Page 28 of The Mating Games

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Her scent was intoxicating, an alluring blend of fear, determination, and something else I couldn’t quite place.

It was magic, drawing me in and urging me to get closer, to touch, to taste…

The sudden realization hit me like a sledgehammer:


It had been an age since I’d felt this way, and to experience it under such dire circumstances was unexpected.

My inner conflict was palpable.

The rational part of me argued for restraint, for respecting boundaries and focusing on the task at hand.

But another part, more primal, yearned to close the distance between us and pull her into an embrace.

She must’ve sensed the tension because she cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably.

The movement broke my trance, and I found myself shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

I had to stay in control.

Forbothour sakes.

Despite the swirling emotions, I managed to rein in the overwhelming urge.

I gave her a small nod, silently communicating that she was safe, that I would not let any harm come to her.

The trust that blossomed in her eyes at that moment was both a gift and a responsibility.

The game had thrown us together, pawns in a twisted fate.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a bond was forming, one that transcended the boundaries of species and planets.

It was new, uncharted territory, but if the past few hours were any indication, it was clear that nothing would be predictable in this journey.

* * *

The roars grew louder, closer.

The female bolted to her feet and seemed on the edge of taking off into the jungle.

“They’re searching,” I murmured, peering at the jungle’s edge.

The female’s face paled at the realization, her body tensing.

Another roar, this one closer than the last, made her visibly shudder.

“We don’t have much time,” I whispered, my golden eyes trying to convey urgency without terrifying her further. “You need to be silent. If they hear us, find us… believe me, you don’t want to know what comes next.”

She nodded, biting her lip.

The sheer vulnerability in her gaze made me want to reassure her, but the reality of our situation held my comforting words at bay.

Instead, I decided introductions might be a small, albeit necessary, distraction.

Extending my hand, palm up and fingers slightly curled, I introduced myself in the manner customary for my species. “I am Jayas of the Zelthorian cluster,” I said, my voice a low rumble.

She seemed momentarily taken aback, perhaps expecting a handshake or another human gesture.
