Page 44 of Rett

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“What are we going to do?” asked Rett.

“We’re going to let that woman get the medical treatment she needs and deserves. For now, we have confirmation of what we suspected. Bankston is calling us at 0700 after meeting with the POTUS tonight. We’ll know more then.”

“Thank you for sitting with me,” she said, looking at the man seated beside her. “I heard them call you Kegger. Is that your real name?” He laughed, shaking his head.

“No. I was a Navy SEAL, and that was a name that I got stuck with after showing my stellar abilities to consume massive quantities of beer,” he smirked. “I don’t do that any longer. My real name is Ken. Ken Burke.”

“Ken. That suits you better. Is that how you lost your leg? As a SEAL?”

“It is. Unfortunately, I found out later that someone I trusted set me up to die. I guess I fooled him,” he smiled. She had a sad look on her face, staring at him. He was handsome in a rugged, mature man way. But then again, he couldn’t be much older than she was. She stared at him, and for some reason, for the first time in years, she was willing to talk.

“My father sold me. For debt and drugs. He sold me to a cartel leader, drug trafficker, human trafficker, and all-around monster. He sold me.”

“I know, honey. But you’ll be able to start a new life. After this is all done, we’ll give you a new identity, get you somewhere safe where you can start over. You can build a new life for yourself and do anything you want to do. A fresh start.” He smiled, hoping to make her feel more at ease but knowing that it wouldn’t be that easy.

“A fresh start? Start over? Ken. Kegger. What do you want me to call you?”

“Kegger is fine,” he smiled.

“Kegger, I’m forty-one years old. I’m too old to start over. I’ve been gone from the university for ten years, so I seriously doubt they’ve held my position, nor would they want me back after this whole nightmare.

“Ten years of my life in that hellhole waiting for the next beating. Don’t get me wrong, he raped me as well, but at least that was fast and, for the most part, painless. I was lucky he didn’t like to share, or I could have been given to his men. What I feared more was what new tortuous beating was coming next. So I learned to wait. Waiting to allow myself to be his punching bag. I tried to escape. Believe me, I did, but there was no way he was letting me go.”

“Forty-one isn’t ancient, Morgan. I’m older than you are, but I started over by coming here when I wasn’t much older than you. Best decision I’ve ever made. Maybe you can do the same.” She opened her mouth to speak, and then Gabi, Riley, and Lucinda entered the room.

“Alright, sweetie, we’ve got everything we need. We’re going to have to remove that jawbone and put in an artificial one, but it will be better than the real thing. Londyn thinks she can do a few permanent replacement teeth and save the remainder of your own. That’s always preferred if you can do it.

“The orbital bone has some old fractures, and we’ll reinforce those. You’re a bit anemic, but a few days here, and you’ll be right where you should be,” said Gabi.

“What about the pelvic exam?” she asked flatly. Kegger’s stomach dropped, realizing that he hadn’t even thought about what the man had done to her internal body. “Is there permanent damage?”

“There is some, Morgan, but nothing that will require surgery. I would imagine you’ve had some painful periods.” She nodded, not even blushing. “You’re at the beginning of menopause, so that will start to dissipate. We’re going to let nature take its course for now. If you have trouble later, we’ll deal with that then.”

“D-do I have to stay in the hospital?”

“No. Once the surgery is done and you’re out of recovery, we can take you to one of the cottages. If you don’t want to be alone, we can assign one of the men to guard you.” Morgan’s eyes went wide, and without a second thought, she spoke.

“Him,” she said, pointing at Kegger. “Can I have him with me?” Riley smiled, nodding at the woman.

“I think that will work. Kegger? You have an extra room in your cabin on the other island, right?” He nodded, still in shock that Morgan had pointed at him. “Then that’s where we’ll take you. It’s an easy ride, and you’ll be safe over there.”

“Alright. Let’s do this,” she nodded. Cruz and Doc helped her onto the surgical gurney, gently speaking to her as they began to move. Morgan turned, looking back at Kegger, and he could sense her fear and uncertainty.

“I’ll be right here, Morgan.” When she was gone, he walked out into the waiting room to see the team. Luke stood, waiting for him.

“They just took her back. I’m not sure what kind of pain she’s in now, but it’s going to be fucking brutal when they’re done with her.”

“She’s a strong woman, Kegger. I can’t believe she survived all this time. I’m wondering why Ramos kept her alive?”

“Did her father have something Ramos needed?” asked Rett.

“I’m not sure. She said she was traded to Ramos in place of a debt owed by her father. That could be both cash and drugs or something else.”

“I’ll get with the new kid, Tyler, and see if he can tell us anything about Sutton. She didn’t mention the name of the gang, but I’m sure we can find it,” said East.

“Why don’t you guys get some rest?” said Luke. “Once we speak with Bankston, we’ll have a better idea of what they expect for us to do.”

“Or not do,” frowned Rett. They all stared at him. “What if they want us to just sit back and do nothing? I mean, no offense, but I’d like to know if he’s coming after me or my brothers and what the fuck for.”
