Page 71 of His For the Summer

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“Holy shit,” I echoed, looking down at him.His eyes were wide and full of wonder.

“You did this,” he whispered.“Fuck, I love you so much.”

“It was nothing special,” I insisted, shaking my head.“I did what anyone who loves you would do.”

“I can’t believe I was angry with you about that.I feel like such an asshole.”

“My asshole,” I murmured.“Wait, that sounded vaguely sexual.”

Aiden burst out laughing and kissed me.

A throat cleared.My cheeks heated, and I turned to see my parents and Kaito all staring at us.“Sorry,” I squeaked.

“Don’t apologize, Jay.I’m happy to see you so in love,” my father said, surprising us all.

“Wait, why did Aiden think you were here?”I asked.

Kaito smiled.“We leave tomorrow to close on a new house in Stanford.”

I looked from Kaito to my boyfriend, eyes widening.“New house?You don’t live in campus housing?”

“You misunderstand,” Kaito said gently.“Aiden was living in a small condo with Parker, but he would like you to move in with him.”

“We discussed that, but my parents cover part of the cost of campus housing,” I said, shaking my head.

“To be clear, I will own the house they’re living in, and I won’t be charging your son or Parker rent,” Kaito said, his gaze focused on me.“Though I expect you to cover your utilities.And I expect you to support Aiden in his educational pursuits, Jay.”

“Really?”my father perked up at the word free, because of course he did.

“Are you sure?”A grateful smile spread across my mother’s face.I knew my education costs had been a burden on my parents’ finances, though they never complained.“That’s very generous.”

“It only makes sense to use the space.I’ve already purchased a bigger house than the one Aiden and Parker were living in.Nothing ostentatious, but Parker relies on us for housing, and I wanted to be sure he was secure.This one is a two-bedroom bungalow, with an ADU over the garage for Parker.”

“Are you serious?”I asked, my heart racing at the thought.

“Absolutely,” Aiden replied, his gaze never leaving mine.“So, what do you say?”

I looked at my parents, and my father shifted in his seat.He was pretending to be concerned, but I could see him already calculating the positive impact of my free rent.“Well, we’ll have to call Stanford.We paid a deposit on your housing, but I suppose if they don’t refund that, it’s still less than we were going to pay for two semesters.And your mother and I moved in together a long time before we were married, so I suppose we can’t fault you boys for doing the same.”

My mother laughed.“Those were some tough times.I had just started med school, and your father was working for that asshole.What was his name?”

“Jack Schmidt,” my father said, shuddering.“Though it inspired me to open my own construction company, so I’d never have to work with a guy like him again.”

“We moved in together because we were afraid that otherwise, we’d never see each other,” my mom said, laughing.

“I mostly did it for the sex,” my dad added, winking at my mom.

Oh god, I hated it when they talked about sex.“If the floor could swallow me up and remove me from any mentions of sex in this conversation, that would be great,” I whispered, widening my eyes at Aiden.

Aiden laughed, his eyes on me.“Wouldn’t want that, I just got you back.”

“You could come through the floor with me?We could make our own little subterranean abode.”

“So.What do you say?Move in with me?”

I didn’t hesitate.“Yes,” I breathed, sealing the deal with another searing kiss that left us both breathless and wanting more.

As our hands started to wander again, my dad cleared his throat pointedly.“Perhaps we should leave the… er, details for later?”
