Page 43 of Rett

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“He just said that he had to die because of something he saw. I overheard it as I was on the floor from the most recent beating. I was in and out of it. Do you know that he’s had plastic surgery? He’s not Ramos in appearance any longer.”

“We were aware that you and Colonel Barber had an affair,” said Luke. She chuffed in exasperation, shaking her head.

“We didn’t have an affair. I was pretending, praying that he would help me get out of there. I know it was wrong, but I was desperate. I was on borrowed time, knowing that at any moment, Ramos would go one step too far. Barber was a pompous idiot who thought he could pull one over on Ramos and America, but he was my only hope.”

“Is it true they’re looking for Nazi treasure on the lake?” he asked.

“It’s true. There was an old man in the village, a German. He’s been there forever, from what I understand. He told Ramos that there was a treasure beneath the house and hidden in the hills, but it was staunchly protected by Nazi sympathizers.

“Ramos tried to get them to give him access, but they refused. So, like all things, he took matters into his own hands. He sent crews in to do road improvements, improved drainage. Just a lot of bullshit if you ask me.”

“What’s their ultimate game, him and the other man who had surgery?” asked Luke.

“That’s Barbenza.” Luke took a step back, staring at the woman. “I see you know his name.”

“We know his name,” said Luke. “Between he and Ramos, they own the drug trade in South America.”

“Yes, they do. They also plan to own the drug routes to Asia, America, and Europe, and they plan on doing it with the money from this treasure. In spite of making billions of dollars on drugs and trafficking, they’re not making enough to impact the Asian trade, which is their first market takeover. They hope.

“Barber and the other man, Ryder, they were on peacekeeping missions in Venezuela and met several times with Ramos to discuss a truce. They were killing anyone crossing the borders. Ramos got the idea when he realized how much power the two men had.”

“They don’t have as much power as you might think,” said Luke. “I think they may have inflated their self-worth.”

“Well, it worked. Or, maybe not for them. Ramos and Barbenza believe they can create utter chaos and blame it on the Americans. They’re hoping to find the treasures, take photos of the new Ryder and Barber standing over it, claiming the find, then they disappear with the treasure. It would force the Venezuelan government to demand reparations from the U.S., accusing the two rogue men of stealing from Venezuela.”

“How would Ramos and Barbenza ever be able to go public again?” asked Luke.

“Easy. They would have their surgery reversed. The surgeon is prepared to do it at any moment if necessary.”

“Hi,” said Kegger, knocking on the doorframe as he stuck his head. “Am I interrupting?”

“Not at all, Kegger. I think our patient is about to go in for surgery.”

“You won’t regret it,” he said, smiling at the woman. “They’re the best, Rosalita.”

“Uh, my name is Morgan. Morgan Sutton.” Kegger grinned, nodding his head.

“Well, I must admit, Rosalita never really suited you. You look more like a Morgan,” he chuckled.

“We’ve got to get some blood work and x-rays, Morgan,” said Lucinda. “Once we’re done and confirm what we think is going on, we’ll take you back for surgery.”

“C-can he stay?” she asked, pointing to Kegger. “I mean, will you stay?”

“I can stay, honey.”

Kegger thought nothing of it, thinking that the young woman saw him as her hero. He couldn’t have been more wrong.


Luke spoke with Rett, East, and Eazee in the waiting area while Morgan was being prepped for surgery. They still had no clue which one Ramos wanted to kill, but so far, it seemed all the intel had been good.

“What about her?” asked East. “Are we sure she’s telling the truth?”

“Brother, I can’t imagine any woman or man being beaten like that willingly. Besides, her story checks out,” said Luke. “Morgan Sutton was an associate professor of pre-Columbian and Incan studies at the University of Texas when she disappeared. Records say that she returned to El Paso for a long holiday weekend with her parents, although she’d mentioned to colleagues that they weren’t close.”

“I can’t imagine why,” smirked East.

“It’s no fucking joke, for sure,” said Luke. “Sutton has been on the DEA’s radar for ten years. They knew he was buying and selling drugs from South America, but he always got off. Someone was helping him in the U.S. Morgan was a good student who used grades to get the fuck out of El Paso. Her only mistake was going back.”
