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"You know, I swear ninety percent of this shopping list was dictated by Lina's sweet tooth and Mike's obsession with those weirdly specific organic snacks," I commented, shaking my head in mock frustration.

Joe laughed, adjusting the grocery bags in his hands. "Oh, come on. You and I both know we'd move mountains for those two. Besides, I caught you sneaking an extra bar of that ridiculously expensive dark chocolate Lina likes."

"Guilty as charged," I admitted with a grin. "But let's not pretend you didn't almost start a store-wide search for that artisan bread Mike won't stop talking about."

"Hey, that bread is a culinary masterpiece, according to Mike. And who am I to deny him his little pleasures?" Joe defended, his tone playful yet underscored by the deep affection we both felt for our Littles.

One trip we bought three kinds of cereal because 'Lina insists her 'lucky marshmallow' breakfast makes bad days less bad', and Mike claimed only the purple dinosaur shaped ones held true mystical powers.

But as we opened the door to the mansion, our laughter died in our throats at the sight that greeted us. Before a word was even spoken, the fragments fell into place. Broken vase on the carpet, overturned toys that were never left out. The signsof a struggle etched into the place that should have been their sanctuary. My stomach twisted in a wave of nausea, as the world tilted with terrifying clarity. I was too late. She was gone.

Mike was tied up, visibly distressed, crawling down the stairs with tears streaming down his face. The usual mischief and joy that lit up his eyes were replaced by fear and pain, a sight that struck a chord of panic in my heart.

Joe and I sprang into action, rushing towards Mike to quickly untie him. Joe practically carried Mike to the nearest chair, forcing calming sips of water on him.

“Oh, my sweet boy,” Joe said with worry etched on his face. “I’m sorry this happened.”

As Mike began to sob in his Daddy’s arms, my heart raced with fear for Lina's safety. The thought that Finn could have taken her, could have harmed her in any way, was unbearable.

Mike didn't waste words. He poured out the whole horrific story with trembling urgency – Finn's sudden intrusion, the fight and desperate chase, and finally, Lina's choice. Not in accusation, but in choked desperation, the words escaped as he stared at his own empty hands as if they had failed her - "I couldn't do anything. I kept fighting, but then he had Lina, and if I should have just run away, then Lina could've…"

“Oh, Mikey,” Joe said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I hate myself for not being able to stop him. He took Lina, and I couldn't do anything," he choked out between sobs.

My mind raced, trying to process the information. "Mike, listen to me. This isn't your fault. It may feel like the heaviest thing in the world to leave someone you love behind, but Lina made the call. That brave girl decided you mattered more thansome monster hurting her. That's not failing her, that's her loving you in her way. We're going to find her, okay? We'll do whatever it takes," I said, my voice firm, though my insides churned with worry.

Joe knelt beside me, and there was a fire in his eyes that made him stand a little taller, a Daddy through and through in that moment. "Hank's right. Finn plays dirty. This has all been his twisted plan, to manipulate and scare and exploit our care for Lina. We're getting her back, do you understand? That's the only option now. Together."

Mike's next words hit me like a physical blow. "I don't want my last words to her to be that I hate her. It's not true. I was just angry about the vase, but I don't hate her. I can't lose her believing that."

The anguish in Mike's voice, the guilt he felt over a moment of anger, resonated deeply with me. It was a stark reminder of how fragile our moments together were, how quickly circumstances could change.

Joe placed a reassuring hand on Mike's shoulder. "We know you would have done anything in your power to protect Lina. We're not going to let Finn get away with this. Now isn't the time for blame. It's time for action. We need to focus on finding Lina."

The realization that we knew very little about Finn's whereabouts or his plans hit us hard. "We’re essentially blind," Joe admitted, his voice laced with frustration.

Every time Finn resurfaced, it was about chasing Lina down, forcing her back into his toxic trap. My focus had been on building trust, offering her stability. And the whole time, I underestimated just how sick his obsession was. A gut-wrenching realization choked off my next breath. This time, itwasn't just about control, but about hurting her through what he did to Mike. I'd promised. To keep her safe, and to protect the goodness. And yet, here we were, facing down my worst nightmare.

Before I could spiral further, Elijah and his Daddies arrived, their concern evident. They were ready to help in any way they could, their presence a small comfort in the storm we were navigating.

It was then that Mike, attempting to grasp at any strand of hope, dialed Jenna on a video call. Jenna, who had survived a terrifying ordeal from a madman herself, appeared on the screen, her face a mixture of concern and determination.

"The first thing you need to do is retrace her steps," Jenna advised, her voice steady. "Think about any places Finn might know about, any past interactions that could give you a clue. And check all of Lina's devices for any unusual activity or locations she might have been before she was taken."

Her advice was a beacon in our confusion, providing a starting point for our search. "Thank you, Jenna. We'll start with that," I said, grateful for her insight.

After another call, I shared the grim news with the group. "I've contacted the authorities, but as of now, there are no leads. God, the thought of not seeing Lina again is unbearable."

Mike spoke up. "Uncle Hank, we can't lose hope. Lina is strong, and we're going to find her. Remember how she always talks about facing challenges head-on? We need to do the same."

Joe, too, added his voice to the chorus of support. "You've always been the one to lead us through tough times. Lina believes in you, and so do we."

Their words, though they couldn't completely dispel the fear gripping my heart, lit a spark of hope.

As dawn crept through the windows of the mansion next morning, the night's heavy silence gave way to a sense of urgency. We had spent the night brainstorming, pacing, and making calls, but as the first light of day touched the room, reality set in with a renewed weight. Joe, noticing my distant gaze, guided me to a quieter corner of the room.

"Hey, how are you holding up, really?" Joe's voice was soft, filled with genuine concern. "You don't have to put up a brave front for me. We've known each other too long for that. So just stop."
