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As Dean reached for the price tag, I watched the play of emotions across his face—a flicker of hesitation, a shadow of disappointment. It was clear the journal was more expensive than he'd anticipated. I could see him mentally calculating, weighing his desire to give me this gift against the practicality of his budget.

My heart ached for him. His willingness to stretch his finances, to make this gesture for me, spoke volumes of his love and the sacrifices he was prepared to make for his newfound daughter. It was a reminder of the complex, often painful, dynamics of familial love and the lengths to which we go to express it.

"I can buy it for myself," I offered gently, not wanting him to feel obligated or strained by the purchase.

Dean's refusal was immediate, his pride evident even as he struggled with the decision. "No. I want this to be my gift to you," he said, his voice firm yet tinged with embarrassment.

I understood then that accepting financial help, even from his own daughter, was a line he was not yet ready to cross. It was more than just about money—it was about his role as a father, his desire to provide, and perhaps, a way to reclaim some of the dignity he felt he'd lost over the years.

"Okay, but remember, I'm part of your family now. Not an outsider," I reminded him softly, trying to bridge the gap his pride had erected.

He smiled, a mix of gratitude and embarrassment coloring his expression. "Fine. But I promise, I'll gift it to you when you least expect it," he said, a lightness to his words that didn't quite mask the undercurrent of financial concern.

Reluctantly, I agreed, stepping away from the journal with a heavy heart. It became clear to me that any futureattempts to offer financial assistance would likely be met with resistance. Dean's pride, his struggle to accept help, was a hurdle we would have to navigate carefully. Yet, in that refusal, in his promise, I saw the glimmer of a new beginning—one built on mutual respect, understanding, and the slow rekindling of a bond long deferred.

Chapter 9: Lina

WHEN I ARRIVED AT MIKE'S MANSION, his playful greeting caught me off guard. "Who's your daddy?" he asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Without missing a beat, I played along, responding, "You are," before we both erupted into fits of laughter.

From the side, Daddy couldn't help but comment on our antics. "You two are something else. I swear, the silliness meter breaks whenever you're together," he said, his voice laced with amusement and affection.

The laughter had barely subsided when Uncle Joe shifted the mood. "Mike, it's time for your multivitamin pill," he reminded him, a hint of sternness in his voice.

Mike immediately recoiled at the reminder. "But I don't want to take them. I feel fine," he protested, hoping to dodge the unpalatable task.

Joe's response was firm yet laced with sweetness, "I know you feel fine, but these help keep you that way. It's just one pill, Mike."

Despite Joe's coaxing, Mike's defiance didn't waver. Upon receiving the pill, he spit it out instantly, offering a wildly implausible excuse. "I read that if you laugh enough, it boosts your immune system. So, technically, Lina's my vitamin," he claimed, trying to sidestep the issue.

Joe, unfazed by the attempt at logic, retorted with a mix of sternness and amusement, "Nice try, but laughter isn't going to keep you from needing vitamins. Let's not make this harder than it has to be, Mike."

In an effort to demonstrate the ease of the task, Joe turned to their cat, Bubbles, suggesting Mike observe how well the cat takes its medication. After crushing a deworming pill and mixing it with water, Joe skillfully injected the mixture into Bubbles' mouth.

Mike, ever the sass master, commented, "Well, if my vitamins came with a fun syringe show like Bubbles', I'd take them without fuss too, Daddy."

Taking the hint, Joe prepared Mike's vitamin in the same manner, crushing the pill and mixing it with water before administering it. Mike's reaction was immediate; his face twisted into an elaborate grimace, a silent ballet of disgust and betrayal as the bitter taste overwhelmed him.

I couldn't help but clap at the spectacle, thoroughly entertained by the lengths to which Joe went to ensure Mike's health. Mike, still wiggling from the taste, half-jokingly asked for another round, to which Joe replied, "You'll have to wait till tomorrow."

As our Daddies disappeared upstairs to tackle the task of packing, Mike transformed the living room into his stage, dramatically collapsing onto the floor with a sigh that seemed to echo through the mansion. "I'm bored," he proclaimed, as though delivering a line to a captivated audience. Bubbles, ever the faithful companion, seemed to sympathize with his plight, meowing softly before curling up beside him.

Petting her gently, I mused aloud about the oppressive summer heat, half-jokingly contemplating the relief that a full-body ice pack might offer. Mike's response came with a chuckle, a twinkle of mischief lighting up his eyes. "I have a better idea. How about some ice cream from the fridge?" he suggested, already half-rising in anticipation.

My gasp was genuine, mixed with amusement and a hint of concern. "But don't you get spanked for doing that without your Daddy's permission?" I asked, the prospect both thrilling and slightly daunting.

Mike's chest swelled with a mix of pride and defiance. "Spanks? That's my middle name," he declared, his voice dripping with mock bravado. "I laugh in the face of imminent discipline."

I couldn't help but giggle at his bold proclamation, even as I reminded him, "You know, that's nothing to be proud of."

With a sly wink, he retorted, "We shall agree to disagree." His infectious enthusiasm led me, albeit hesitantly, to follow him into the kitchen where he confidently retrieved a tub of chocolate ice cream from the fridge.

As we each took a bite, the forbidden sweetness of the moment was undeniable. "We're good Littles," Mike announced with a mouthful of ice cream, a statement that seemed to seek reassurance from the universe itself. "We haven't done anything to be ashamed of... yet."

His words sparked a brief moment of resolve between us. "Yes, let's stop while we're ahead," I agreed, the spoon pausing midway to my mouth.

But Mike, ever the rebel, took three more swift bites, his resolve crumbling like a cookie in milk. With a heavy sigh, he admitted defeat. "Well, now we've been bad. There's no turning back. All hope is lost."
