have to make you run...while holding a pair of scissors."

Logan's gasp was immediate, his eyes wide with shock. "You wouldn't! Everyone knows scissors are super dangerous, and we Littles have to ask for a Daddy's help if we need touse them." His response, so earnest and rooted in the teachings instilled within Littles about safety, underscored his innocence.

“Oh, is it?” Mike said. “Then you better tell me the truth. We all know what happened to Little Jean.”

“But that’s just a myth!” Logan said.

Mike scoffed. “Oh, please. I was there when it all happened. Poor Jean…”

Mike delved deeper into his fabricated tale about Little Jean and her unfortunate scissors incident. Logan, already hanging on every word, grew visibly more anxious as Mike, with the flair of a seasoned actor, described the dramatic consequences of Jean's actions. "And there she was, both arms gone, just because she didn't heed the warning about running with scissors. It was a tragedy, really, especially since she dreamed of being a hand model," Mike lamented, his voice heavy with mock sorrow.

The story, though wildly exaggerated and entirely untrue, seemed to have a profound effect on Logan, who gasped and looked on the verge of tears. I leaned closer to Mike, whispering, "Maybe you should go easy on him, Mike. He's really scared."

Acknowledging my concern with a nod, Mike seamlessly transitioned into his "good cop" persona, his demeanor softening as he turned to Logan. "Hey, buddy, I'm on your side, you know? I don't like that bad cop any more than you do. And honestly, I'm not sure when he might come back. So, how about you help us out here? Just in case he returns," Mike said, his tone now gentle, almost soothing.

I watched the exchange, half-amused and half-concerned, wondering if Mike's sudden shift was meant to portray a character grappling with multiple personalities. Thetransformation was so convincing it almost made me forget we were merely trying to uncover the truth.

Despite Mike's softer approach, Logan remained adamant. "I really don't know anything," he insisted, his voice small and fraught with worry.

In a final attempt to coax the truth out of Logan, Mike reverted to his "bad cop" role, this time pulling out a pair of plastic toy scissors from his diaper and handing them to Logan. The gesture, meant to be the culmination of his elaborate ruse, instead sent Logan into a panic.

"I'll tell you! Please, I don't want to lose my arms!" Logan exclaimed, nearly in tears, the fear of becoming another 'victim' like Jean overriding his resolve.

Mike, realizing perhaps he had taken the act too far, quickly pocketed the toy scissors, his expression softening. "It's okay, Logan. You're safe," he reassured, his voice now devoid of any theatrics.

The intensity of the moment gradually ebbed away, leaving behind a mixture of relief and a slight sense of guilt for having pushed Logan so far, even in jest. As Logan calmed down, still sniffling but no longer on the verge of tears, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. The whole episode, though intended to be in good fun, had inadvertently showcased the impact of rumors and the power of words, even those spoken in jest.

Logan, with a mix of reluctance and courage, then named Kristen as the source of the rumors. A wave of disbelief washed over Mike. He struggled to reconcile the accusation with his perception of her. "Kristen? No, it can't be. She doesn't come off as mean at all," he protested, his confusion evident.

I leaned closer to Mike, my voice low. "I thought it might be her, too," I admitted. "But I didn't want to point fingers without being sure."

Mike's demeanor softened as he transitioned back into his "good cop" persona, extending an olive branch to Logan. "I'm sorry for the...intense approach by my other half," he said, a hint of humor lacing his apology. "I promise I'll do my best to keep that side of me locked away forever."

Logan's lower lip quivered, a clear sign of his distress. Mike quickly shifted the mood, offering an invitation that brought a tentative smile to Logan's face. "How about you come play with us sometime? It'll be fun, I promise," Mike suggested.

After wiping away Logan's tears, Mike watched as Logan, reassured, crawled out of the room.

Once alone, I shared my suspicions with Mike. "Remember how she glared at you when you made that joke about her porcelain doll collection? It was just a harmless joke, but she didn't take it well at all."

Fueled by a newfound resolve, Mike's determination took a mischievous turn. "Instead of just confronting her, let's teach her a lesson," he suggested, his fist clenched not in anger, but in determination to right the wrongs done to him.

Though revenge was not a path I would normally condone, the mischievous glint in Mike's eye suggested his plans were more playful than punitive.

Seeking to lighten the mood, we joined Elijah and Jenna in the playroom of the club. It wasn't long before Mike's infectious energy took center stage.

"Watch this," Mike announced, grabbing a toy microphone. "This is my impression of a rock star who's alsoincredibly shy." He proceeded to strum an air guitar hesitantly, mumbling the lyrics under his breath, his performance hilariously contradictory.

Elijah joined in, pretending to be Mike's backup dancer, moving with exaggerated stiffness. "I'm...not sure if I'm feeling the music," he said, imitating a robot, adding to the absurdity of the performance.

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