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We kind of had already broken the news to Nathaniel. Well, just half of it. We told him that we were a couple, hoping that if he got used to seeing us together all the time. When we would tell him that Nate was his father, it would be easier for him to understand and adapt to the change.

Everything had been fantastic between us. We would alternate which house we’d visit on the weekend, and Niel loved comingover to Nate’s house. He said that there was more space for him to run around and he wasn’t lying, Nate’s house was close to empty and just had the few necessities needed to make a house comfortable.

It wasn’t a home yet, but with Niel and I visiting every other day, we would leave stuff behind and find it as some sort of decoration in his house. It was cute that Nate’s house was being filled with little pieces of us everywhere.

“What’s his name, Uncle Nate?” Niel asked as the puppy climbed on his lap and licked his face, he squealed excitedly as he pushed it away and it came back.

“He doesn’t have a name yet.” Nate pursed his lips and I looked at him shocked. “What? A week isn’t enough to come up with a name for a dog.”

He shrugged and I shook my head.

“Don’t you want to name him for me, Niel?” Nate asked and Niel hummed as he thought of a name.

“Max!” he shouted, surprising the dog and Nate chuckled.

“Niel, Max is the name of your favorite car character,” I spoke softly and he nodded, and I could tell there was no chance that I would get him to change his mind about that name. “If you like the name, I guess,” I sighed as I placed my head back on Nate’s chest.

“Max, sit,” Niel instructed and the dog looked at him confused as it tilted its head to the side. “Mommy, Max doesn’t want to sit.”

“Did you ask him nicely?” I murmured, suddenly feeling extremely tired. Work had been regular and I wasn’t so sure where my exhaustion was coming from.

“Maxie, please sit?” Niel begged, and Max released a cute bark as he looked at Niel.

“Mom!” Niel groaned and Nate laughed as he got up and disappeared into the kitchen. I gathered pillows around me and pressed my head against the soft pillows, sighing at the smooth texture.

“Here, Niel. You have to give him a treat so that he can listen to you,” Nate explained as he sat down beside Niel. “Max, sit.”

Max had seen the treats in Nate’s palm and he followed the direction of Nate’s finger, sitting down immediately. His tail wagged as he panted, waiting for his snack from Nate.

“Good boy.” Nate gave him his reward, and Niel squealed as he clapped his hands. Impressed by Nate, who was also impressed himself, my son had a shit-eating smirk plastered on his face.

“You’ve never trained him before have you?” I whispered, my eyes feeling heavy as I watched my boys play together on the carpet.

“No, I just let him do whatever he wants.” He shrugged and a small smile grew on my face as I listened to him talk. My eyes grew heavier and soon enough I found slumber in the comfort of his huge L-couch and incredibly soft throw pillows.

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to remember when I fell asleep. I sat up on the couch, stretching my arms over my head and the fleece blanket fell down my shoulders, pooling around my waist.

I looked around the room, still drunk with sleep and my eyes widened when I realized that I was left alone in the living room. I looked outside the sliding door and noticed that it was raining, maybe that was why I was feeling tired.

I got up from the couch and looked around in the kitchen for Nate and Niel, but there was no sign of them. I walked down the hallway, grateful that his house didn’t have a second floor because I wasn’t in the mood to climb up and down the stairs.

I really wasn’t feeling great today, my moods felt weird and all I really wanted to do right now was go back to sleep on the comfortable expensive couch, but first I had to find Nate and Niel.

My period must be coming soon.

I entered his bedroom and found him curled up with our son and the dog on the other side, his laptop was perched up on the bed desk placed in the middle of the bed as a movie played.

The curtains were slightly opened, but on this side of the house, there were a few more trees than the front, it was really pretty.Maybe I should fall asleep in here.

“You’re up?” Nate whispered softly as he pointed to Niel and Max who were sound asleep.

He gently removed himself from the bed but left the movie playing as he walked toward me with a lazy smile.

“Yeah, I thought you guys ran away,” I whispered as he scooped me up, and I suppressed my yelp as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked us out of the bedroom back into the living room and sat down covering us with the fleece blanket I was covered with earlier.

“We didn’t want to wake you up, so we decided to watch a movie in my room,” he answered as he pressed his lips against my nose. “Are you okay? You seem really tired.”

“It must be the weather, it’s making me feel sleepy,” I murmured as I stroked his chin, loving how the little stubble felt under my skin. “Why didn’t you sleep?”
