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Joe couldn't help but chuckle at Mike's antics, though his resolve remained unshaken. "Well, considering your extensive experience with the 'justice system' here, I'd have thought you'd be rehabilitated by now."

Puffing his chest out with an air of misplaced pride, Mike responded, "Indeed, I consider myself quite the connoisseur of spanks. It's an art, really."

Joe's retort was swift and tinged with humor. "That isn't exactly a badge of honor, Mike. Perhaps we should aim for a little less familiarity with the discipline process, hm?"

As Elijah retreated to his room under the weight of his own impending phone conversation with his Daddies, Joe escorted Mike away for his punishment, leaving me alone with Daddy. The moment he turned his full attention to me, I felt an immediate sense of dread.

Daddy's usually warm and loving gaze was now overshadowed by a cloud of disappointment—a look I hadn't seen directed at me before and one I found deeply unsettling. Standing before him, I was acutely aware of the disparity between his imposing physical presence and the gentle soul I knew him to be. But in that moment, all I could focus on was the disappointment in his eyes, a reflection of my actions and their impact.

The realization that I had let him down weighed heavily on my heart. Daddy had always been my rock, my protector, and the source of unconditional love and support. To disappoint him, to see that twinkle of warmth replaced with the storm clouds of disapproval, was a punishment far greater than any corner time.

With each step closer to the bedroom, the weight of my misbehavior pressed down on me like an unbearable burden. Daddy's stern expression mirrored my shame, and I felt my heart pound in my chest like a drum. The thought of disappointing him filled me with a mix of fear and remorse. As he gently guided me over his knee, memories of Finn spanking me flooded my mind.

A chill ran down my spine as the realization of what was about to happen settled in. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the imminent sting. A wave of anticipation washed over me, mingled with a strange sense of longing. Usually, the sensation of his hand against my bare skin would ignite a fire within me, but this time, it was different.

The first swat landed, and I gasped, feeling the sharp sting reverberate through my ass. It was firm, deliberate, and sent a jolt of both pain and guilt coursing through my veins. I clenched my teeth, trying to stifle the whimpers that threatened to escape my lips. With each subsequent strike, the intensity grew, and I found myself torn between the physical discomfort and the emotional agony of knowing that I had let Daddy down.

Unlike other times, when the pain would fuel a hidden excitement within me, now it only served to deepen my shame. I longed for the familiar arousal that would usually accompany this form of discipline, but it eluded me. Instead, I was left with a hollow emptiness, a sense of loss that went beyond the physical realm.

As the spanking continued, I couldn't help but wonder if I deserved this. Was my punishment justified, or was it an expression of Daddy's pent-up frustration? The line between discipline and humiliation blurred, and I felt myself sinking deeper into a pit of despair.

Through the haze of tears that welled up in my eyes, I stole a glance at Daddy's face. His expression was unreadable, his eyes fixed on the task at hand. I longed to see a flicker of compassion, a hint of understanding, but all I saw was cold indifference.

With a final, resounding swat, the ordeal came to an end. Daddy helped me up, his touch surprisingly gentle. As I stood before him, I felt a mix of relief and utter desolation. The physical pain was fading, but the emotional scars would linger.

I turned away, unable to meet his gaze, and retreated to the bathroom. As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I saw a girl who had lost her way. The shame and disappointment gnawed at me, leaving me feeling broken and alone.

Trying to compose myself, I returned to him moments later, hoping it was the end of my punishment. As Daddy led me to the corner of the room, my heart felt as heavy as lead in my chest. The walls, filled with laughter and warmth just yesterday, now felt cold and distant. Standing there, with my back to him and my gaze fixed on the blank wall ahead, I was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. My tears, unbidden, began to flow freely, each one a silent testament to the depth of my remorse.

I thought back to all the moments Daddy had enveloped me in his love, offering his support and guidance without a moment's hesitation. I remembered how he had patiently navigated my unwarranted suspicions about his involvement with Finn, always responding with understanding rather than frustration. The realization of how my actions had betrayed his trust caused a fresh wave of tears to escape my eyes.

When corner time finally ended, Daddy presented me with Kristen's favorite book—the one Mike and I had mischievously hidden along with the dolls. The punishment heset before me was to read the book aloud. Each stumble or mistake meant starting over, a task designed not only to test my patience but to instill a sense of responsibility for my actions. Additionally, a heartfelt apology was required, a gesture Hank believed essential for true learning and growth.

As I began to read the book, I couldn't shake off the image of Daddy's stern demeanor. It was a stark contrast to the loving, gentle presence he usually embodied. Glancing at him, I searched for any sign of warmth, any hint of the affectionate Daddy I knew so well. But all I could see was disappointment—a reflection of his disapproval of my behavior.

A tangled mix of fear and guilt took root in my heart. An irrational thought began to grow in my mind, whispering that perhaps Daddy didn't like me anymore. That maybe, after this incident, his feelings towards me had changed irrevocably.

My reading was interrupted by the sound of hushed conversation outside the room. Uncle Joe and Daddy were discussing something serious—the word "transfer" floated to my ears, sending a shiver down my spine. In the community, atransfermeant a Little being reassigned to a different Daddy, a concept that filled me with dread. The thought of being separated from Daddy, of losing the bond we had built, was unbearable. The possibility that one mistake could sever our connection was too much to contemplate.

As I continued to read, my voice trembled, not just from the fear of making a mistake, but from the overwhelming thought of losing Daddy.

As the final words of the book fell from my lips, my emotions, no longer containable, burst forth like a dam breached under the pressure of a relentless storm. The book clattered to the floor as I rushed towards Daddy, my vision blurred bythe tears that cascaded unchecked down my cheeks. With a desperation borne of fear and regret, I threw my arms around him, seeking the refuge I had always found in his embrace.

"Daddy, I'm so, so sorry," I sobbed, my voice muffled by his shirt. "I didn't mean to cause so much trouble. I promise, I'll be better, I'll do better. Please, don't hate me. I can't bear it if you hate me."

His response was one of utter confusion. "Lina, sweetheart, what are you talking about?" he asked, his voice laced with concern as he gently pried me away to look into my eyes.

It was then, through the veil of my tears, that I dared to voice my deepest fear. "The transfer," I whispered, the word a fragile thing between us. "Please, Daddy, don't send me away. I heard you talking about a 'transfer' with Uncle Joe, and I... I just can't stand the thought of losing you."

I clung to him tighter, as if my grip could somehow anchor me to him, prevent the very possibility of separation. "You're a better Daddy than Finn ever was," I continued, each word punctuated by a hitch in my breath. "Finn... he would punish me just for speaking to him when he wasn't in a good mood. It was horrible."

I paused, gathering the scattered pieces of my courage to express my gratitude, my realization. "But you, Daddy, you've been nothing but patient and kind. You've given me so much, asking for nothing in return. I took that for granted, and I'm sorry. Truly, I am."

Daddy's arms enveloped me then, a stronghold against the tempest of my emotions. His voice, when he spoke, was a balm to the raw edges of my fear and guilt.

"Lina, look at me," he said, tilting my chin up so that our eyes met. "I don't hate you. Not even close. And there's no 'transfer'—not for you. That conversation was about something entirely different. You're stuck with me, my sweet girl, for better or worse."

A laugh bubbled up through my tears, a sound of relief so profound it felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. "Really? You mean it?" I asked, daring to hope.
