Page 47 of His For the Summer

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“This is why I don’t do romance,” Parker muttered.“Gets in the way of fun.”

I snorted and shook my head.“Or one might say it is the fun.Come on, let’s go see how the campers are doing with their packing.”

“Already reviewed their checklists.They’re ready to go and waiting right there.”He pointed to a group of campers fidgeting by the trailhead, and I grinned.

“Thanks for giving me a chance to get in that romantic goodbye,” I said, and Parker laughed, slinging an arm over my shoulder.

As we set off on the hike, I couldn’t stop thinking about Aiden being upset.Was he jealous?Did I even mean enough to him to be Jealous?Lost in thought, I fell into step in the back of the group while Parker led the way, engaging the campers in silly games and banter while I walked in silence, my thoughts consumed with worry for Aiden.

As we walked deeper into the desolate wilderness, I felt my nerves returning.I was a city kid, not an experienced outdoorsman.The wilderness was going to eat me alive, starting with the mosquito that had landed on my forearm.I swatted at the bug, reminding myself that Aiden thought I could do it.

I pulled the air horn he’d given me out of my pocket and fidgeted with it, taking comfort in this small symbol of his protection and care.Though it might not have been enough to dispel all my fears, it was a reminder that, no matter what obstacles I faced, I had someone who cared about me back at camp.And somehow, that made everything seem a little less daunting.

The sun filtered through the canopy of leaves above, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts about Aiden, our unresolved conversation, and the weight of his lingering emotions.I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice the snake until my foot had already come down on its scaly body.

“Shit!”I screamed, stumbling back as the snake slithered away, thankfully more startled than aggressive.My heart hammered wildly in my chest, and my breaths came in quick gasps.I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath and calm my nerves.It was only a snake.

“Jay, are you okay?”Parker was at my side almost immediately, his strong hand gripping my arm to steady me.His brows were furrowed with concern, and his eyes scanned me for any signs of injury.

“Y-yeah,” I managed to stammer out.“It was only a snake… I’m fine.”

“Let’s take a minute, alright?”Parker said gently, guiding me over to a nearby fallen log.The campers watched curiously, but Parker waved them off.“Take a minute to stretch your legs and hydrate, guys!”

As we sat down, Parker helped me out of my heavy backpacking pack and put an arm around my shoulders, offering comfort and support.“Snakes can be scary, especially when they catch you by surprise,” he said, his voice warm and surprisingly understanding, when he could have teased him.“But most of them are harmless, and they’re more afraid of us than we are of them.”

I laughed softly as he echoed Aiden’s own words from so many days ago, my breathing starting to return to normal.“Thanks, Parker.I know I shouldn’t freak out like that, but…”

“Hey, it’s alright,” he reassured me.“Everyone has their fears.You’re not alone.”

Right then, Michael, one of the more outspoken campers, called out teasingly from a few paces ahead.“What’s the matter, Jay?Scared of a little snake?”

Parker’s face hardened, and he stood up, standing to face Michael, hands on his hips.“What was that, Michael?”

“Dude, it was a garter snake, and gay boy was having a full-blown panic attack,” Michael said.

Parker frowned, addressing Michael in a firm tone.“Michael, at Camp Eagle Ridge, we have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying.”

“How can he be our camp counselor if he’s more afraid of the wilderness than we are?”

“He’s a great counselor, with a lot of wisdom to share, if you’d take the time to listen.And teasing someone for their fears and relating it to their sexuality is not acceptable.We’re all here to support each other, not tear each other down.One more infraction and I could have you removed from camp.”

“That’s a bit harsh,” I started to say, standing up.

“No.I’m well aware that we’ve had issues with campers bullying other campers based on their knowledge of the outdoors, their race, and their sexuality in the past.I’m not going to put up with it,” Parker said in a voice that made me wonder if he was one of the people who had been bullied.“We are all friends in this cabin, and we will all treat each other with respect and care.”

“Sorry,” Michael mumbled, looking properly chastised.

“Apology accepted,” Parker replied, his stern expression melting into a reassuring smile as he turned back to me.“You okay?”

“Yeah,” I said, smiling a little.“Just a little irrational freak out.”

Parker grinned.“Okay.Let’s keep moving.Lots more to see!”

As we started to walk, Michael fell into step beside me, looking worried.“I really am sorry,” he said.“I didn’t mean to upset you or Parker.Parker’s my hero.He’s been my counselor for the past two years.”

“I’m sure it’s fine,” I said, smiling.“But you know Parker is gay, right?He’s open about it, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me reminding you.But he may have taken that personally.”

“Shit,” Michael whispered.“Yeah, I did know that.I shouldn’t have said that.”He looked bashful.“Do you think he was bullied?”
