Page 6 of Branded

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“I told you my sister could pick us up.” But he’d made me tell her no.

“And I told you I wanted the freedom of my own car. What if I want to go out for a drink or I need to escape?”

“Oh God, don’t be so juvenile.” I huffed and rolled my eyes. “Escape?”

“Hey, I just want my own frickin’ car.” His hardened stare penetrated my skull.

I blew him off. “If this is you being nervous, it’s time you got over it.”

All week he’d complained about everything under the sun. His over-the-top, ridiculous assumptions about my family rushing us to the altar had been like a broken record. Jesus, his immaturity about meeting my family was grading on my last nerve.

“Well, you’re not making it easy.” His mouth went by my ear and he whispered, “You could be nicer.” He wasn’t wrong, I could be, but he wasn’t making it easy for me either.

“Sorry. I’m just eager to get on the road. We still have an hour to drive.”

“And we’ll get there when we get there.”

I said nothing. It wasn’t worth getting into a fight at the beginning of our trip, so I’d drop it.

Once we were on the interstate, my mood improved tenfold. The squabble we’d had was forgotten and my excitement had returned. Nothing and no one would ruin my weekend.

“I can’t believe we’re here!” I beamed, taking in the scenery. In the southern part of South Dakota, not much ever changed. Burntwood was a farming community surrounded by rolling plains on the eastside of the Missouri River. I exhaled a cleansing breath. “Feels like it’s been forever since the last time I visited.”

“It’s mind-blowing how excited you are. You know how I dread seeing my family,” he shamefully admitted.

“Aww, I hope it isn’t always like that.” I patted his hand. “I like your family.” Although they were uptight and flaunted their lavish lifestyle.

“Yeah, they like you, too.”

“They like me? You never told me that!” I twisted in my chair to get a better look at him.

“I guess I forgot to tell you,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

“Well, I’m glad. This way, I can relax when we have dinner with them.” I smiled brightly. He did not know how relieved I was, but I wondered why he hadn’t said anything until now.

He raised my hand to his lips and kissed it like he would my mouth. A chill shot up my spine and I shivered as his tongue got in on the action.

“Jake, you’re making me tingle.” I squirmed in my seat but didn’t dare pull my hand away. It felt too good and having a release before I got home would be lovely. I could imagine the tension melting away and euphoric bliss spreading through me. God yes, I needed an orgasm.

“I’m just messing with you.” He put my hand on my leg. “So, this is where you’re from? Not much to look at, huh?” And just like that, he’d poured a bucket of ice water on my lady bits.

I scowled, then got over it. He’d never gotten me off in the car before, so why would he now?

“South Dakota isn’t for everyone.” It was rather plain and uninspiring, compared to SoCal or any other West Coast city.

“I can’t imagine why anyone would want to live here.”

I ignored him and found joy in being home.

As Jake drove, I pointed out area landmarks from the interstate as we passed by Chamberlain, like the Dignity: Of Earth and Sky. Not that it could be missed. It was so massive and beautiful.

“Isn’t it gorgeous?” I bounced in my seat like when I was a little girl.

“Yeah, it’s cool.” He laughed. “So how much longer until we get to your parents’ place? I gotta take a leak.”

“About a half an hour after we cross the bridge.”

“Christ, they’re out in no-man’s-land.” He turned the radio on and a country song played. “Here. Put something decent on.” He handed his phone to me.
