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“Are you okay?” I asked as I watched him sniffle and try to hide his face as he wiped his eyes.

“Ever since I found out I was a father, I’ve been sort of emotional lately,” he murmured and I pointed to the kitchen so that we could have a little talk. I boiled the water and grabbed two mugs, this time opting for tea instead of coffee.

“So, does he know that I’m his—“ He pointed to his chest and I shook my head, with a guilty smile as I looked at the mugs.

“Nobody knows,” I whispered, as I stirred the tea before placing it in front of me. “I was ashamed to tell anyone who the father of my one-night stand baby was. Plus I didn’t want to get Brian angry.”

“I’m so sorry for leaving you that night, I?—“

“It’s okay,” I interrupted him as I brought my mug to my lips. “I understand what it was back then, no strings were attached on your side. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty for leaving, it was a one-night stand.”

“Still, how can I not feel guilty?” he muttered as he picked at his nails. “You had to raise Niel on your own for four years.”

“I wasn’t alone though.” I smiled as I placed my hand on his. “I had my family and friends, they were really supportive. As you can see, he grew up just fine.”

I stared at Niel as he played with some of his toys, the other bags still not being touched as of yet.

“Thank you,” he spoke softly and I tilted my head to the side. “Thank you for not giving up and raising him.”

A huge smile grew on my face as I leaned on my fist, alternating between Niel and Nate as I spoke.

“Have you met my mother? Giving up is never a choice in our family,” I groaned and he smiled, chuckling as he nodded. “I named him after you. Well, sort of.”

His eyes brightened as he looked up from his mug.


“Yup, your name is Nate and he’s Nathaniel. Even if you were never going to be part of his life, I wanted him to carry some part of you in him,” I whispered and his eyes glossed up again and I sat up straight. “He already looks like me though, thank God.”

“I’m not that bad in looks, Angel,” he sniffled and I giggled.

“No, you’re not.” I shook my head and he nodded. “Do you mind if we take our time in breaking the news to him? I don’t want it to be a sudden thing.”

“Yes, I’m okay with taking it slow. Can we also alternate house visits? Just so that he gets used to seeing me,” he reasoned and I chuckled softly.

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed and he breathed out relieved. “By the way, Nate.”

“Yes?” He sounded super aware of everything, and I understood why he was on edge; everything must have been feeling like an adrenaline rush right now for him.

“You bought too many toys, I don’t have that much space in my apartment,” I said and he grimaced, shrinking and I wondered how that was possible for such a big man.

“I’ll take some of them to my house, I was nervous.”

I laughed as I took another sip of my drink, and watched as he walked over to Niel and they began playing together.

The hardest part was yet to come.Brian.

Chapter 24


“Why would you get a dog?” I giggled as Niel ran toward the puppy that sat in the living room wagging its tail.

“When I was younger, I wanted a dog, but my nana never got me one,” Nate explained as he closed the door to his house behind us. I took off my shoes and walked to the living room where Niel was already playing with the Golden Retriever.

“Is that why you got a dog?” I asked as I gently massaged its fur; I was already in love with the puppy.

“Company.” He shrugged as he rubbed his neck and I giggled as I sat down on the couch, Nate joined me and spread his arm behind me as he pulled me closer to him.
