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Elijah, with youthful vigor, attempted a surprise tackle from the side. "Gotcha now!" he exclaimed, hoping to catch Finn off guard. Finn, however, used Elijah's momentum against him, pushing him away effortlessly. "Is that the best you can do?" Finn scoffed, maintaining possession of his weapon.

I watched, heart pounding, as my loved ones struggled to disarm Finn. In a moment of desperation, I blurted out, "Finn, stop! I'll go with you, just... stop hurting them!" My voice cracked, the lie bitter on my tongue, but it achieved its intended effect.

Finn's attention shifted momentarily, his eyes locking with mine. "Really? You'd do that for me?" he asked, a mix of hope and suspicion in his voice.

It was the opening they needed. Daddy took advantage of Finn's distraction, finally managing to knock the knife from his grasp with a swift, well-aimed kick. "No one's going anywherewith you, asshole," Daddy declared, his relief evident even in the midst of the chaos.

With the knife out of play, a raw, brutal fistfight broke out. Joe and Daddy exchanged blows with Finn, their fists flying with a fury fueled by the need to protect. "You're not getting away with this," Joe grunted, landing a solid punch to Finn's jaw.

Mike, ever the joker even in perilous situations, managed to land a hit on Finn, shouting, "Take that, you big bully! Stop bothering my friend, or you'll have me to answer to!"

They worked together seamlessly, their unity and determination overpowering Finn's desperate attempts to fight back. Finally, they subdued him, tying him securely to a chair, ensuring he could no longer pose a threat.

As they caught their breaths, the adrenaline slowly receding, I felt a surge of gratitude and love for the people who had risked everything to save me. They had faced Finn's madness head-on, and together, they had triumphed.

Mike's grip on my hand was both gentle and firm, a tangible reminder of his presence and support. As we made our way out of the dark confines of the hideout, he suddenly stopped, turning to face me with eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"Hey," he began, his voice cracking with the weight of emotions he'd held back for too long. "About what I said when the vase broke. I didn't mean it. I was just upset, but not at you. I was upset at the situation, and I took it out on you, which was wrong. So wrong."

He took a deep breath, steadying himself before continuing. "I'm sorry, truly. You've been nothing but a great friend to me, and I acted like a jerk. I don't hate you. I could never hate you. You're my best friend, and I was scared. Scaredof losing you to Finn, scared of not being able to do anything about it. You mean the world to me, and I just hope you can forgive me for being such an ass."

I squeezed his hand in response, offering him a smile that I hoped conveyed my forgiveness and understanding. "Mike, there's nothing to forgive. We were all under so much stress, and we say things we don't mean when we're scared. You're my best friend too, and nothing could ever change that."

As the sound of sirens grew louder, signaling the approach of the authorities, I joined the others on the pavement for a group hug. Surrounded by my loved ones, I felt a surge of warmth and safety that I hadn't felt in days. The nightmare was finally over.

When Finn was led out in handcuffs, I knew I needed to confront him for my own peace of mind. As I stood before him, I gathered all the strength I had left.

"Finn," I said, my voice steady despite the tumult of emotions inside me, "love isn't about control or manipulation. It's about freedom, respect, and genuine care. You tried to make me believe in a distorted version of love, but that's not what love is. Love is what I have with Daddy, Mike, Joe, Elijah, and all my friends. It's about support and freedom, not control and fear."

Finn, with that same delusional glint in his eye, insisted, "We're meant to be, Lina. You'll see, we'll find our way back to each other. It’s our destiny."

I shook my head, resolute. "No. You'll be in prison, and I'll be here, surrounded by people who truly love me. You were never my Daddy, not really. I know that now, more than ever. I have a real Daddy, one who loves and respects me, who would never dream of treating me the way you did."

As Finn was taken away, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I could breathe freely. Justice had been served, and I was finally free to rebuild my life with the people who mattered most.

As Mike, Elijah, and I formed our impromptu "Team Little," the air around us was charged with a sense of unity and resolve. Despite the exhaustion that clung to my body like a second skin, the shared determination to stay strong together was palpable.

Mike, always one to lighten the mood, let out a wide yawn, his act so exaggerated that it almost seemed rehearsed. "It's way past my bedtime," he declared, rubbing his eyes for effect. I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics.

Joe, ever the attentive Daddy, responded with a mix of amusement and affection. "Bedtime? Since when do you recognize such a thing before midnight, Mister Night Owl?" His voice carried the warmth of a cozy blanket, reminding me of the security his presence always provided.

Mike's response was a playful pout, "Only when there's a chance of getting tucked in by my favorite Daddy," he retorted, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Elijah, not one to be left out, chimed in, "Yeah, and I'm just here to make sure he actually goes to sleep and doesn't end up planning another midnight snack raid."

As we said our goodbyes, I couldn't resist teasing Mike about our inevitable meet-up at the club.

"See you at the club tomorrow, then the day after, and so on," I joked, my voice carrying a lightness I hadn't felt in days.

Mike's cheeky grin was his signature farewell. "Only if you promise not to steal my spotlight with your dramatic rescuesstories," he quipped as he was carried away in his Daddy’s arms, his laughter echoing behind him.

As they departed, Daddy turned to me with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that tugged at my heart. "It's just you and me at last, princess," he said, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves.

The drive back to our mansion was a blur of streetlights and shadows, but his hand in mine was a constant, grounding presence. Once home, he carried me inside with ease, his strength a reminder of the safety and protection he provided.

As he placed a binky between my lips and handed me the wolf stuffie he had gifted me long ago, I was transported back to the first time he had held me in his arms. The memory was a vivid reminder of the longing I had felt for his embrace, and now, reunited, the overwhelming relief and love I felt were indescribable.

Each time he glanced at me, the love in his eyes was undeniable. It was a testament to the enduring bond we shared, one that had been tested but remained unbroken. As I clutched the stuffie close, the realization hit me – I was about to fall in love with him all over again, deeper and more profoundly than before.
