Page 38 of The Fallen Alpha

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“What’s on your mind today, Nikita?” Today we were sitting in the garden talking about anything and everything. Bella was a wonderful mother figure.

“Not much. I know that I let down a lot of the pack with what Jade had said. But if I had wanted to kill him, it would’ve already been done.” I glanced up from the drink I had in front of me to look at Bella.

“I know how you feel. It was hard for me to adjust when I first came here. Fin’s mother didn’t like me at all. I didn’t blame her. I had come from a pack that was an enemy and she thought I was going to kill her husband. But all I wanted was to be able to be with Harlen.” Bella reached out and held my hand on the table as she smiled at me. “Besides, the Moon Goddess doesn’t make mistakes. She knows that you are what this pack needs as a Luna and she knows damn well that Fin needs you.”

“Yeah, I’m just glad that you are on my side. Because it would be even harder to deal with all of this if I didn’t have anyone but Fin.” It was nice to be able to have a friend in the pack to help me through this crazy shit that’s happening right now.

“But that is all you truly need. You and him are the pillars that will hold this pack together. The pack just doesn’t know it yet.” Bella patted my hand and then took a drink from her cup.

I nodded and smiled back at her before frowning.

“What was she like? Fin’s chosen?” It hurt to ask about her. But there were no pictures of her in the pack house. Probably because his uncle had come and turned this pack upside down in a matter of months.

“She was a sweetheart. Very timid and sweet. Her mate had rejected her. That is the only reason Fin had made her his chosen. No one had a problem with her besides his uncle and when he found out she was going to have his pup was when he killed her right in front of Fin on the pack steps.” The sorrow in her tone made me sad. Fin had made sure that he didn’t ruin her life by choosing her when she had been rejected.

She didn’t even have a chance to defend herself. That poor pup didn’t even get to take a breath for the first time. It wasn’t Fin’s fault that she had died. It was his uncle’s, the person who had taken her life in front of Fin. There was no way that couldn’t have fucked with him. Seeing the female that he had chosen murdered in front of him.

“Wow. I’m surprised he is still upright.”

“Fin has always been a strong wolf. Ever since he was a pup. He didn’t waiver when he was put with older, stronger wolves. But he was such a kind pup. He bullied no one,” Bella’s smile widened, “so when he turned eighteen and I saw the white wolf, I knew he was special. But the longer he looked for his fated, I could see the light fading from his eyes.”

“I was so angry with him for taking a chosen. It hurt me, because no matter how many males I had been with, I never allowed them to mark me. But it seems that Fin had been happy with her.” My thoughts started running amuk in my brain as I thought of her still living and never knowing that this beautiful male would never be mine. But if he had been happy, why take that happiness away from him for me?

“He was happy. But he had gone against the Moon Goddess’ design, so she had to rectify that. You and him are supposed to be together because you have to help him with his destiny. It wasn’t Kalila’s destiny.”

Kalila, so that was her name. Why did it sound so much better with Fin’s name than mine? The Moon Goddess should’ve just allowed him to be with her. I would have been fine alone if that would have allowed him to keep that happiness.

“Nikita? You know he is happy with you. Right? I haven’t seen him like this in a very long time. Fin is happy. You make him that way.”

“Bella, you have been part of this pack for a long time. What was it like when Fin’s uncle was over the pack?” I had often wondered about the tyrant that had ruled over the Dolostone pack before Fin took back over. He had luckily not made his way to our small little pack.

“I don’t know. Harlen sent me to live in my birth pack, so that our pups didn’t have to grow up under his rule. So I wouldn’t know, but Harlen would know. He stayed on as Beta to help keep some of the morale up until Fin came back.” Bella sighed as she sat back. She played with the straw in her drink.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sure that was hard.”

Bella nodded before she refocused her eyes on me and smiled. “It was. There was always the moment that Harlen wouldn’t be in this world anymore. But I couldn’t think about that since I had just given birth to Tobey, and I had Sydnie, who was counting on me. When Harlen came to get me and the kids, I cried because not only did he come. Fin did as well, and he had grown so much since I had last seen him.”

“What are you two doing?” Fin’s voice came from behind me. His eyes glancing between both me and Bella. Harlen was behind him, a smirk on his lips.

“Nothing, just some gossip between friends.” I answered him with a smile. The thought of Kalila standing next to him instead of me twisted my stomach. Just because it was our destiny to be together. Why did she take the person that he cherished?

Fin came up to me and kissed my temple. The sparks from his lips felt so fucking good as they spread from their starting point and over my face. They pulled me out of the depressive mood that I was in.

“Well, I need you to come with me. I have a few things that need your approval.” Fin held out his hand to me and I took it.

What would need my approval? Fin led me away from Bella and Harlen and further into the woods. It was a comfortable silence between us as we continued our trek. Fin had never brought me this deep into the woods and I started to think that maybe this was where the dungeons were and he was finally going to put me in there. I wouldn’t blame him if he did.

“Why are you nervous?” His voice brought me out of my head and to his face. Fin grinned at me with a wink. “There’s nothing to be nervous about.”

He stopped and stepped in front of me. Fin’s hands held my face as he stared back at me.

“For your Luna ceremony, I’d like to hold it here, just beyond this thicket. You will be able to see the moon that night along with the sky. This was also the place that I had wanted to bring my mate and my mate only. But I ended up bringing my chosen here and I’m sorry about that.” Fin’s forehead wrinkled as he frowned. The sadness I could feel through our bond made me wrap my arms around him and pull him close. I placed a chaste kiss to his cheek before bringing my gaze back to his eyes.

“It’s okay Fin. I know what it’s like not knowing if I would ever find my mate. It would honor me for you to show me this place.” I felt his arms wrap me up and lift me. On instinct, I wound my legs around his waist.

“Okay, my feisty wolf. I’d love for you to have this place as the setting for your Luna ceremony.” The smile on his face brought me joy as he exited the woods.

It was like the edge of the woods was concealing the sound of the most beautiful waterfall I had ever seen. Unwinding my legs, I slid down his body to get a better look at the place. It was gorgeous! The waterfall rushed down the mountain and into a large lake as it bellowed at its surface. Its currents echoing off the rocks of the mountainside.

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