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Someone, please tell me how this happened. How I found myself tangled up with a demon, how I ended up falling for that demon, and how she turned out to be everything I needed.

The brightness in my life that was otherwise dark.


Guess Ray really did brighten my night.

Smirking, I looked at her again. I wanted to point out how her little joke turned out to be true, although uttering such words out loud still felt like a big step. It was one thing to attack each other physically and fuck until we fell into exhausted heaps, but to tell her how Ifelt?

Surely, she already knew. I knew it was hypocritical to force that confession from her and then hesitate myself about the same thing. But she had walked out of my life, the least she could do was suffer some discomfort while she groveled at my door.

Ray wasn’t smiling, and that made the grin fall from my face.

Then the yellow passed across her eyes.

“Are you still having trouble containing your demon?” I whispered.

Her eyes flashed again. “No,” she muttered. “I’m much better at it now.”

“Then why…” my voice trailed off when her expression darkened, and I knew I was in trouble.

But I liked this kind of trouble.

Her lips met mine, and I took my time running my tongue over them, taking in the feel of her, the curves, the taste, and everything about those lips, memorizing them against mine. She let me take her mouth slowly, gently, until the telltale rumble started in her chest, the growl moving up her throat until it vibrated against my mouth. When I opened my eyes again, hers had changed to yellow.

“You haven’t been giving in to your instincts enough, I see. All fight and no fuck?”

Her eyes flashed, and she bared her teeth. “No.” There was the supernatural edge to her voice, the one that should induce fear, but right now, the rumble in her chest only made my clit throb. “There’s been no one but you.” I trembled, and she took a deep breath like an animal sniffing out its prey, and her eyes flashed again, the yellow having taken over completely and the irises becoming black slits against the color.

She was letting go on purpose.

“But I’m about to.” She hissed out the words.

I wasn’t going to make it easy for her.

Ray pounced, and I rolled to the side, coming up into a crouch position and pivoting to find her mirroring my defense. She had one leg stretched out, the other bent underneath her. From that position, she could attack or defend. No prizes for guessing which path she was about to take. Ray bared her teeth at me, and for a moment, only a split second, I doubted what I was doing because she looked downright dangerous. But beyond the hiss, there was an unmistakable grin there.

What the fuck was I doing teasing a demon?

But this thrill, this danger, it pulsed through my veins. Somewhere deep inside me, I knew ultimately, I was safe, that Ray couldn’t—and wouldn’t—kill me.

But still, this game was fun.

It wasmyturn to fuck withher.

Ray pounced, and once again, I rolled, but she was ready for me this time. She reached out and snatched at my arm, breaking my roll, and slammed me onto my back before dragging me toward her. I could see the pops of black ink dotting her skin, spreading. I knew I couldn’t keep this going forever, that I was further testing her newfound control.

But she wanted to do better.

She wanted to be challenged to be a better person.

So,I thought,do better, Ray.

Staying still as she leaped on top of me, I couldn’t help the shriek of joy that escaped my lips as she tore my t-shirt from my body, shredding the fabric before leaning down and sucking at my nipples. I almost forgot myself, lost in the ministration of her tongue—was it slightly more pointed than it normally was? Longer? Christ—before I regained my senses.

I went for the eyes.

As she sat up and hissed again, angrily swatting my hands away from her face, I managed to roll onto my stomach and began belly-crawling away from her.
