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Was I wrong?

And then my phone rings with my mom’s number and I take the call almost absently. “Hey, Mom. Now isn’t the best time…”

“Gigi, it’s your brother,” Mom says, her voice trembling. “He left.”

“Left?What do you mean? Where did he go?”

“He didn’t say. He’s gone.”



My head has been all over the place—not just this week, but for the past year and a half. Okay, let’s be honest here: ever since Ronin walked into my life.

I feel I’ve been waiting for the people I want to be with to make a move—not a move on me, I’m an alpha, I don’t sit around waiting for anyone to flirt with me, but a move to show me that they’re interested. That they’ve noticed the way I look at them, that they know I watch them in case they need anything.

I couldn’t believe it when Ronin asked for a kiss. I mean, it wasn’t phrased like that but still… I’ve kissed Ronin. I’ve waited for him to let those prickly defenses down for ten years now.

And then Gigi decided to tell me she’s seeing someone else.

Like…fuck.I thought things were going well, that although she hadn’t told me with words that she wanted me, given more time she’d seek me out.

I should have given up on her long ago.

But how do you give up on what your body and heart want? When they are in agreement, so certain that these are the people you want to spend your life with?

I feel like my chest is crushed.

But then I’m distracted by Casey.

I know he’s Ronin’s and Gigi’s new roommate. He’s not enrolled but he has watched a few classes. He’s obviously interested.

And now it seems he landed a gig cleaning here, because he has a mop and a bucket and he’s steadily working his way through the machine room. I’m still standing where Gigi left me, frowning at nothing—but now my gaze is caught by his shape.

Slightly broad shoulders on a slim body, a mop of dark hair, a jaw that’s a bit too masculine to be called delicate. He’s so pretty, he caught my eye before I even knew who he was. I’ve seen Ronin staring at him. Gigi, too. Hell, Grey even.

Grey is another matter…

So yeah, I’ve looked at Casey before, I admit, and every time I catch myself wonderingwhat if. What if I flirted with him and took him to my bed. What if the others joined us. What if we had a harem, what if…

But something else is nagging at me today, something about him that’s… different. Can’t put my finger on it.

I return to adjusting the machine weights, putting them to zero, then moving to the next machine, checking everything is ready for the influx of people coming after work to train. All the while I’m looking at Casey out of the corner of my eye, keeping him in my sight, not even sure why, except that his form is pleasing.

Is it because I’m an alpha and he’s an omega? I find Gigi’s and Ronin’s forms equally pleasing, though, and Grey’s also attracts me, even though I’ve barely ever seen the man.

He’s just gorgeous.

That’s all.

And maybe it’s not just the face and body that attract me but something in his gaze, too, something that appeals to me, some emotion I can’t name that hooks me and reels me in.

Something dark and sad.

Am I such a sucker for a damsel in distress?

I’m an alpha. Sue me. Protector is my middle name. Can’t change my nature even if I wanted to, and it just speaks to a deep part of me.
