Page 48 of His For the Summer

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“Maybe,” I said.“I don’t know him all that well.”

“We can think of some way to make him feel better, though, right?”Michael asked.“I can’t imagine someone bullying Parker.He’s such a great guy.”

“Hmm,” I said.“You’re right.Maybe we can think of something to cheer him up.He does love pranks.”

Michael laughed, shaking his head.“Last year, he changed out all of our fruit punch for pickle juice that he dyed pink.I was so thirsty, and I started chugging it down.I almost threw up.”That didn’t exactly sound like a pleasant experience, but Michael was cracking up, so I went with it.

As we continued our hike, Michael and I kept talking about prank ideas.And I couldn’t help but feel grateful for Parker’s presence.He handled the situation with grace and authority, and watching him engage with the campers and navigate the wilderness like it was second nature filled me with a sense of reassurance.

I missed Aiden terribly, but I was reminded that I could do this, too.I could bond with these kids and make a difference in their lives.And that felt better than anything.

Well, okay, maybe not better than sex with Aiden.Nothing was better than being bound to the man I loved.



Icouldn’thelpbutwatch as Parker and Jay walked off together, my heart tightening in my chest.Parker touched Jay affectionately on the shoulder, making him laugh.It took everything in me not to run after them and claim my boyfriend back.But I knew I couldn’t do that.It wasn’t fair to Jay or to Parker, who was just doing his job and being a good friend.

“Hey, Aiden,” Ben’s voice pulled me from my thoughts.“Ready to take our kids out for this kayaking lesson?”

“Sure,” I replied, trying to shake off my jealousy and focus on the task at hand.This was our job, and I needed to get used to being assigned to different cabins before the jealousy and angst killed me.Ben studied me for a moment, then pocketed his paperback and turned, walking toward the Raven Cabin to pick up our campers.He said nothing more, apparently expecting me to follow, and I did.

The campers were thrilled to kayak, and that took the edge off of my pain.I tried to embrace their joy and excitement, but as we led our group of campers down to the lake, I couldn’t help but feel cranky, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Jay and Parker.Ben must have noticed because he pulled me aside for a moment.

“Listen, Aiden,” he said gently.“I know you’re worried about Jay, but trust me, he’s yours.Parker’s your friend.He may be a jackass, but you know he wouldn’t fuck around with your boyfriend.”

“That’s the most you’ve ever said to me, and we’ve been going to this camp together since we were both ten.Actually, didn’t you go to my high school?”

Ben burst out laughing and shook his head.“You never looked like you needed me before.”

I was taken aback by his reassurance, but appreciated it anyway.“Thanks, Ben,” I mumbled, surprised that he cared enough to say something.

“Anytime,” he replied with a smile.“Now, let’s go teach these kids how to kayak.You love kayaking, right?”

As we got the campers settled into their kayaks, I tried my best to push my jealousy and uncertainty about the future to the back of my mind.Ben’s words helped me feel a little more at ease, and I focused on teaching the campers the proper way to paddle and navigate the water.

“Remember to keep your arms centered on the paddle, about shoulder-width apart.Doug, you keep veering left because your arms aren’t centered,” I said.I showed him the issue with holding the paddle unevenly by circling my kayak until he laughed and corrected himself.The sun was warm on my skin, and the laughter of the children filled the air.For a moment, I could almost forget about Jay and Parker’s backpacking trip.

But as soon as the lesson was over, and I had a quiet moment to myself, my thoughts drifted back to them.All I could do was hope that Ben was right, and that Jay was still mine, despite any friendly affection between him and Parker.Jay was allowed to have friends, and my jealousy was probably unwarranted, though it highlighted how uncertain our entire relationship felt.

I reminded myself that trust was essential in a relationship, and I knew deep down that Jay was growing to care for me.With that thought in mind, I decided to focus on enjoying the time with my campers instead of freaking out.

As we dragged the kayaks onto the beach and made our way back to the cabins, I couldn’t help but appreciate Ben’s presence.Although he was quiet and rarely spoke, he was easy-going and friendlier than I’d ever thought.And best of all, he seemed to be a good listener, pocketing his book as I shared stories of camper hijinks.

“Have you ever had a camper try to sneak out of their cabin at night?”Ben asked.“Parker and I had one who kept sneaking off into the woods last session, and we still don’t know why.”

“Yeah, Parker told me about it.”I studied Ben.“Why don’t you like Parker, anyway?He’s a good guy.”

Ben blushed and ducked his head.“I don’t dislike him.But we don’t have much in common, so it’s tough for me to know what to talk to him about.”

“Except for your bafflement over the runaway camper.”

“Yep.I swear, he thought he was so sneaky, but he was about as stealthy as a herd of elephants.”

I chuckled, nodding in agreement.“Last summer, I caught two kids trying to raid the kitchen after lights-out.They were wearing headlamps and carrying walkie-talkies like they were on some sort of secret mission.”

Ben laughed, and I felt more relaxed than I had all day.
